How To Get Into Lol Esports?

Looking to get into the competitive world of League of Legends? Here’s a guide on how to get into the LOL Esports scene!


Have you ever wondered how to get into LOL esports? The first step is understanding the game. If you are a fan of the game, but don’t really understand it, start by watching some professional matches and learning the ins and outs of the game. You can find plenty of helpful guides online that will walk you through the basics.

From there, start playing the game yourself and see if you have what it takes to be competitive. If you think you do, start practicing with a team and see if you can make it to the amateur level. Once you’ve proven yourself there, you may be able to take your career to the next level by trying out for a professional team.

Of course, becoming a professional LOL player is not easy. It takes dedication, skill, and a lot of hard work. But if you’re passionate about the game and want to make a career out of it, it’s definitely possible. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing today and who knows where you might end up tomorrow!

Do Your Research

The first step in getting into LoL esports is to do your research. Read about the competitive scene, the teams, the players, and the tournaments. When you have a good understanding of what’s going on, you can start thinking about how you want to get involved.

There are a few different ways to get involved in LoL esports. You can be a professional player, a coach, a shoutcaster (or commentator), a journalist, or work in some other capacity behind the scenes. Each role has its own requirements and its own path to follow.

If you want to be a professional player, the best way to start is by playing in online tournaments. There are many websites that host online tournaments for all skill levels, so you can find one that’s right for you. Once you start winning some games and gaining recognition, you may be contacted by a professional team or organizations looking for players.

If you’re interested in coaching, your best bet is to start working with amateur teams and help them improve their gameplay. As your skills as a coach become more apparent, you may be approached by professionals looking for someone to help their team win tournaments.

For roles like shoutcasting and journalism, the best way to break into the scene is by creating content yourself and building up a following. If you��re good at what you do, it won’t be long before someone takes notice and offers you an opportunity to work with them professionally.

Whatever role you want to pursue in LoL esports, the most important thing is to just get started. Do your research, find an opportunity that interests you, and put in the hard work required to succeed. If you do all of these things, you’ll be well on your way to making a name for yourself in the competitive scene

Find Your Role

When it comes to playing games at a professional level, most people tend to think that the only way to “make it” is by becoming a pro player. However, there are actually a lot of different roles that need to be filled in order for a team to be successful, and not all of them involve playing the game. If you’re interested in getting into the esports industry, your best bet is to start by finding out what role you’d like to fill on a team. Here are some of the most popular roles in esports:

Pro player: This is the role that most people think of when they think of professional gaming. Pro players are the ones who compete in tournaments and matches, and their job is to win games.

Coach: Coaches help pro players by coming up with strategies and helping them practice. They also help manage the team and make sure everyone is working well together.

Analyst: Analysts help teams by studying opponents and coming up with ways to beat them. They also create reports that can help coaches and players improve their own play.

Observer: Observers are responsible for recording match footage and providing it to teams so they can analyze their own play. They also commentate on matches and provide live analysis during events.

Content creator: Content creators produce videos, articles, or other types of content that helps promote an esports team or organization. They might run a YouTube channel or write articles for a website.

Manager: Managers handle a variety of behind-the-scenes tasks, such as handling money, negotiating contracts, scheduling practices and tournaments, and dealing with public relations.

Create or Join a Team

To get into the world of competitive League of Legends, you’ll need to either create or join a team. If you don’t know anyone who already plays at a competitive level, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to find people to play with.

The first step is to create an account on a site like Once you’ve done that, you can either join an existing team or create your own. Once you’ve found a team, the next step is to start practicing.

When it comes to practicing, there are two main things you need to focus on: individual skill and team coordination. For individual skill, the best thing you can do is watch professional players and try to copy their mechanics. You can also find helpful guides online that will teach you specific things like how to last hit better or how to position yourself in fights.

As for team coordination, the best way to practice is by playing against other teams in informal scrimmages. Scrimmages are just practice games between two teams – they’re not part of any official tournament or ladder. You can usually find teams looking for scrims by joining Discord servers related to your region (for example, the EUW server if you’re from Europe).

Once you feel like you and your team are ready, the next step is to start playing in official tournaments. Tournaments usually have different formats (single elimination, double elimination, etc.), but the general premise is always the same: win enough games and advance through the bracket until you reach the final game. The prize pool for most tournaments is small (usually just a few hundred dollars), but if you manage to win one it’s a great way to get your name out there and attract attention from bigger organizations.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get into competitive League of Legends! Just remember that it takes a lot of time and practice – don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately.

Start Competing

The best way to get started in eSports is to start competing. If you’re good enough, you’ll get noticed. Begin by playing in online tournaments and ladders. Once you start ranking high in these competitions, you’ll begin to attract the attention of sponsors and organizations.

You can also look for online Communities that specialize in helping players find teams and events to compete in. if you live close to a major city, there may even be local LAN events you can participate in. The more experience you have, the better your chances of being signed by a professional eSports organization will be.

Keep Practicing and Improving

If you really want to make it in the competitive scene of any game, you have to be willing to put in the time and dedication to practicing and improving. For League of Legends, that means playing a variety of game modes to hone your skills in different aspects of the game. Summoner’s Rift is the primary competitive mode, but you should also take time to play ARAM, Dominion, Twisted Treeline, and even normals. Each game mode requires different strategies and team compositions, so it’s important to be well-rounded. You should also try out different roles and learn how to play them proficiently. In competitive games, it’s not uncommon for one player to fill multiple roles depending on the needs of their team. The more versatile you are, the more valuable you will be as a player.

Of course, simply playing the game isn’t enough – you need to be constantly analyzing your own gameplay and seeking out ways to improve. This means studying replays of your own games as well as those of pro players. Pay attention to things like farming patterns, movement around the map, use of abilities and items, etc. As you learn more about the game and what it takes to succeed at a high level, you can start applying those concepts to your own playstyle.

There is no “correct” way to get better at League of Legends – everyone has their own methods and routine that works for them. However, if you really want to make it in the competitive scene, you need to be willing to put in the time and dedication necessary to improve as a player. Constantly strive to learn more about the game and how you can better yourself as a player, and eventually you may just find yourself among the ranks of the pros.


There is no single answer to the question of how to get into LOL eSports. Every player brings something unique to the table, and it’s up to each individual to find their own way into the professional scene.

What is important is putting in the time and effort to improve as a player. There are many resources available for aspiring professionals, and it’s up to you to make use of them. If you’re serious about making it into eSports, start by honing your skills in solo queue and then look for opportunities to join or create a competitive team.

From there, it’s a matter of grinding your way up the ranks and proving yourself as one of the best players in the world. It won’t be easy, but with dedication and hard work, anything is possible.

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