How To Get Sponsors For Your Esports Team?

Esports teams are always looking for new sponsors. But how do you go about getting sponsors for your esports team? Here are a few tips.

Do your research

The most important thing you can do when reaching out to potential sponsors is to be prepared. Have a well thought out business plan for your team that outlines what your team does, your achievements, and how a partnership with your team could be beneficial for the sponsor. Do your research on the sponsor you’re reaching out to and make sure your team aligns with their values. No one wants to sponsor a team that doesn’t represent their company well. Be professional in your approach and be sure to thank the sponsor for their time.

Find out what companies would be a good match for your team

The first step in sponsored by an organization is to find out what sort of companies would be a good match for your team. You want to take into consideration the image of the company, what their target market is, and how well they would mesh with your team. For example, a team that is trying to present a professional image is not going to want to be sponsored by a company whose target market is college students. Find out what companies would be a good match for your team and start reaching out to them.

Research those companies

Many people want to get into the esports industry because they think it’s easy money. They see the bigeye prize pools and think, “Hey, I can get a piece of that!” What they don’t realize is that getting sponsored is hard work. Just like any other sport, you have to put in the effort to be successful. The first step is doing your research.

You need to find companies that are a good fit for your team. Not every company is going to be interested in sponsoring an esports team. You want to find companies that match your team’s values and goals. For example, if your team is all about winning, you might want to look for companies that sponsor other successful teams or athletes. If your team is more laid-back and just wants to have fun, you might want to look for companies with a more relaxed vibe.

Once you’ve found some potential sponsors, it’s time to do your research on them. Find out as much as you can about the company and their values. Look at their website and social media accounts to see what kind of message they’re trying to send. You want to make sure that your team is a good fit for the company before you reach out to them.

Doing your research might seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it if it means landing a sponsorship deal that’s right for your team.

Reach out

You have to show potential sponsors that their investment will generate a return. The best way to do this is by reaching out and demonstrating how their brand will be associated with a winning team that has a large following. You’ll need to provide statistics on your team’s success, as well as your fan base.

Find the contact information for the decision maker

It is important to do your research and target the right person when reaching out for sponsorship. The decision maker is usually not the CEO or President of the company, but rather someone lower down in the Marketing or eSports department. You can find this information through a simple Google search, or by looking on the company’s website. Once you have found the correct email address or contact form, reach out and introduce yourself and your team.

Send a pitch deck or proposal

After you’ve identified some potential sponsors, your next step is to reach out and send them a pitch deck or proposal. This is a crucial step, as it will be the first time you get to make a good impression and showcase your esports team.

Your pitch deck or proposal should include:

-An introduction to your team and its members
-Your team’s achievements
-An overview of your audience and reach
-Statistics on your team’s performance
-Details of your social media presence
-A breakdown of your sponsorship packages

Once you’ve put together a strong pitch deck or proposal, reach out to your potential sponsors and arrange a meeting or video call. This will give you the chance to further discuss your team and why you believe they would be a valuable sponsor for the esports team.

Follow up

The best way to get sponsors for your Esports team is by winning. The more you win, the more exposure you get. The more exposure you get, the more likely you are to attract sponsors. But winning isn’t the only way to get sponsors. You can also try to get sponsors by creating a strong social media presence.

Send a follow-up email or make a follow-up call

The best way to get a sponsor for your esports team is to send a follow-up email or make a follow-up call.

When you make initial contact with potential sponsors, it’s important to be professional and polite. Be sure to thank them for their time, and express your interest in working with them.

In your follow-up email or call, reiterate your interest in partnering with the company, and offer additional information about your team and its members. Be sure to include links to your social media pages, website, and any recent tournament results.

If you have a sponsorship deck or proposal, now is the time to send it. Otherwise, be prepared to discuss your sponsorship needs and goals in more detail.

Most importantly, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get an immediate response. Many companies take weeks or even months to make sponsorship decisions. If you don’t hear back within a reasonable timeframe, it’s ok to reach out again and politely inquire about the status of their decision-making process.

Be persistent, but not annoying

When contacting a potential sponsor, follow up is key. They may not have time to respond to your initial email, so don’t be afraid to reach out a few more times. Just make sure you don’t become a nuisance.Send a couple of follow-up emails, but if you don’t hear back after the second or third one, it’s probably best to move on.

There are a few ways you can follow up with potential sponsors:

-Send a short email thanking them for their time and letting them know you’re available if they have any questions.
-Give them a call. This can be a great way to make a personal connection and get your foot in the door.
-Connect with them on social media and continue to promote your team and its achievements.

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