How To Get Equipment In WWE Supercard?

Do you want to know how to get equipment in WWE Supercard? There are a few ways to do it, and we’ll tell you all about them in this blog post.

Getting Started

In order to get started, you will need to have a valid WWE Network account. If you do not have a WWE Network account, you can create one by visiting and clicking on the “Subscribe” button. Once you have a WWE Network account, you can log in and begin playing WWE Supercard.

Installing the game

Installing the game is easy! Just make sure you have enough storage space on your device.

Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it up and you’ll be prompted to create an account. You can use your Facebook account, Google account, or create a new WWE Supercard account.

Once you’ve chosen how you want to log in, select your platform – iOS or Android. After that, you’ll need to allow the game to access your device’s storage. This is so we can save your progress and give you the best possible experience while playing WWE Supercard.

Now that you’ve logged in and granted access to your device’s storage, you’re ready to start playing!

Creating an account

In order to get started in WWE Supercard, you’ll need to create an account. You can do this by clicking on the “Sign Up” button on the home screen.

Once you’ve clicked on the “Sign Up” button, you’ll be taken to a new screen where you’ll be asked to enter your email address, password, and username. Once you’ve entered all of the required information, click on the “Create Account” button.

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll be able to log in and start playing WWE Supercard!

The Basics

WWE Supercard is a card-based game that features WWE superstars and divas. The game is available on iOS and Android devices. You can collect cards of your favourite WWE superstars and divas, and use them to battle other players online. The objective of the game is to collect as many cards as possible, and to build the strongest deck possible.

The game interface

The game interface in WWE Supercard is fairly intuitive. The game is played on a 6x6 grid, with your cards occupying the bottom three rows and your opponent’s cards occupying the top three rows. Above the grid are your active wrestler card, your opponent’s active wrestler card, and a slot for each player’s signature card. To the left of the grid is information about your hand size and what kind of action you can take on your turn. At the bottom of the screen are options to End Turn, Play a Card, or Use a Special Ability.

The different game modes

There are five main game modes in WWE Supercard.
-Exhibition: Here you can play one-off matches against the AI to practice or just have some fun. You can also gamble on the outcome of these matches for some extra coins.
-King of the Ring: This mode sees you building a deck of cards and taking on other players in a tournament format. There are four different King of the Ring tournaments to choose from, each with their own entry requirements, rewards, and playing conditions.
-People’s Champion Challenge: In this mode, you take on other players’ decks in exchange for coins and other rewards.
-Mixed Match Challenge: As the name suggests, this is a mixed mode where you team up with another player to take on another team of two players.
-Survivor Series: This is a team-based mode where you form a stable of up to five players and take on other teams in best-of-five matches. The first team to win three matches wins the Survivor Series.

Getting Equipment

Equipment in WWE Supercard refers to the cards that are inserted into your deck in order to provide a boost in stats or an effect. Equipment can be found by completing sets, which are groups of cards that are related by either theme or wrestler. Each set will award a different piece of equipment, and some sets will award multiple pieces.

The different types of equipment

There are several different types of equipment in WWE Supercard, each with their own rarity. The rarer the equipment, the more powerful it is.

-Common: The most basic type of equipment. These are generally weak and not very useful.
-Rare: More powerful than commons, but still not as strong as epics or legendaries.
-Epic: Among the strongest equipment in the game. Rare and powerful.
-Legendary: The most powerful equipment in the game. Extremely rare and coveted by all players.

How to get equipment

You can get equipment from card packs, from the shop, or from the seasonal store.

-CARD PACKS: MVP cards have a chance to drop any type of equipment. Elite cards have a chance to drop secondary equipment. Legend cards have a chance to drop tertiary equipment.
-SHOP: You can purchase packs with credits in the shop that will always give you random equipment. The higher the rarity of pack, the higher the chance for rarer equipment.
-SEASONAL STORE: The seasonal store will offer exclusive deals that change every few weeks. These packs will always give you random equipment, and some offers may guarantee a certain amount or rarity of equipment.

Using Equipment

There are a few ways to get more equipment in WWE Supercard. You can get them from the shop using either Credits or Play Points, you can find them as random drops from matches, or you can earn them from certain Set Bonuses. In this article, we’ll go over all the ways you can get equipment in WWE Supercard.

How to use equipment

In WWE Supercard, you can use equipment to improve your card’s performance in battle. Each piece of equipment has different effects, and can be equipped to different card types. You can check what each piece of equipment does by opening the in-game store, then tapping on the “Equipment” tab.

To equip a piece of equipment to a card, open the “My Cards” screen, then tap on the card you want to equip. From there, tap on the “Equip” button, then select the equipment you want to use. You can only equip one piece of equipment to each card at a time.

If you have any questions about using equipment in WWE Supercard, feel free to ask in the comments below!

The benefits of using equipment

In WWE Supercard, using equipment can give your cards a significant boost in stats. Each piece of equipment has different stat bonuses, and you can equip multiple pieces of equipment to further increase your card’s stats. There are four types of equipment in WWE Supercard:

WWE Championship Belts: These belts provide a small stat boost to the card that equips them.

Gimmick Cards: Gimmick cards provide a moderate stat boost, as well as a special ability that can be used in matches.

Locations: Locations provide a large stat boost, as well as a special match type that can be played at that location.

Unique Items: Unique items are one-of-a-kind items that can only be equipped by certain cards. They provide a massive stat boost, as well as a unique special ability.


You have finally made it to the conclusion of our guide on how to get equipment in WWE Supercard. We hope that you have found all of the information that you were looking for and that you now feel confident in your abilities to get equipment in WWE Supercard.

Wrapping up

So there you have it! This is everything you need to know about how to get equipment in WWE Supercard. We hope this guide has been helpful and that you are now able to fully take advantage of all the features this game has to offer. As always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to us via our support page and we will be happy to assist you.

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