How To Hit Topspin In Tennis?

Topspin is a very important part of tennis, and can be the difference between winning and losing a point. Here are some tips on how to hit topspin.

How To Hit Topspin In Tennis?

The Grip

Before we get into the how,we need to understand the grip. Topspin is generated by brushing up the back of the ball with the strings. The result is a forward rotation of the ball with topspin. The further up the strings you brush the ball,the more topspin you will generate.


The continental grip is the most popular grip for hitting topspin in tennis. This grip is also known as the eastern grip. To execute this grip, you will need to position your hand so that your palm faces away from you and your thumb points towards the 11 o’clock position. Once you have positioned your hand correctly, you will then wrap your hand around the tennis racket handle. If you are looking at the tennis racket face-on, your index finger should be positioned at the top of the racket handle, and your other fingers should be positioned below it.


The Eastern grip is the most popular forehand grip among professional tennis players. It is comfortable for all strokes and provides a good combination of power and control. Many players use this grip on their backhand as well.

To take an Eastern grip, hold the racquet in your left hand and extend your arm straight out in front of you. Slowly turn your hand clockwise until the bevels on the racquet are pointing up and to the right (for a right-handed player). You should now be able to see your index and middle fingers. Your thumb should be on the back of the neck, opposite your index finger.


The Western grip is the most popular way to hit topspin and is used by most professional players. It’s named for the way the hand sits on the racquet handle, with the knuckles pointing to the west.

This grip gives you more power and spin than other grips, but it can be difficult to control if you don’t have a strong tennis stroke. Many beginners find that they hit too many balls long or wide with this grip. If you’re just starting out, you may want to try another grip first.

The Stance

Tennis is a game of angles. The right technique can help you hit the ball with topspin, making it hard for your opponent to return the shot. In order to hit the ball with topspin, you need to have the correct grip and stance.


The semi-open stance is a variation of the open stance where the player’s feet are slightly closed. The semi-open stance is a happy medium between the open and closed stances, giving the player a good balance of power and control. This stance is good for all strokes, but it is especially useful for topspin strokes. To get into the semi-open stance, start with your feet shoulder-width apart and then closed them slightly so that they are about 10-15cm apart.


The Open stance is a tennis stance where the player’s feet are positioned more towards the net and parallel to each other. The weight is on the balls of both feet, and the player is ready to move in any direction. The player’s racket arm is also ready to take a swing at the ball. The Open stance is often used when a player wants to hit an shots with topspin.


A closed stance is when your feet are parallel to the net and pointing towards the baseline on either side of the center line. This is the most common stance used by professional players because it provides the most balance and power. For a right-handed player, the left foot should be placed slightly behind the right foot and for a left-handed player, the opposite is true. Many players use this stance when hitting topspin because it provides more power and control.

The Backswing

The important thing to focus on when swinging is to get your racket back in an abbreviated backswing. This means taking it back to the point where it is perpendicular to the ground, but not any further. It’s important to not take your racket back too far because you will lose power and control.


If you are a beginning tennis player, you may have difficulty hitting the ball with topspin. This is because it takes a little bit of practice to get the timing right. Once you get the hang of it, though, hitting topspin will become second nature.

There are two main ways to hit topspin: high-to-low and low-to-high. High-to-low is the most common way and is what we will focus on in this article.

When hitting a high-to-low topspin, you will want to make contact with the ball slightly above your waist. This can be done by either standing up tall or by jumping up slightly as you swing. You will also want to make sure that your racket is tilted so that the strings are facing the ground.

Once you have made contact with the ball, you will want to follow through low and around your body. This will ensure that the ball spins and keeps its trajectory low over the net.

With a little bit of practice, hitting topspin will become second nature and you will be able to add it to your arsenal of shots.


There are different types of backswings in tennis, but the “low-to-high” is most often used to produce topspin. This backswing starts low (near the ground) and then swings up high (away from the ground), using a circular motion. The racket should be perpendicular to the ground at the start of the swing, and then tilted slightly back as it goes up. The low-to-high backswing is used when hitting from a baseline position, and produces a well-struck shot with topspin that will land deep in your opponent’s side of the court.

The Follow Through

After contact, your racket should continue on up and around in a natural finish. This is referred to as the follow-through. It’s very important to keep your eye on the ball until the very moment your racket makes contact with it; if you take your eye off the ball even for an instant, you won’t hit it in the right place.

The Shot

When you hit the ball with topspin, your goal is to make the ball drop short over the net, and then bounce high once it hits your opponent’s court. This is a difficult shot to master, but it can be a great weapon in your arsenal. Here are a few tips on how to hit topspin in tennis.


To hit topspin on your forehand, start by positioning yourself so that your shoulders and feet are perpendicular to the baseline. You will also want to make sure that your weight is shifted onto your back foot. For right-handed players, this will be the left foot; for left-handed players, it will be the right foot.

Once you are in position, swing your racquet arm up and across your body so that the racquet head is above and behind the ball. As you swing, rotate your wrist so that the racquet face opens up and points toward the sky. Then, as you make contact with the ball, snap your wrist so that the racquet face closes and points toward the ground.

You should feel as though you are hitting “up” on the ball, which will impart topspin. Remember to follow through with your swing after making contact with the ball; this will ensure that you hit through the shot rather than just making contact and then stopping.


The backhand is a tennis stroke used to hit balls that are on the other side of the court from the player. It can be hit with one or two hands and is either an offensive or defensive shot.

One-handed backhands are more common among professional players, while two-handed backhands are more common among novice and recreational players. The backhand can be hit from anywhere on the court but is most commonly used when the ball is slightly behind the player and to their left (if they are right-handed).

It can be a very difficult stroke to master, but once you have the technique down it can be a very powerful shot. Here are some tips on how to hit a topspin backhand:

-Keep your grip loose and your racquet head up. This will give you more control over the shot.
-Swing low to high and make contact with the ball just before it reaches its apex. This will give the ball topspin.
-Follow through with your swing and let your racquet head finish high above your shoulder. This will help you generate power and keep the ball in play.


Volleys are shots hit close to the net, before the ball has a chance to bounce. Volleys can be hit with topspin, backspin or flat, and can be executed with various degrees of power.


In tennis, a stroke executed while the player’s arm is above their head. Overheads are hit when the ball is too high to be hit comfortably with a groundstroke, and must be hit before it falls too low (below the player’s waist).

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