How to Hard Foul in NBA 2K20

In this post, we’ll show you how to hard foul in NBA 2K20 for those times when you need to stop the clock or just want to be a jerk.

How to Hard Foul in NBA 2K20


In basketball, a foul is the act of commiting a infraction against the rules of the game. A player who fouls another player is charged with a personal foul and is liable to be removed from the court if they commit too many in a single game. Hard fouls are a particular type of foul which are designed to stop the player with the ball from making a shot or score, and can often lead to free throws being awarded to the fouled player. In this guide, we’ll take you through how to hard foul in NBA 2K20.

What is a hard foul?

In basketball, a hard foul is a personal foul that may or may not be flagrant which is committed by making contact with an opposing player in a manner that is deemed to be excessively physical.

How to hard foul in NBA 2K20

On the Xbox One and PS4, hard fouls are performed by pressing LB/L1 + RB/R1. On PC, you can hard foul by pressing ALT + F.

You can also use theNBA 2K20 mycareer mode to hard foul. To do this, go to MyGM/MyLEAGUE, then select MyCAREER from the main menu. After that, load your save file and sim until you reach the game. When the game starts, press pause, then go to gameplay settings. from there, set the Hard Foul Frequency to 100%.

The benefits of hard fouling

Hard fouling has a number of benefits in NBA 2K20. First, it can help you prevent easy baskets, especially in transition. By doing this, you can force your opponent to take tougher shots and make it more difficult for them to score. Second, hard fouling can also help you slow down the game if your team is behind and you need to catch up. Hard fouling will often lead to free throws, which can give you a chance to score some quick points. Finally, hard fouling can be a good way to stop the clock if you are trying to protect a lead late in the game.

While there are benefits to hard fouling, there are also some risks. First, if you foul too much, you could end up putting your team in foul trouble. This could lead to your opponent getting more opportunities to score, which is obviously not what you want. Second, if you foul a player who is shooting a three-pointer, they will get three free throws instead of two. This means that they could potentially tie the game or even take the lead if they make all three free throws. Third, if you commit a hard foul in the last two minutes of the game (known as the “flagrant foul” rule), your team will automatically be assessed a technical foul. This means that your opponent will get two free throws and the ball back, which could put them in a good position to win the game.

As you can see, there are both benefits and risks to hard fouling in NBA 2K20. It’s up to you to decide whether or not it’s worth taking these risks for the potential rewards.

The drawbacks of hard fouling

Hard fouling has a number of drawbacks that you should be aware of before you start employing this strategy. First, it takes a lot of energy to foul hard. You will quickly become fatigued if you foul too much, and that will make it harder for you to play good defense. Second, hard fouling can be very frustrating for your opponents, and they may start to retaliate against you. Finally, the referees may start calling more fouls against you if they feel like you are being too physical.


Hard fouling in NBA 2K20 can give you a big advantage over your opponent, especially if they’re driving to the basket for a layup. If you can hard foul them without getting called for a foul, you’ll not only stop them from scoring, but you’ll also get the ball back.

Hard fouling isn’t easy to do, and it takes practice to get it right. Here are some tips on how to hard foul in NBA 2K20:

-timing is everything. You need to time your foul so that it doesn’t look like you’re intentionally trying to hurt your opponent.
-aim for the chest or body, not the head or neck. This will minimize the risk of causing serious injury.
-foul early rather than late. Foul early and your opponent will have less time to react and avoid being hurt.

Use these tips and practice hard fouling in NBA 2K20 so that you can give yourself a big advantage over your opponents.

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