How to Get Into Rainbow Six Siege Esports

Want to know how to get into Rainbow Six Siege esports? Here’s everything you need to know, from the basics of the game to the top Rainbow Six Siege teams.

How to Get Into Rainbow Six Siege Esports


Since its release in 2015, Rainbow Six Siege has become one of the most popular first-person shooter games in the world. With a large and ever-growing player base, the game has seen a rise in popularity for its competitive scene as well. Here’s everything you need to know about getting into Rainbow Six Siege esports.

Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical shooter game that pits two teams of players against each other in a variety of different game modes. The objective of the game is to either attack or defend a particular area or objective, with both teams working together in order to achieve victory.

The Rainbow Six Siege competitive scene has been growing rapidly over the past few years, with tournaments taking place all over the world. The game is currently played at a professional level by a number of different teams, with many more amateur and semi-professional teams also taking part in online and offline tournaments.

If you’re interested in getting into Rainbow Six Siege esports, there are a few things you need to know. Firstly, you’ll need to be competent at playing the game at a high level. This means being able to understand and execute complex strategies, as well as having quick reflexes and aim.

You’ll also need to be able to work well as part of a team, as teamwork is essential in Rainbow Six Siege. Communication is key in this game, so you’ll need to be able to effectively communicate with your teammates in order to coordinate your efforts.

Finally, you’ll need to be dedicated and committed to improving your skills on an ongoing basis. Like with any sport or competitive activity, practice makes perfect and the only way to get better at Rainbow Six Siege is by putting in the hours and working on your weaknesses.

If you think you have what it takes to compete in Rainbow Six Siege esports, then there are a number of different ways you can get involved. The first step is to find a team that suits your skill level and playstyle. Once you’ve found a team, you can begin practicing together and taking part in online tournaments.

If you’re serious about making it into the professional ranks of Rainbow Six Siege esports, then you’ll need to put in the hard work and dedication required to make it to the top. However, if you’re willing to put in the effort, then there’s no reason why you can’t achieve success in this competitive scene.

What is Rainbow Six Siege?

Rainbow Six Siege is a competitive first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft. The game was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in December 2015. It pits two teams against each other in a close quarters battle to the death.

The object of the game is to either eliminate the enemy team or complete an objective, such as planting or diffusing a bomb. There are a variety of game modes, but the most popular is 5v5.

Rainbow Six Siege has a large and growing competitive scene. There are many professional teams who compete in tournaments around the world for large sums of money.

If you’re interested in getting into Rainbow Six Siege esports, there are a few things you need to know. First and foremost, you need to be good at the game. There are many ways to improve your skills, but the best way is to practice against other people who are also trying to get better.

You can do this by finding scrims (scrimmage games) or pugs (pick-up games) online. There are also many local tournaments that you can compete in to test your skills against others in your area.

Another important thing to remember is that Rainbow Six Siege is a team game. In order to be successful, you will need to find friends or teammates who you can rely on and who will help you improve as a player.

If you’re serious about getting into Rainbow Six Siege esports, there’s no reason why you can’t make it happen. With some dedication and hard work, anything is possible.

Rainbow Six Siege is a tactical competitive shooter that has been on the rise in the esports scene for the past few years. The game has a strong following and there are multiple competitive leagues that teams can participate in. So why is it so popular?

One of the things that makes Rainbow Six Siege so popular is its unique gameplay. The objective of the game is to attack or defend a fixed location, and teams must use their tactical skills to outwit their opponents. This leads to some very intense and exciting matches.

Another reason Rainbow Six Siege is so popular is because it is a very well-balanced game. There are dozens of different operators (characters) to choose from, each with their own unique skills and abilities. This means that no two games are ever the same, and teams have to adapt their strategies on the fly to be successful.

Finally, Rainbow Six Siege has a very strong support system from its developer, Ubisoft. There are regular updates and improvements made to the game, and Ubisoft also hosts annual tournaments with large cash prizes. This helps keep players invested in the game, and ensures that Rainbow Six Siege will continue to be popular for years to come.

What do you need to get into Siege esports?

Just like any other sport or form of competition, there are certain things you will need in order to get involved in Siege esports. Below is a list of what you will need in order to start playing Siege competitively.

-A good understanding of the game and its mechanics
-Fast reflexes
-The ability to think quickly and make split-second decisions
-Good aim
-Teamwork skills

If you have these qualities, then you have what it takes to get into Siege esports. The next step is to find a team or organization to play for.

The Different Roles in Siege

There are different roles that are played in Rainbow Six Siege. These roles are needed to be filled in order for a team to be successful. The most commonly played role is the attacker. Attackers are the ones who breach the enemy’s defenses and allow their teammates to get in and take control of the objective.


There are five roles in Rainbow Six Siege esports: attacker, defender, roamer, anchor, and coach. Each role has a unique set of responsibilities and brings a different set of skills to the team. Here’s a brief overview of each role.

The attackers’ job is to breach the defenders’ defenses and take control of the objective. They are responsible for dealing the most damage to the opposing team and must be able to think on their feet to outsmart the defenders.

The defenders’ job is to stop the attackers from taking control of the objective. They do this by fortifying their position and using their knowledge of the map to their advantage.

The roamer’s job is to support the attacker and defender roles by providing information about the enemy team’s location and movements. They are also responsible for flank attacks and protecting their teammates from behind.

The anchor’s job is to be the last line of defense for the team. They must be able to hold their ground against even the most determined attackers.

The coach’s job is to manage the team, develop strategies, and help players improve their skills. They are responsible for making sure that everyone on the team is working together towards a common goal.


Defenders play a vital role in Siege, their job is to hold the objective and repel the attackers to the best of their ability. Defenders need to be able to think on their feet and come up with strategies on the fly as the attackers will be constantly changing their plans. There are many different ways to play as a defender, but some common strategies include:

-Defenders should always try to stay together as a team. This will allow them to cover more ground and make it more difficult for the attackers to take the objective.

-Defenders should use cover as much as possible. This will make it more difficult for the attackers to take them down and will also help them stay alive longer.

-Defenders need to be aware of all of the pathways leading into the objective room and be prepared to defend them all. Attackers will often try to flank around defenders, so it’s important that they are prepared for this.

– Defenders should try to communicate with each other as much as possible. This will help them coordinate their efforts and make it more difficult for the attackers to take them down.

The Different Siege Esports Tournaments

If you want to get into the Rainbow Six Siege competitive scene, you should know about the various tournaments that you can participate in. There are a few different types of tournaments, each with their own rules and requirements. We’ll go over the main types of tournaments so that you can decide which one is right for you.

The Pro League

The Pro League is the highest level of professional Rainbow Six Siege. It is operated by ESL in partnership with Ubisoft. The Pro League began in March 2016 with Season 1 of Year 1. The Pro League consists of two seasons per year. Each season has 10 weeks of matches, followed by a double-elimination playoff bracket.

The Rainbow Six Siege Pro League represents the highest level of competition for Rainbow Six Siege.

The Challenger League

The Challenger League is the first stage of our Rainbow Six Siege esports ecosystem. The Challenger League is a stepping-stone for amateur teams to eventually become world-class competitors in the Pro League.

The Challenger League is designed around a series of tournaments throughout the year, with 2 Seasons per year. At the end of each season, the bottom team(s) from the Pro League are replaced by the top team (s) from the Challenger League.

This provides a clear path of progression for aspiring professional teams, and also gives every team something to fight for every season.

The Minor League

The Minor League is the first step on the ladder to the Pro League. In order to participate, teams must first qualify in an online open bracket tournament. The winners of these tournaments will then advance to the offline qualifier, where they will play against each other for a spot in one of the four Minors. Each Minor will have a $50,000 prize pool and its own offline qualifier.

How to Get Involved in Siege Esports

Rainbow Six Siege is a popular game with a strong competitive scene. If you’re interested in getting involved in Siege esports, there are a few things you can do. You can start by joining an online community and participating in tournaments. You can also look into joining a professional esports organization.

Finding a Team

The first step in getting involved in Rainbow Six Siege esports is finding a team.

There are a few options available for finding teams. The most common way is to look for teams that are recruiting new players on online platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, or Facebook.

Another option is to contact professional teams directly and inquire about tryouts or bootcamp opportunities.

Finally, many local communities host tournaments which can be a great way to meet potential teammates and get some competitive experience.

Once you have found a team, the next step is to start practicing and competing in online and offline tournaments.

Playing in Tournaments

If you want to get involved in Siege esports, one of the best ways is to start playing in tournaments. You can find online tournaments to join on platforms like Toornament and Faceit, or you can check with your local game store to see if they host any in-person tournaments. Once you’ve gotten some experience playing in tournaments, you may want to try out for a more competitive team. Some teams are open to anyone who wants to try out, while others are invite-only. You can find a list of teams looking for players on the Rainbow Six subreddit.

Getting Scouted

The best way to get into Siege esports is by getting scouted. The most common way to get scouted is by attending a large LAN tournament and placing well. There are a number of large tournaments held throughout the year, the two largest being the Six Major and thePro League Finals. Attending one of these tournaments and performing well is a great way to get noticed by one of the existing teams or organizations.

Another way to get scouted is by streaming Rainbow Six Siege on Twitch. If you’re able to build up a sizeable viewership and consistently perform well in-game, you may be noticed by a professional team or organization who will then approach you about joining their team.

Getting scouted is not the only way to break into Siege esports, but it is certainly the most common and perhaps the most effective. If you’re serious about becoming a professional Rainbow Six Siege player, make sure to attend as many LAN tournaments as possible and stream your gameplay on Twitch.


In conclusion, getting into Rainbow Six Siege Esports can be a very rewarding experience. Not only will you have the opportunity to compete at the highest level, but you will also be able to meet new friends and learn new skills. If you are dedicated and passionate about the game, then there is no reason why you cannot achieve success in this field.

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