How To Get Grass Stains Out Of Baseball Pants?

You’re at the game, you’re up to bat, and you know this is your chance to make a home run. You swing with all your might and…you connect! The ball soars through the air and you start to run. But as you round first base, you see the infielder giving you an odd look. You realize…oh no! Your pants are stained with grass! What are you going to do?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Read


Nobody likes grass stains, especially on their baseball pants. But don’t worry, there are a few ways you can get them out! With a little bit of effort, you can have your pants looking good as new in no time.

What You’ll Need

-1/2 cup of oxygenated bleach
-A plastic basin or bucket
-1 gallon of hot water

Grass stains are one of the most difficult stains to remove from clothing. They are especially difficult to remove from baseball pants because the fabric is usually very thick. If you have a pair of stained baseball pants, don’t despair. With a little time and effort, you should be able to get them looking good as new.

Here’s what you’ll need to do:

1. Fill a plastic basin or bucket with 1 gallon of hot water.

2. Add 1/2 cup of oxygenated bleach to the hot water.

3. Submerge the stained areas of the baseball pants in the bleach solution.

4. Allow the pants to soak for at least 30 minutes, or longer if the stains are very stubborn.

5. Rinse the pants thoroughly with cold water.

6. Rub the stained areas with a damp cloth to loosen any remaining dirt or grass stains.
7. Wash the pants in your washing machine using the hottest setting possible.

8. Hang the pants up to dry, or put them in your dryer on the highest heat setting.

The Process

Getting grass stains out of baseball pants is a process that requires two steps. The first is to soak the pants in a mixture of water and vinegar for 30 minutes. The second is to wash the pants in the washing machine with a load of dark colored clothes.

Additional Tips

-To further prevent grass stains, you can treat your baseball pants with a water and stain repellent.

-If the grass stain is already set in, you can try pretreating it with a laundry prewash or by soaking the garment in a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water.

-If the grass stain persists, you can try treating it with a commercial grass stain remover or by using a paste made from 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water.


There you have it, a simple guide on how to get grass stains out of baseball pants. Now get out there and practice those sliding catches!

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