How To Hip Check In NHL 22

Looking to dominate on the ice in NHL 22? Then you’re going to need to master the art of the hip check. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it.


In order to properly execute a hip check in NHL 22, you must first approach your target from the side or behind. As you close in on them, quickly press and hold the Circle/B button on your controller while simultaneously using the Right Analog Stick to aim your player’s body into their legs. If done correctly, your player will deliver a quick hip check that can send your opponent flying into the boards.

What is a hip check?

A hip check is a type of body check in Ice Hockey whereby a player uses his hip to hit an opponent. This is usually done in order to knock the opponent off the puck, or to simply disrupt their play. Hip checks can also be used as a form of intimidation, and are often seen as one of the most effective ways to stop an opposing player.

How to do a hip check in NHL 22

Hip checking is a move in hockey where a player hits an opponent with their hip. It is legal in most leagues, but there are some restrictions on where and how you can hit another player. In the NHL, hip checking is allowed as long as it is not done from behind and the player being checked has time to prepare for the hit.

Doing a hip check in NHL 22 is simple. First, get close to your opponent and press the L1/LB button. This will cause your player to lower their body and prepare for the hit. Next, quickly move the right analog stick in any direction and your player will execute the hip check.

Why do a hip check in NHL 22?

Hip checking is a great way to disrupt your opponent’s play and take them off the puck. In NHL 22, you can hip check by pressing the circle button on PS4 or B on Xbox One when you’re close to an opponent. You can also hold down the circle button or B to charge up your hip check for a more powerful hit. Keep in mind that you’ll be vulnerable to a counter hit if your opponent TIMES their hit correctly, so make sure you don’t leave yourself open.

When to do a hip check in NHL 22

Hip checks are one of the most powerful tools in a hockey player’s arsenal. But, like any weapon, they must be used correctly to be effective. Here are some tips on when to hip check in NHL 22.

First, let’s look at what a hip check is and how it works. A hip check is when a player uses his hip to knock an opponent off the puck. It’s a legal way to separate a player from the puck, and it can be a very effective way to stop an opponent’s rush.

The key to using a hip check effectively is timing. You want to hit your opponent just as he is about to make a play on the puck. If you hit him too early, he’ll see you coming and he’ll be able to adjust his body position so that you don’t have much impact. If you hit him too late, he’ll already have made his play and you won’t be able to stop him.

You also want to make sure that you hit him with your hip, not your shoulder or your elbow. Hitting him with your shoulder or elbow is called clipping, and it’s against the rules. You might get away with it once in awhile, but if the referee sees it, you’ll likely get called for a penalty.

Finally, you want to make sure that you hit him cleanly. If you miss him completely or only graze him with your hip, you won’t have much impact and he might even be able to use your momentum against you.

Now that we know when to do a hip check, let’s look at some situations where it would be effective:
-When an opponent is coming in on a rush
-When an opponent is trying to beat you around the outside
-When an opponent is trying to grab the puck from behind your net
-When an opponent is trying to slow down your team’s break out

The benefits of hip checking in NHL 22

Hip checking is a powerful move in NHL 22 that can knock your opponents off the puck and give you a strategic advantage. While it may not be the most glamorous move in the game, it can be extremely effective if used correctly.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hip checking in NHL 22. First, you’ll want to make sure that you’re lined up properly with your target. If you’re too far to the side, you’ll likely miss your mark, and if you’re too far behind, you won’t have enough momentum to make a significant impact. Second, timing is key – you’ll want to make contact with your hip just as your opponent is about to make contact with the puck. If you hit them too early or too late, you won’t have the same effect. Finally, be aware of your surroundings – if there’s another player close by, they may end up taking the brunt of the hit instead of your intended target.

If executed correctly, hip checking can be a great way to disrupt your opponents’ play and give yourself an advantage. Just remember to line up properly, time your hit well, and be aware of who else is on the ice before making your move.

The risks of hip checking in NHL 22

Hip checking is a high-risk, high-reward play in NHL 22. It can be a great way to separate your opponent from the puck, but it can also lead to odd-man rushes and goals against if you’re not careful. Here’s a look at the risks and rewards of hip checking in NHL 22.

-You could miss your target and leave your team vulnerable to an odd-Man Rush
-You could give up a goal if you fail to hip check your opponent properly.

-You could separate your opponent from the puck, leading to a turnover for your team.
-You could deliver a big hit that gets your opponent off balance and creates space for your team.

How to avoid getting hip checked in NHL 22

Hip checking is a move in hockey where a player uses their hip to knock another player off the puck. It can be a effective way to separate your opponent from the puck, but it can also be a dangerous move if not executed properly. In this article, we’ll go over how to avoid getting hip checked in NHL 22.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when you’re on the ice. First, always be aware of your surroundings and who is around you. If you see someone coming in for a hip check, try to skate out of the way or protect the puck with your body. Second, don’t put yourself in a position where you’re vulnerable to a hip check. If you’re along the boards or in front of the net, try to keep your head up and avoid turning your back to the play. Finally, if you do get hit with a hip check, try to stay on your feet and protect yourself as best as you can.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to avoid getting hip checked in NHL 22.

What to do if you get hip checked in NHL 22

In NHL 22, you can get hip checked if you’re not careful. Here’s what you need to do if you get hip checked:

-First, stay on your feet. If you go down, it’ll be harder to recover.

-Second, use your body to shield the puck. If you can keep the puck away from your opponent, it’ll be easier to get away.

-Third, try to skate away from your opponent. The faster you can skate, the better chance you have of getting away.

If you follow these tips, you should be able to stay safe and avoid getting hip checked in NHL 22.


Hip checking is an important part of hockey, and it is a skill that every player should learn. It can be a great way to stop an opponent’s attack, or to knock them off the puck so that you can take control. It can also be used to initiatate a fight, which can be very useful if you are trying to change the momentum of a game.

Hip checking is not as simple as it may seem, and there are a few things that you need to keep in mind if you want to do it properly. First, you need to make sure that you have good balance. If you are off-balance, you will not be able to hip check properly, and you may even injure yourself. Second, you need to make sure that you hit the opponent with your hip, and not your shoulder or your head. Hitting with your shoulder or your head is considered charging, and it will result in a penalty. Finally, You need to make sure that you hit the opponent in the right place. Hitting them in the legs will not have the same effect as hitting them in the midsection.

If done properly, hip checking can be a great way to stop an opponent’s attack or gain control of the puck. It can also be used to start a fight, which can be very useful if you are trying to change the momentum of a game. Just make sure that you keep these things in mind when doing it so that you do not get penalized or hurt yourself.

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