How to Hem Baseball Pants the Right Way

If you’ve ever wondered how to hem baseball pants the right way, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to get a perfect fit every time.

How to Hem Baseball Pants the Right Way


There are a few different ways that you can hem baseball pants, but not all of them are going to give you the same results. If you want your pants to look professional and well-fitted, then you need to follow these steps. With a few supplies and a little bit of time, you can have baseball pants that look great and fit perfectly.

Tools You Will Need

-Baseball pants
-Measuring tape
-Sewing machine

First, you will need to gather your tools. You will need a pair of baseball pants, scissors, chalk, a measuring tape, a sewing machine, thread, and pins. Once you have all of your materials, you are ready to get started.

The Right Way to Hem Baseball Pants

Hemming baseball pants is not difficult, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind to do it correctly. The first thing you need to do is measure the inseam of the pants. The inseam is the distance from the crotch to the bottom of the leg. Once you have the inseam measurement, you can start hemming the pants.

Step One: Prepare the Pants

The first step is to try on the pants to determine the desired length. Once you have the pants at the desired length, use a fabric marker to mark the spot on the pant leg where you will make the cut. Be sure to mark both pant legs so they are even.

Next, remove the pants and lay them flat on a table or other surface. Using a ruler or measuring tape, measure 1” up from the mark you made and make another mark. This will be the new hemline. Again, be sure to measure and mark both pant legs so they are even.

Step Two: Cut the Pants
Once you have marked the new hemline, it’s time to cut off the excess fabric. Using sharp scissors, cut along the new hemline on both pant legs. Try to cut as straight as possible so your final product has clean lines.

Step Three: Hem the Pants
Now it’s time to hem the pants! Start by ironing out any wrinkles in the fabric around the newly cut edge. Then, fold up the fabric so it meets your originalmark (the one 1” above where you made your final cut). Iron out this new fold so it is nice and crisp.

Next, using a sewing machine or needle and thread, stitch along the folded edge of fabric. Be sure to backstitch at each end of your seam for extra reinforcement. For a professional look, use thread that closely matches ##the color of your pants Fabric glue can also be used in place of sewing for a temporary fix.

Step Two: Measure and Mark the New Hemline

Now that you’ve determined how much fabric you need to remove, it’s time to measure and mark the new hemline.

With the pants still turned inside out, use a fabric measuring tape or a ruler to measure up from the original hemline the distance you determined in Step One. For example, if you need to remove 2 inches of fabric, measure up 2 inches from the original hemline and make a small mark with a piece of chalk or a fabric marker.

Once you’ve made your mark, use a straightedge (a ruler or a yardstick will work) to draw a line perpendicular to the pant leg seam at that point. This line should be parallel to the floor when the pants are lying flat.

Repeat this process for the other pant leg.

Step Three: Sew the New Hemline

Now that you have measured, snipped, and ironed, it is time to sew the new hemline into place. If you are using a sewing machine, set it to a straight stitch and sew along the new line you have created, taking care not to sew over any of the original stitching. If you are sewing by hand, use a whip stitch or another simple hand-sewing stitch. Again, be careful not to sew over any of the original stitches.


Now that you know the basics of how to hem baseball pants, you can get started on your next project. Remember to take your time and measure carefully to get the perfect fit. With a little practice, you’ll be a pro in no time.

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