How to Get Into Tennis: The Ultimate Guide

Looking to get into tennis? This comprehensive guide has everything you need to know, from the basics of the game to more advanced strategies.


Playing tennis is a great way to stay active, socialize, and have fun. But if you’ve never played before, the prospect of picking up a racket can be daunting.

Don’t worry! This guide will show you how to get into tennis, step by step. We’ll cover everything from finding the right equipment to joining a league. By the time you’re finished reading, you’ll be ready to hit the courts with confidence.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

The Benefits of Tennis

Playing tennis can offer a number of benefits to people of all ages. Tennis is a wonderful way to get some exercise while also enjoying competition and socializing with other people. The game can be played by people of all skill levels, making it a great activity for both individuals and groups. In addition, tennis can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a great option for people no matter what the weather is like.

Improved Cardio and Respiratory Health

Regular tennis playing can improve your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of your heart and lungs to work together to provide the energy needed for sustained physical activity. Respiratory fitness is the amount of oxygen that your lungs can take in and use during exercise. Tennis is a good way to improve both your cardiovascular and respiratory fitness because it is a relatively high-intensity activity that involves long periods of sustained movement.

According to the National Tennis Association, playing tennis can help you burn calories, improve your lung function and increase your VO2 max (the maximal amount of oxygen that you can consume in one minute). A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that tennis players had better cardiorespiratory fitness than non-tennis-players of the same age, gender and body mass index. The study also found that tennis players had lower blood pressure and resting heart rates than non-tennis-players.

Tennis can also help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A large prospective study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that people who played tennis had a lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than people who did not play tennis. The study followed over 4,000 men and women for an average of 25 years and found that people who played tennis had a 56% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than people who did not play tennis.

Improved Muscle Strength, Flexibility, and Endurance

Tennis is a racket sport that can be played individually against a single opponent (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket that is strung with cord to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over or around a net and into the opponent’s court. The object of the game is to maneuver the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a valid return. The player who is unable to return the ball will not gain a point, while the opposite player will.

Tennis is an excellent way to get your cardio in while also working on your muscle strength, flexibility, and endurance. Playing tennis regularly can help improve your cardiovascular health, increase your stamina and energy levels, and improve your muscle strength and flexibility. In addition, tennis can help you lose weight and tone your muscles.

Improved Bone Density

Tennis is an excellent way to improve your bone density. The constant jumping, running, and stopping puts stress on your bones, which in turn makes them stronger. A study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that tennis players had significantly higher bone density in their dominant arm (the arm they use to hit the ball) than non-tennis players.

Improved Joint Function

Tennis is a weight-bearing sport that can improve joint function. Joints are the places where two bones meet, such as your elbow or knee. The cartilage that covers the ends of the bones acts as a cushion, and the joint capsule surrounding the joint helps hold everything in place. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint and allows it to move smoothly.

Joints work best when they go through a full range of motion on a regular basis. This helps keep the cartilage healthy by providing nutrients and getting rid of waste products. Joints that don’t move much can become stiff and painful. Tennis requires you to use all of your joints—from your ankles to your shoulders—through a full range of motion, which can help keep them healthy.

Improved Mental Health

Tennis is not only a physically demanding sport, but it also requires split-second decision-making and critical thinking. As such, playing tennis can help to improve your mental health by sharpen your focus, concentration, and cognitive skills. In addition, the challenge of trying to beat an opponent can help to boost your self-confidence and sense of achievement.

The Right Equipment

Before you even think about playing tennis, you need to have the right equipment. You need a good racket, comfortable shoes, and appropriate clothing. You also need to make sure you have the right balls. You can find all of this equipment at your local sports store or online. Once you have all of your equipment, you’re ready to start playing tennis!

Tennis Racket

The tennis racket is the most essential piece of equipment in tennis. It’s the one thing you need to be able to play the game.

There are a lot of different rackets on the market, and it can be confusing trying to figure out which one is right for you. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when shopping for a tennis racket:

-Racket size: The size of the racket head influences the sweet spot (the area where you make contact with the ball that results in the best possible shot). A larger sweet spot means more forgiveness on off-center hits. If you’re a beginner, we recommend going with a mid-sized or large-headed racket.

-String pattern: The number of main strings (the horizontal strings that intersect with the vertical strings) and cross strings (the vertical strings that intersect with the main strings) determines the string pattern. A higher number of main and cross strings results in a denser string pattern, which offers more control but less power. A lower number of main and cross strings results in a more open string pattern, which offers more power but less control. If you’re a beginner, we recommend going with an open string pattern.

-Grip size: The grip size is measure by your hand size (in inches). The general rule is that you should be able to fit your index finger between your palm and the top of the grip. If you can’t, then the grip is too small; if you can fit more than one finger, then the grip is too large. Most rackets come in grip sizes 4 1/8 inches (for smaller hands), 4 3/8 inches (for average-sized hands), and 4 5/8 inches (for larger hands). If you’re not sure what size you need, we recommend trying out different sizes at your local tennis shop until you find one that feels comfortable.

Tennis Balls

Tennis balls are small, round, felt-covered rubber balls. They are approximately 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) in diameter and weigh 1.5 ounces (43 grams). The balls have a pressurized core wrapped in several layers of felt. The core is made up of rubber or synthetic rubber and is filled with air or nitrogen. The outer layer of the ball is made up of felt, which can be natural or synthetic.

Tennis balls are designed to bounce on hard surfaces and maintain their shape during play. They are used in the sport of tennis, as well as in other racquet sports such as squash, badminton, and pickleball.

Tennis balls must meet certain specifications set by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). These include a minimum weight of 1.975 ounces (56 grams) and a maximum diameter of 2.7 inches (6.86 cm). The balls must also have a deformation of less than 25% when dropped from a height of 100 inches (2.54 meters).

Tennis Shoes

Tennis shoes, also called sneakers, are designed to provide extra traction and support on the tennis court. They vary in price depending on quality, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get a good pair of shoes. You can find Tennis shoes at most sporting goods stores or online. Be sure to try them on before you buy to make sure they fit well and provide enough support.

The Right Clothing

If you have ever wondered how to get into tennis or even what the required clothing is, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore how to get into tennis starting with the right clothing. Believe it or not, the clothing you wear can make a big difference in your game.

Tennis Shorts or Skirts

When it comes to choosing the right clothing to play tennis, there are a few things you need to take into account. The first is the type of fabric that your clothes are made from. You want something that is going to wick away sweat and keep you cool, so avoid cotton if possible. Synthetic fabrics like polyester are a good choice, or you can go for natural fabrics like merino wool.

The second thing to consider is the style of clothing. You want something that is not too loose or too tight, as this can interfere with your movement on the court. Tennis shorts or skirts are a good option for women, while men can opt for tennis shorts or pants.

Finally, make sure you choose clothing that is comfortable and won’t restrict your movement. You want to be able to focus on your game, not on your clothes!

Tennis Tops

While you can technically play tennis in anything you want on top, there are certain items of clothing that will help you perform your best. For men, a tennis shirt with built-in sweat-wicking fabric will keep you cool and dry as you sprint across the court. If you prefer a more traditional look, a polo shirt is always a classic choice.

For women, a tennis tank top or racerback is a good option as it allows you to move freely without your clothing getting in the way. If you tend to get chilly on the court, a long-sleeved option can also be helpful. As with men’s shirts, women’s tops are also available in sweat-wicking fabrics to keep you cool and dry throughout your match.

Tennis Socks

Tennis socks are important because they protect your feet from blisters and can also keep them cool in hot weather. They should be made of a moisture-wicking fabric, such as wool or synthetic fibers, and should fit snugly without being too tight. Look for socks that come up over your ankle for the best protection.

The Right Technique

In order to get into tennis, you need the right technique. This guide will show you how to get into tennis the right way. We’ll cover the right way to grip the racket, the right way to hit the ball, and the right way to footwork.

Proper Grip

How you grip the tennis racket can probably be best described as a “handshake” between you and the racket. Different grips offer different strokes and spin for the ball. Choosing the right grip is important because it can determine what type of strokes you hit and how much control and spin you have over the ball.

There are four main types of grips in tennis:
-Continental Grip: The continental grip is used mainly for backhand strokes but can also be used for volleying. The bottom hand is positioned at the base of the racket handle with the thumb pointing down, while the top hand grasps the racket around neck. This grip allows players to hit high-arcing backhand strokes with heavy spin.
-Eastern Grip: The eastern grip is used primarily for forehand strokes but can also be used on volleys and backhand strokes. The bottom hand is positioned at the base of racket with thumb pointing to 11 o’clock, while top hand grasps racket around neck. This grip produces a flat Shots with less spin are produced.
-Western Grip:The western grip is also used for forehand strokes but can make it difficult to volley unless you are an experienced player.. To assume this grip, position your hand at lower part of racket handle so that your thumb points to 1 o’clock. Top hand should grasp racket around neck. This grip produces topspin on forehand strokes and can give players more power as they swing through the ball.
-Semi-Western Grip: The semi-western grip falls between the eastern and western grips in terms of where your hand is position on the racket handle. It’s functional for all strokes but is generally associated with more advanced players because it takes time to master.. For this grip, position your hand on lower part of racket so that your thumb points to 10 o’clock when holding it up to your shoulder.. Top hand should grasp racket around neck.. With a semi-western grip, you can generate significant topspin on your forehandstrokes without sacrificing too much power..

Proper Footwork

One of the most important aspects of tennis is proper footwork. Good footwork will allow you to get into the right position to hit the ball, and it will help you stay balanced during your stroke. There are two main types of footwork in tennis:

-The first type is called “side-to-side” footwork, and it is used when you are hitting a forehand or backhand shot from the baseline. To do this type of footwork, start by positioning yourself in the center of your court, with your feet shoulder-width apart. When the ball comes toward you, step forward with your right foot (if you are hitting a forehand) or your left foot (if you are hitting a backhand), and then quickly step across the court with your other foot. Be sure to keep your feet shoulder-width apart as you move; this will help you stay balanced.

-The second type of footwork is called “cross-court” footwork, and it is used when you are hitting a shots from the middle of the court or when you are approaching the net. For cross-court footwork, start by positioning yourself in the center of your court, with your feet shoulder-width apart. When the ball comes toward you, take a large step forward with your right foot (if you are right-handed) or your left food (if you are left-handed), and then quickly cross over to the other side of the court with your other foot. Again, be sure to keep your feet shoulder-width apart as you move; this will help you stay balanced.

Proper Swing

Tennis is a racket sport that can be played individually against a single opponent (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). Each player uses a tennis racket that is strung with cord to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over or around a net and into the opponent’s court. The object of the game is to maneuver the ball in such a way that the opponent is not able to play a valid return. The player who is unable to return the ball will not gain a point, while the opposite player will.

The Right Playing Environment

To get into tennis, you need to find the right playing environment. You can play tennis indoors or outdoors, but you need to make sure you have the right equipment. You will need a racket, balls, and shoes. You can also find a tennis court near you by using a court finder.

Playing Surfaces

The basic playing surface for tennis is defined by the International Tennis Federation (ITF) as a rectangular, flat surface not exceeding 27 meters in length and 18 meters in width. The surface can be composed of different materials such as clay, grass, hardcourt, or synthetic materials.

The different types of playing surfaces have different characteristics that can affect the game. For example, a clay court absorbs more of the impact from a tennis ball than a hardcourt, which can make the ball bounce higher. Grass courts tend to be faster than other types of surfaces, while hardcourts are generally slower.

When choosing a playing surface, it’s important to consider your own strengths and weaknesses as a player. Do you have a powerful serve? Then you might want to choose a faster surface like grass or hardcourt.Are you good at running down balls? Then you might want to choose a slower surface like clay.

Here is a list of the different types of playing surfaces:

-Clay: Clay courts are made of crushed shale, stone or brick. They are usually red in color. Clay courts are considered slower than other types of surfaces because the ball doesn’t bounce as high. This can make it easier to play shots with topspin.

-Grass: Grass courts are composed of closely mown grass. They are considered the fastest type of court because the ball bounces very low on the surface. This can make it difficult to control shots and create spin.

-Hardcourt: Hardcourts are made of concrete or asphalt coated with an acrylic finish. They are considered medium-fast courts because they provide a good balance between speed and bounce height. Hardcourts can be slippery when they’re new, so it’s important to wear shoes with good traction.

Weather Conditions

While tennis can be played indoors, the majority of tennis matches are played outdoors. Creating the right playing environment is key to playing your best game.

The weather conditions have a big impact on how a tennis match will go. If it’s too hot, players will get tired more quickly and might not be able to play their best. If it’s too cold,players might not be able to hold onto their racket or might not have the same range of motion. If it’s raining, the court will be slippery and players might have a hard time keeping their footing.

Wind can also affect how a tennis match is played. If it’s windy,players might have a hard time serving the ball into the correct box or might not be able to hit the ball as hard as they want to.

All of these factors need to be taken into consideration when choosing what time of day to play tennis. The best time to play tennis is usually early in the morning or evening when it’s cooler outside and there isn’t as much wind.

The Right Opponent

You need to find the right opponent when you’re starting out in tennis. You need someone who is at the same level as you are, or slightly better. This will help you improve your skills and techniques. If you’re constantly losing to someone who is much better than you, you’ll get discouraged and stop playing. On the other hand, if you’re always winning against someone who is much worse than you, you’re not being challenged and you’re not going to improve.

Playing Style

An important consideration in finding the right opponent is playing style. Tennis is an incredibly diverse sport, and there are many different playing styles. Some players are aggressive baseline grinders, while others are all-court players who can come to the net and volley with the best of them. Serve and volleying was once a very popular playing style, but it has largely gone by the wayside in recent years.

Here are some of the most common playing styles you’ll encounter on the tennis court:

Baseline Grinder: This player stays back at the baseline and looks to hit hard, flat groundstrokes to win points. This player is typically very fit and can run all day long.

All-Court Player: This player is comfortable at any part of the court. They have a good serve, can hit solid groundstrokes, and are proficient at coming to the net.

Serve and Volleyer: This player looks to come to the net behind their serve and put pressure on their opponents with volleys. This style is not as common as it once was.

There is no one “right” playing style, and you should experiment with different styles to see what works best for you. If you’re just starting out, it’s probably best to find an opponent who has a similar playing style so you can both learn and improve together. As your skills develop, you can start branching out and playing against players with different styles.

Skill Level

Once you have the basic skills of tennis down, you need to find someone to play with that is at your skill level. This is important because playing with someone who is better than you will only frustrate you and playing with someone who is not as good as you will stunt your growth as a player. A good way to find someone at your skill level is to go to your local tennis court and ask people if they want to play a match. If you don’t know anyone, the staff at the courts or at your local tennis club can help pair you up with someone. Once you find a few people to play with on a regular basis, you will start to improve quickly.


Now that you know how to get into tennis, it’s time to start playing. Tennis is a great sport for all ages and abilities, so don’t be afraid to give it a try. If you have any questions, be sure to ask your local tennis club or professional coach for help. With a little practice, you’ll be playing like a pro in no time.

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