How To Hip Check In NHL 22?

If you’re looking to lay the body in NHL 22, you’ll need to know how to hip check. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it.

How To Hip Check In NHL 22?

What is Hip Checking?

Hip checking is a way of checking an opponent in ice hockey by using your hip. It is normally used by a defender to knock an opponent off the puck, but can also be used by an attacker to disrupt a defender. Check out this guide to learn how to hip check in NHL 22.

What are the benefits of hip checking?

Hip checking is a great way to disrupt your opponent’s play and take control of the puck. It’s also a great way to deliver a big hit and get the crowd on their feet. Here are some benefits of hip checking in NHL 22:

-It’s a great way to take control of the puck
-It’s a great way to deliver a big hit
-It can be used to disrupt your opponent’s play
-It’s a great way to get the crowd on their feet

How to Hip Check in NHL 22

Hip checking is a great way to disrupt your opponent’s play and take control of the puck. In NHL 22, you can hip check by pressing the R1 button on your controller. This will cause your player to lower their shoulder and deliver a hip check to the player with the puck.

How to do a basic hip check

Hip checking is a defensive maneuver used to knock an opponent off the puck. To hip check, approach your opponent from the side or behind, then use your hip to hit them in the midsection. This will usually cause them to lose control of the puck.

How to do a standing hip check

In order to do a standing hip check in NHL 22, you need to be moving forward at a good speed while also using the left analog stick to position your player’s hips. You then press and hold the square button on PS4 or X button on Xbox One.

How to do a sliding hip check

In order to deliver a sliding hip check in NHL 22, you’ll need to be skating at full speed and line up your target. As you approach them, hold down the Analog-Stick in the direction you are skating. Doing this will cause your player to go into a slide. As they enter into the slide, press and hold down the ‘Check’ button.

Tips for Hip Checking

Hip checking is a common way of checking in the NHL, and it is executed by turning your body so that your hip makes contact with the player who has the puck. This can be a very effective way of checking, but it can also be dangerous if not done correctly. Here are some tips for hip checking in NHL 22.

Use your body to your advantage

In real hockey, defensemen use their hips to deliver big hits and separate the offensively player from the puck. You can do the same thing in NHL 22 by using the right analog stick to perform a hip check. This move is key for taking away space from oncoming attackers and can also be used to disrupt a pass play.

To perform a hip check in NHL 22, first position yourself in front of the offensive player using the left analog stick. As they try to skate by, press down on the right analog stick to deliver a shoulder-to-hip check. This will knock them off balance and give you a chance to take control of the puck.

It’s important to time your hip checks correctly, as you’ll be vulnerable if you miss or fall victim to a counter hit. Use your body positioning and awareness to deliver big hits without putting yourself at risk.

Use your momentum

As you go into the check, use your momentum to your advantage. You want to make sure that you are leaning into the player that you are going to hit so that you can deliver a strong check. If you are coming in at an angle, try to aim for their side so that they will be knocked off balance.

Be patient

Hip checking is a very powerful move in NHL 22, but it can be difficult to time correctly. The best advice is to be patient and watch your opponent carefully. Look for opportunities when they are off balance or slow to react. When you see an opportunity, go for it!

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