How to Hit Topspin in Tennis?

Improve your topspin by following these simple tips. You’ll be a pro in no time!


In tennis, topspin is a shot where the ball rotates forward as it travels through the air. The forward rotation makes the ball drop more steeply after it bounces, and causes it to bounce higher than a shot with no topspin. In general, a topspin stroke has a higher maximum speed and lower bounce than a slice stroke.

Topspin can be hit with either an eastern or continental grip. The eastern grip is most commonly used for forehand strokes, while the continental grip is most commonly used for backhand strokes.

There are two main ways to hit topspin: using a slicing motion or using a brushing motion. When using a slicing motion, the racket is swung across the ball from low to high. This causes the ball to spin forwards and drop steeply after it bounces. When using a brushing motion, the racket is swung up and around the ball so that it brushes across the surface of the ball. This causes the ball to spin forwards and bounce higher than when using a slicing motion.

The Grip

One of the most important things you need to do when learning how to hit topspin in tennis is get the right grip. For a topspin shot, you want to use an eastern forehand grip. This grip gives you more power and control when hitting the ball. To grip the racket, start by positioning your hand so that the palm is facing up. Then, place the racket in your hand and position your index finger near the top of the racket head. Next, position your thumb on the back of the racket handle. Make sure that your fingers are not overlapping each other. Finally, wrap your pinky and ring finger around the bottom of the racket handle.

The Backswing

In order to hit topspin, you need to start the ball high and have a high string-bed contact point. You also need to be able to brush up the back of the ball.

The backswing is where you generate the power for your shot. Start by pivoting your weight from your back foot to your front foot while bringing your Racquet up and around your body. As you do this, brush up the back of the ball with your strings. The higher you can get the ball, the more topspin you’ll generate. Finish your backswing with your weight on your front foot and your Racquet pointing towards the sky.

The Forward Swing and Follow Through

In this how-to video, tennis instructor jaques Carraz demonstrates how to hit topspin. Start by positioning the ball in front of you and your racket arm out to the side. Step into the ball with your nondominant foot as you swing your racket up and over your shoulder, making sure to brush up on the ball--not hit it--as you make contact. As you follow through, snap your wrist and end with your racket above your head. This will result in a shot with lots of topspin, helping keep the ball low over the net and making it more difficult for your opponent to return.

The Finish

As you start your swing, you will want to keep your racket low to the ground. This will give you more power and also help you keep the ball low over the net. As you come up to the point of contact, you will want to start to raise your racket. The higher you can get it, the more topspin you will generate. When you make contact with the ball, make sure that your racket is above the ball. You want to hit it on the upswing so that the ball Will have topspin when it crosses over the net.

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