How to Get On an Esports Team?

Esports teams are popping up everywhere. But how do you get on one? Here’s a guide on how to get on an esports team.

How to Get On an Esports Team?


Esports teams are composed of professional gamers who compete against other teams in online tournaments. There are many esports games, but some of the most popular ones include League of Legends, Overwatch, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

To become a professional gamer, you need to be skilled at one or more of these games. But being skilled is not enough—you also need to have the right mindset and work ethic.

Here are some tips on how to get on an esports team:

1. Find a game that you’re good at and start practicing.

2. Make sure you have the right mindset. Esports requires a lot of dedication and hard work.
You need to be able to handle defeats and consistently push yourself to improve.
If you’re not mentally prepared for this, you’re not going to make it far in the competitive scene.
3. Start playing in online tournaments. This is the best way to get noticed by potential teammates and organizations. Tournament results will show how good you are compared to other players in your region or country.
4. Create a social media following. Esports organizations want players who can bring attention to their brand. If you can build up a sizable following on Twitch or YouTube, you’ll be more attractive to organizations looking for new talent. 5 Lastly, don’t give up if you don’t make it the first time around—keep practicing and improving, and eventually, you will find an esports team that wants you as a member

Do Your Research

It’s important that you understand what the role of an esports team is that you’re interested in and what the competition is like for that role. For example, if you want to be a professional Fortnite player, you should research how many professional Fortnite players there are, what organizations those players are on, and what the path to becoming a professional player looks like. You can find all of this information online or by talking to people who are already in the esport you’re interested in.

Find the Right Game

The first step in getting on an eSports team is finding the game that you want to play competitively. Not every game is played in the eSports scene, and not every game that is played in the eSports scene is right for you. You need to find a game that you are both good at and enjoy playing. It would be no fun to be stuck playing a game you don’t like just because it’s popular in the competitive scene.

Once you have found a game that you want to play, it is important to do your research and find out what the competitive scene for that game looks like. How many teams are there? What are the competition formats? What tournaments are available for you to compete in? Knowing this information will help you form a realistic idea of what it takes to get on an eSports team for your chosen game.

Find the Right Team

Not all esports teams are created equal. Just like traditional sports, there are a variety of esports organizations, from small community teams to top-level professional organizations. There are a few things you should keep in mind when looking for an esports team that’s right for you.

First, consider what level you want to play at. There are teams for every skill level, from casual community teams to top-level professional organizations. If you’re just starting out, look for a team that’s at a similar skill level so you can learn and grow together. As you start to improve, you can look for more competitive teams.

Second, think about what kind of commitment you can make. Some esports teams require their members to play several hours a day, several days a week. Others are more relaxed and only require a few hours a week. Consider how much time you can reasonably commit to playing and practicing before joining an esports team.

Finally, take into account the team’s goals and values. Some teams are focused on winning and being the best, while others prioritize having fun and building a community. Make sure the team’s goals align with your own before joining.

Doing your research and finding the right team is an important first step in your journey to becoming an esports player. With so many options available, take your time and find a team that’s right for you.

Train Hard

Just like any other sport, becoming a professional gamer takes immense dedication and training. You need to be able to put in the extra hours to improve your skills and practice with other people at your same level—or even better.

Improve Your Skills

In order to get on an esports team, you will need to work hard to improve your skills. There is a lot of competition, so you need to be among the best players in the world to have a chance at being recruited by a team.

There are a few things you can do to help improve your skills:

-Practice as much as possible. The more you play, the better you will become.
-Watch professional matches and learn from the best players. Pay attention to their strategies and try to incorporate them into your own gameplay.
-Join an online community of other aspiring esports athletes. You can learn from each other and motivate each other to improve.

If you put in the time and effort, you will eventually be good enough to join an esports team and compete at the highest level.

To become a professional esports athlete, you need to be among the very best in the world at your game. But simply being good isn’t enough – you also need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in the competitive scene.

This means more than just playing the game – it means watching hours of gameplay footage, reading articles and forums, and talking to other players to understand what strategies and techniques are being used at the highest levels.

It can be a full-time job just keeping up with the latest developments, but if you want to have a shot at going pro, it’s essential.

Be Professional

If you’re interested in joining an esports team, the first thing you need to do is be professional. That means having a good attitude, being coachable, and being able to work well with others. It also means being a good team player and being able to communicate effectively. If you can do all of those things, you’ll be well on your way to joining an esports team.

Be Punctual

When you’re playing in a tournament, the whole team is relying on you to do your job. If you’re not there, or you’re not performing at 100%, it can cost the team the game. This is why being punctual and professional are essential qualities for any esports player.

If you have a match or a tournament coming up, make sure you’re there early and warmed up. It’s also important to know your role in the team, and to play to your strengths. If you’re not sure what your role is, ask your coach or teammates. They’ll be able to help you find the right position for you.

Once you’re in the game, it’s important to stay calm and focused. If you make a mistake, don’t beat yourself up about it – just learn from it and move on. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy yourself. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it’s time to take a break.

Be Respectful

One important quality that all professional gamers must have is respect. This means being respectful towards other players, officials, and anyone else associated with the gaming community. esports is a competitive environment, and there will always be players who are better than you. It’s important to remember that everyone is just trying to have fun and improve their skills. If you trash talk or flame other players, it not only makes you look bad, but it also makes the community as a whole look bad. esports teams are always looking for well-rounded players who can represent their brand in a positive light, so make sure you’re putting your best foot forward at all times.


In conclusion, while it may be difficult to get on an esports team, it is certainly possible with enough dedication and practice. If you have a love for gaming and a competitive spirit, don’t give up on your dreams of being a professional esports player. Keep grinding away and you just might find yourself on the next big thing in the gaming world.

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