How To Get Into The NFL: Tips For Prospective Players

Whether you’re a high school player with your sights set on playing in the NFL, or you’re already in college and looking to take your game to the next level, here are some tips to help you achieve your goal.


The National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional American football in the United States, and it is widely considered to be the top professional American football league in the world. Demand for Players at this level is understandably high, as playing in the NFL is a coveted position held by very few. If you have your sights set on playing in the NFL, here are a few tips to help you get there.

What do NFL scouts look for in players?

Unfortunately, there is no single answer to this question. Every scout is different and they all have their own preferences. However, there are some general characteristics that scouts tend to look for in players. For example, scouts typically prefer players who are fast, agile, and have good hand-eye coordination. If you have these qualities, then you may have a better chance of impressing a scout and getting into the NFL.

Physical Attributes

In addition to exceptional physical gifts, NFL scouts also look for certain intangibles in prospects. Many of these intangible qualities cannot be measured during the combine, but they can be evaluated during game film review and face-to-face interviews. Some of the most important intangible qualities that scouts look for are:

-Leadership: Prospective NFL players must be able to inspire and motivate their teammates. They need to be able to take charge of the team on the field and in the locker room.
-Work Ethic: NFL prospects must be willing to put in the extra work required to be successful at the professional level. They need to be dedicated to their craft and always looking for ways to improve.
-Intelligence: Players need to be able to understand and execute complex schemes. They also need to have the ability to make quick decisions under pressure.
-Mental Toughness: Prospective players must be able to handle adversity both on and off the field. They need to have the resilience to overcome setbacks and continue fighting even when things are tough.

Mental Attributes

Intelligence: The ability to quickly learn and execute a game plan is critical for any player, but especially important for NFL players who must make split-second decisions on the field. Scouts look for players who have the football intelligence to grasp complex schemes, diagnose plays, and adjust on the fly.

Leadership: Good leaders inspire others to follow their lead and perform at their best. NFL teams want players who can take charge of the huddle and be respected by their teammates.

Competitiveness: Everyone wants to win, but some people are willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. NFL scouts look for players with an intense desire to win and an abundant amount of self-confidence.

Mental Toughness: The ability to overcome adversity and persevere through tough times is essential for any NFL player. Scouts look for prospects who have demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity and who are able to maintain their focus in high-pressure situations.

Playing Experience

Scouts will definitely take your playing experience into account when evaluating you as a potential NFL player. If you have played at the college level, scouts will look at the level of competition you played against and how successful you were. They will also look at your stats and try to determine if you have the potential to be successful at the next level. Even if you didn’t play college football, but had success in high school or in another sport, scouts may still be interested in you.

Other factors that scouts will look at when evaluating your playing experience include your size, speed, strength, and athleticism. They want to see if you have the physical tools to be successful in the NFL. They will also look at your character and whether or not you are coachable. Finally, they will look at your work ethic and see if you are someone who is willing to put in the work needed to be successful at the next level.

How can you make yourself more attractive to NFL scouts?

If you want to increase your chances of getting drafted into the NFL, you need to make yourself more attractive to NFL scouts. There are a few things you can do to make yourself more appealing to scouts, and we’ll go over some of them here. First and foremost, you need to make sure you have the physical tools that scouts are looking for. Secondly, you need to have good game film that scouts can evaluate. Finally, you need to make sure you’re marketing yourself well.

Get noticed by attending showcases and combines

There are a number of ways that prospective NFL players can get noticed by scouts. One way is to attend showcases and combines. These events are opportunities for players to showcase their skills in front of scouts from all 32 NFL teams. Players who perform well at these events may be invited to participate in pre-draft workouts, where they can further impress scouts and increase their chances of being drafted. Another way to get noticed by scouts is to play well at the collegiate level. College football is scouted heavily, and players who perform well against tough competition are often drafted into the NFL.

Improve your physical attributes

While there is no surefire way to attract the attention of NFL scouts, there are certain things you can do to improve your chances. One of the most important things you can do is to improve your physical attributes. This means working on your speed, strength, and agility. You should also make sure you are in good shape and have a good build for playing football. Another thing you can do to improve your chances of catching the eye of NFL scouts is to play well in college. Playing well against tough competition will show scouts that you have what it takes to play at the next level. Finally, it is important to be a good team player. Showing that you are coachable and willing to work hard will make you more attractive to NFL scouts.

Improve your mental attributes

Mental attributes are becoming increasingly important in the NFL. In the past, player selection was based almost entirely on physical attributes and athletic ability. Now, scouts are looking for players who have the mental toughness and intelligence to make quick decisions under pressure.

Here are some tips to improve your mental attributes:

-Make sure you are well-rounded. NFL scouts are looking for players who have a good work ethic and are well-rounded individuals. They want players who are dedicated to their craft and who will be good role models for young fans.

-Be a leader. One of the best ways to show that you have the mental attributes needed to play in the NFL is to be a leader on your team. If you can be a leader on and off the field, you will surely catch the attention of scouts.

-Study the game. Another way to improve your mental attributes is to study the game of football. Study film of great players and try to learn as much as you can about strategy and situational football. The more you know about the game, the better prepared you will be when it comes time to play.

Get more playing experience

One of the best ways to get more playing experience is to play in as many games as possible, whether it be for your high school, college, semi-pro, or professional team. The more game film NFL scouts have of you, the better.

In addition to game film, attending football camps and combines can also help you get more exposure to NFL scouts. These events give you an opportunity to showcase your skills in front of a large group of people who could potentially help you get into the NFL.


In conclusion, if you want to play in the NFL one day, you need to start preparing early. You need to make sure you are physically and mentally fit, and that you have the right skillset. You also need to be patient and persistent, as the path to the NFL is not an easy one. But if you put in the hard work, anything is possible.

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