How to Hit a Backhand in Tennis

If you’re looking to improve your backhand in tennis, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll share some essential tips on how to hit a backhand effectively. After reading this, you’ll be well on your way to mastering this important tennis stroke.

How to Hit a Backhand in Tennis

The Backhand in Tennis

There are a few different ways to hit a backhand in tennis, but the most common and effective way is to use a backhand grip and swing. This grip is different from the one you would use for a forehand, and it can be a bit tricky to get the hang of at first. But once you get the grip and the swing down, you’ll be hitting backhands like a pro in no time.

The Grip

Most professional tennis players grip their backhands with either a “continental” or “eastern” grip. The continental is the most popular choice, as it allows for a wide range of strokes. The eastern grip is used by most of the top players in the world for its versatility and power.

To execute a continental backhand, begin by gripping the racket in your right hand with your palm facing up. Place your left hand on the racket handle below your right hand, and close your fingers around it. For an eastern backhand, start with your left hand below your right hand, and wrap your fingers around the racket handle in an overlapping grip.

The Backswing

When hitting a backhand in tennis, you want to start the swing by turning the racket face away from the ball, and then swinging it all the way around your head. This will help generate speed and power for the shot. You can either start with your racket hand low and close to your hip, or high and close to your shoulder. From here, you want to shift your weight back toward your rear foot, and then start swinging the racket around your head.

The Follow-Through

After contact, do not stop your swing. Instead, continue your arm swing and turn your body so that you finish facing the net. The follow-through finishes the stroke and ensures that you put maximum power into the ball.

Types of Backhands

In tennis, there are two main types of backhands: the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. The one-handed backhand is more common and is used by most professional players. It is generally considered to be more powerful and easier to control than the two-handed backhand. The two-handed backhand is not as common, but can be used effectively if executed correctly. It is often used by players with shorter arms or those who have trouble generating power with a one-handed backhand.

The One-Handed Backhand

The one-handed backhand is the most common backhand used in tennis. At the professional level, all single-handed backhands are hit with topspin. A one-handed backhand can be produced by either a right-handed or left-handed player, and is generally considered to be more versatile and reliable than a two-handed backhand.

One of the benefits of the one-handed backhand is that it allows for more reach on wide shots. Additionally, it provides more power and spin potential than the two-handed backhand. However, the one-handed backhand can be more difficult to control than its two-handed counterpart, and may require more practice to master.

The Two-Handed Backhand

The two-handed backhand is the most common backhand used in tennis. players use two hands for added power and stability. The two-handed backhand can be executed from anywhere on the court and is often used as an offensive shot.

To hit a two-handed backhand, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weight evenly distributed. Bend your knees slightly and rotate your body so that your right shoulder is pointing toward the net. Take a step forward with your left foot as you swing your racket back. As you swing, keep your racket head up and extend your arms. When the racket reaches the top of the backswing, quickly snap your wrists and begin swinging forward. As you make contact with the ball, rotate your body so that your left shoulder is pointing toward the net and follow through with your swing.

Common Backhand Errors

Backhands can be one of the most difficult strokes to master in tennis. Many players have a hard time making solid contact with the ball, and as a result, their backhand is often one of their weakest strokes. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common backhand errors and how to fix them.

Mistakes in the Grip

One of the most common backhand errors is an incorrect grip. The tennis backhand can be hit with either a one-handed or two-handed grip, but the most common and recommended grip for beginners is the one-handed backhand.

To properly grip a one-handed backhand, place the hand on the racquet handle and position the thumb so it points toward the opposite shoulder, not directly up or down the handle. Then wrap your fingers around the handle and position your index finger along bevel number two, as shown in the image below.

Mistakes in the Backswing

The most common backhand mistakes have to do with the backswing. Here are some of the most common errors:

– Lack of a take-back: Most beginners start the swing by moving the racket head straight toward the ball. This is a big mistake. The take-back (or backswing) is critical to generating power and accuracy.

– Too much take-back: Another common mistake is taking the racket back too far. This can lead to hitting the ball late, which reduces power and accuracy.

– Hitting from the wrong position: Many beginners try to hit the ball from a position that is too close to their body. This can lead to all sorts of problems, including loss of power and accuracy.

Mistakes in the Follow-Through

One of the most common mistakes in the follow-through is to stop the racket head and not let it continue all the way around until it is above your shoulder again. This is often caused by a lack of confidence, or trying to hit the ball too hard. Remember, the follow-through should be a smooth, fluid motion. The other common mistake is to swing too low and around your body, causing you to miss the ball altogether.

Backhand Drills

The backhand is one of the most important strokes in tennis. A good backhand can be the difference between winning and losing a match. There are a few things you need to do to hit a good backhand. First, you need to grip the racket correctly. Second, you need to stand in the right position. And third, you need to swing the racket correctly.

The Wall Drill

One of the best ways to practice your backhand is by doing the wall drill. This is when you hit the ball against a wall by yourself. You can do this with a real ball or even a imaginary one. Start by standing about two feet away from the wall. You should be perpendicular to it, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your racket back behind you, and then swing it across your body and hit the ball against the wall. As you hit it, make sure to follow through so that your racket ends up in front of your opposite shoulder.

The Backhand Drop Drill

This backhand drill is great for beginners as it works on the basic backhand technique. It also encourages players to keep their racket head up as they make contact with the ball.

1. Start by standing behind the baseline and hitting a backhand cross-court to your partner.
2. As your partner hits the ball back, drop your racket head and let the ball bounce once before hitting it back.
3. Repeat this drill until you can comfortably hit the ball cross-court without dropping your racket head.

The Backhand Lob Drill

This is a great drill to improve your backhand lob. The key is to wait until your opponent has hit the ball over the net and then you can hit your backhand lob. This will take some practice but once you get the hang of it, it’ll be a great shot to have in your arsenal.

Here’s how to do the drill:

– Start by hitting some balls over the net with your backhand. Make sure you get a good feel for the shot before moving on.
– Once you’re comfortable, start hitting balls to your opponent. Make sure they are hit over the net so they can return them.
– Now, try to hit a backhand lob as they return the ball. The key is to wait until they’ve hit the ball over the net before you Lob.
– Practice this drill until you are comfortable hitting the backhand lob consistently.

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