How To Hit A Slice Serve In Tennis?

If you want to learn how to hit a slice serve in tennis then you’ve come to the right place. This blog post will give you all the information you need to know in order to hit a slice serve like a pro.


A slice serve is a type of tennis serve where the ball spins from right to left when seen from the server’s perspective. It is the opposite of a topspin serve. The backspin on the ball causes it to dip sharply and makes it difficult for opponents to hit an effective return. The angle of spin also makes it hard for opponents to judge where the ball will land.

Because of these factors, the slice serve can be an effective weapon in a tennis player’s arsenal. However, it can be hard to execute consistently, and many players find that their slice serves are more effective when used as a surprise shot rather than a go-to move. If you’re looking to add a slice serve to your game, read on for tips on how to hit this tough shot.

The Grip

The continental grip is the most commonly used grip for hitting a slice serve in tennis. This grip is when you hold the tennis racket with your hand turned so that your thumb and first finger form a “V” shape. You can also use a modified continental grip, which is when your index finger is hooked around the bevel next to your thumb.

Continental Grip

The continental grip is the most versatile of all the tennis grips and it’s the one that all the professional players use for all their strokes. This grip gives you the ability to hit all the different strokes with good topspin, including a slice serve.

To get into this grip, start by holding the racket in your left hand between your thumb and first two fingers. Now take your right hand and place it on top of the left, holding it between your thumb and first two fingers as well. You should now be able to see all four of your knuckles on your left hand. This is the Continental Grip!

Eastern Grip

The Eastern Grip is the most popular grip in tennis. To execute this grip, start by positioning your hand on the beveled edge of the racket so that your thumb and first knuckle are on the same plane. Next, angle your hand so that your palm faces directly away from you. You will know you have executed this correctly when the “V” created by your first two fingers points towards your right shoulder (if you are a right-handed player).

The big advantage of using an Eastern Grip is that it gives you a lot of racket head speed. This increased speed allows for more power and spin on all of your strokes, including serves, groundstrokes and volleys. Another advantage of using an Eastern Grip is that it gives you more control over low balls and balls hit at shoulder level.

The main disadvantage of using an Eastern Grip is that it can be difficult to generate power on high balls with this grip. In order to hit a high ball with topspin using an Eastern Grip, you need to be able to open up the racket face at contact. This can be tough for beginners (and even some advanced players) to do consistently.

Western Grip

The Western Grip is the most popular way to hold a tennis racket, and it is also the easiest grip for beginners to learn. It is called the “Western” because it was originally developed in the Western part of the United States.

The Western grip gives you more power than any other grip, but it can be difficult to control the ball with this grip. The racket face is perpendicular to your hand, which gives you more leverage to hit the ball hard, but it also makes it easy to hit the ball too far out.

If you are just starting out, we recommend that you use this grip for all of your strokes except for your backhand. Once you have mastered the basics of the game with a Western grip, you can experiment with other grips to find one that suits your style of play.

The Stance

Adopt an open stance by turning your back foot sideways so that your toes are pointing toward the net. For a right-handed player, this means turning your left foot to the left and your right foot to the right. Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart, with your weight evenly distributed.

Open Stance

An open stance is when your feet are spread apart wider than your shoulders and your back foot is turned so the toe is pointing towards the net. The idea behind an open stance is that it gives you more time to react to the incoming ball. This can be helpful if you are playing against a very fast server.

To hit a slice serve with an open stance, start by positioning your feet as described above. Then, take your racket back and across your body as you would for a normal serve. When you reach the point where you would start your forward swing, twist your wrist so that the face of the racket points downwards. This will cause the ball to spin and travel from right to left (if you are right-handed). Hit the ball with a light touch and follow through towards the net.

Closed Stance

When trying to figure out how to hit a slice serve in tennis, the best place to start is with your grip. A Eastern or Continental grip will do the trick. From there, you want to get into a closed stance, which means your feet will be parallel to the baseline and pointing towards the net. You might even take a small step towards the net as well. As for your racket, you want to make sure that it is pointing towards the ground and that your elbow is in close to your body.

The Toss

Assuming you are right handed and using a Continental grip, start by holding the ball in your left hand. You want to start with the ball in front of your left shoulder, and then bring it up and over your head as you toss it into the air. The idea is to get a high arc on the ball, so that it has time to spin before it hits the ground. If you toss the ball too low, it will not have enough time to spin and will not slice.

The Swing

The most important thing for hitting a good slice is to have the right grip. You want to be sure that you grip the racquet in a way that is comfortable for you, but also provides good control. This grip is typically called an “eastern forehand grip.” Once you have the grip down, the next thing to focus on is the swing.


When hitting a slice serve, the backswing is different than a normal serve. Instead of taking the racket back low and behind you, you will take it back in front of your body at shoulder level. This is because you need to “block” the ball rather than hitting it with topspin. When you take the racket back, make sure to cock your wrist so that the strings are perpendicular to the court. This will give you more power and spin on the ball.


The downswing is a movement of the tennis racket from an above the head position down to the point of contact with the ball. The purpose of the downswing is to generate racket head speed and transfer that speed to the ball.

The downswing begins with a shift of weight from the back foot to the front foot. The player then moves their hips and shoulders towards the net while keeping their arms and racket close to their body. The player then begin to uncock their wrists, which generates racquet head speed. The player then makes contact with the ball and finishes their swing with follow through.

Follow Through

In tennis, a slice serve is a type of serve where the ball spins from right to left as it crosses into the opponent’s deuce court. It is the opposite of a topspin serve. The backspin on the ball causes it to drop short and kick up off the ground toward the tennis player’s backhand side.

The slice serve can be very effective when used correctly. It can be used to surprise your opponent and to disrupt their timing. When executed properly, the slice serve can be very difficult to return.

To hit a slice serve, start by positioning yourself so that you are perpendicular to the baseline. Then, toss the ball up in front of you and strike it with an abbreviated backhand motion. Be sure to follow through with your swing so that the racket finishes on the opposite side of your body from where you started.

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