How to Hang Tennis Rackets the Right Way

How to Hang Tennis Rackets the Right Way – There are many ways to store your tennis rackets. Most people don’t think about the way they hang their rackets, but it’s important to do it the right way to avoid damaging the racket.


Start by measuring the length of the racket. You’ll need to know this measurement in order to determine how far apart to place the support hooks on the wall. Make a mark on the wall at each end of the racket’s length.

Next, use a level to draw a horizontal line connecting the marks. This will be your guide for placing the support hooks.

Now it’s time to install the support hooks. Drill pilot holes at each mark, then screw in the hooks. Be sure to use screws that are long enough to securely hold the rackets in place.

Finally, hang your rackets on the hooks and adjust as necessary until they are level.

The Right Way to Hang Tennis Rackets

Tennis rackets are typically hung on the wall by their strings. This is done by looping the string around a support and tying it in a knot. The string should be tight so that the racket doesn’t slip and fall. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common ways are to use a simple overhand knot or a double overhand knot.

Step 1: Choose the Right Hanger

There are different types of hangers available on the market, but not all of them are created equal. You need to make sure that you select a hanger that is designed specifically for tennis racketstring tension. This will ensure that your racket stays firmly in place and doesn’t warp or become misshapen over time.

Step 2: Hang the Racket Using the Proper Technique

There are two main ways to hang a tennis racket:

The first way is to use the frame of the racket. You’ll want to place the racket so that the strings are facing down and perpendicular to the wall. Next, take your measuring tape and find the center of the racket. From there, measure about eight inches down and make a mark. At that point, drive a nail into the wall and hang your racket.

The second way to hang a tennis racket is by using the strings. You’ll want to find two nails and space them out so that they’re about shoulder-width apart. From there, take the end of the string and tie it around one of the nails in a double knot. Next, take the other end of the string and do the same thing on the other nail. Finally, adjust the string so that it’s taut but not too tight, and your racket will be securely hung!

Step 3: Store the Racket in the Right Place

Now that you’ve got your racket all squared away and ready to go, it’s time to think about where to store it. There are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind when deciding on the best storage spot for your newly hung racket.

First, consider the humidity where you live. If you live in an area with high humidity, it’s important to find a place for your racket that won’t be exposed to too much moisture. A closet or cabinet away from windows and doors is a good bet. You might also want to invest in a dehumidifier for extra protection.

Second, think about temperature. You don’t want to store your racket in an area that gets too hot or too cold. A consistent temperature is ideal. Again, a closet or cabinet away from windows and doors is usually a good choice.

Third, take into account light exposure. Light can cause the strings on your racket to deteriorate over time, so it’s best to keep your racket out of direct sunlight whenever possible. If you don’t have an indoor storage option that meets all of these criteria, try covering your racket with a towel or blanket when you’re not using it.

Following these simple guidelines will help ensure that your racket stays in top condition for years to come!


Now that you know how to properly hang your tennis racket, make sure to follow these tips the next time you go to grab your racket. By taking the time to hang your racket correctly, you’ll ensure that it lasts longer and performs better on the court. Plus, you’ll be able to avoid those pesky dents and scratches that can occur when hanging your racket improperly. So next time you go to play tennis, take a few minutes to follow these simple steps and enjoy a better game!

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