How To Hit Winners In Tennis?

How to Hit Winners in Tennis – It is no secret that hitting winners is the key to success in tennis. But how do you do it?

How To Hit Winners In Tennis?


Hitting winners is a key element in winning tennis matches. By hitting more winners than your opponent, you put pressure on them and increase your chances of winning the match. Although there are many different strokes in tennis, each with its own unique set of challenges, there are some general tips that will help you hit more winners.

The grip

The way you grip the tennis racket is very important. If you grip the racket too tight, you won’t be able to swing freely and the ball won’t have much speed. If you grip the racket too loosely, the ball might not go where you want it to. You need to find a balance.

The Continental grip

The Continental grip is the most popular grip in tennis. To execute a Continental grip, you position your hand so that your palm covers the bevel that is at the top of the racket handle. The Continental grip is also known as the “Chopper” grip, because it was once used by European players who did not have access to quality tennis rackets. The Chopper grip allowed these players to make do with inferior equipment and still compete with better-equipped opponents.

The Continental grip is suitable for all strokes, but it is especially useful for backhand strokes and serves. The main advantage of the Continental grip is that it allows you to generate a lot of topspin on your shots. This extra spin can be helpful when you are hitting from a defensive position, or when you need to keep the ball low over the net.

The Eastern grip

The Eastern grip is the second most popular grip in tennis. The Eastern grip is used for both backhand and forehand strokes. This grip is executed by positioning the base knuckle of the index finger on bevel number two. The other fingers will naturally fall into place. When using this grip, it’s important to keep the wrist firm and avoid excessive forearm rotation. This grip is best for players with long hours, as it puts less stress on the wrist and elbow than other grips.

The Western grip

One of the most popular grips in tennis, the Western grip is named after its inventor Harry Hopman, who was from Australia (which is in the western hemisphere). The Western grip is used by all types of players on all strokes.

Players who use the Western grip on their forehands often want to hit an aggressive shot with topspin. The extra topspin you can generate with the Western grip can be useful when you are hitting your forehand from a defensive position. The downside of the Western forehand is that it can be difficult to control, especially if you are going for a lot of pace and spin.

The Western grip can also be used on your backhand. Many players find that they can get more power and topspin on their backhands with this grip than with any other. The main downside of using the Western grip on your backhand is that it can be difficult to control if you are not used to it.

If you are looking to hit aggressive shots with a lot of spin, then the Western grip may be the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for more control, then you may want to consider another option.

The stance

To hit a winner in tennis, you need to have the right stance. You should be standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your weight forward. You should also be holding the racket in your non-dominant hand.

The open stance

One of the most important aspects to understand and be able to execute in tennis is the open stance. The open stance is when you rotate your body so that your dominant shoulder is facing the net. For a right-handed player, this would mean turning your body so that your left shoulder is facing the net. The open stance allows you to generate more power on your shots and helps you get into a better hitting position. When you are in an open stance, it is also easier to hit balls that are coming cross court because you do not have to turn your body as much.

The closed stance

The closed stance is the most popular stance in tennis. It’s used by all the top players in the world, including Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer.

The main reason why the closed stance is so popular is because it allows you to hit the ball with more power. When you hit the ball with a closed stance, your body is more aligned, which gives you more strength behind your shot.

Another big advantage of the closed stance is that it allows you to keep your eye on the ball longer. This can be a big help if you’re struggling with your tennis game.

If you want to improve your tennis game, then you should definitely learn how to hit winners with a closed stance. Here are some tips that will help you do just that.

The stroke

When you are playing tennis, there are different strokes that you can use in order to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court. The strokes are the forehand, the backhand, the serve, and the volley.

The forehand

The forehand is a groundstroke played with the player’s forward hand, the hand closest to the net. For a right-handed player, the forehand is a stroke that begins on the right side of his body, continues across his body as contact is made with the ball, and ends on the left side of his body. It can be executed either with one hand or with both hands.

The backhand

There are two main strokes in tennis – the backhand and the forehand. The backhand is often considered the weaker of the two strokes, but when executed correctly, it can be just as powerful and effective as the forehand.

There are two main types of backhands – the one-handed backhand and the two-handed backhand. The one-handed backhand is generally considered to be more difficult to execute, but it gives you more power and control over your shot. The two-handed backhand is easier to execute and is often used by beginners or players with less power.

To hit a backhand, start by positioning yourself so that your dominant hand is closer to the net than your non-dominant hand. For a right-handed player, this means positioning your left hand closer to the net. For a left-handed player, this means positioning your right hand closer to the net. Next, swing your racket arm backwards and across your body so that it’s parallel with the ground. As you swing your racket arm forward, make contact with the ball in front of your non-dominant shoulder. Finish your swing by following through with your racket arm and bringing it back to its original position next to your body.

The serve

Service is the most important stroke in tennis. Winning more service games means you have a better chance to win a tennis match. This is especially true at the professional level. If you can learn how to hit winners with your serve, you will be well on your way to becoming a great tennis player.

The flat serve

The mainstay of most professional player’s serves, the flat serve is just that – hit flat with little or no spin. Used mostly for first serves, the purpose of the flat serve is to get the ball into play rather than to win the point outright. A good service percentage with this type of serve should be around 60-70%.

The main advantage of the flat serve is its pace. A well-hit flat serve can be difficult to return, especially if it’s directed at one corner of the court. Another advantage is that it can be used to set up the next shot in a rally, such as a passing shot or an approach shot to the net.

The main disadvantage of a flat serve is that it’s more predictable than other types of serves and therefore can be more easily returned by a good opponent. In addition, if it’s not hit with enough pace, a good player will have time to take control of the rally from the baseline.

The slice serve

The slice serve is an important tool for a tennis player to have in their arsenal, particularly if they are playing on a slow surface. A good slice serve can be hit with plenty of topspin, making it difficult for the opponent to return.

One of the main benefits of the slice serve is that it can be used to effectively target the opponent’s backhand. This is because the ball spins from right to left when hit with a slice, meaning that it will tend to drift towards the backhand side of the court. This can be a very effective way of neutralizing an opponent’s most dangerous shot.

Another key benefit of the slice serve is that it can be used to create more angle on the ball. This can make it difficult for opponents to generate power on their returns, and can result in more errors being made.

If you are looking to add a slice serve to your game, then there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, it is important to make sure that you grip the ball correctly. The continental grip is often used for this shot, as it gives you good control over the ball.

Secondly, you need to make sure that you brush up on your shoulder turn. This will ensure that you generate plenty of power when hitting the ball. Additionally, make sure that you get your racket drop right – this will help you generate even more topspin on the ball.

The topspin serve

Using acontinental grip and tossing the ball high in the air, the player strikes the ball with a slicing motion–spinning the ball from low to high–imparting topspin. The stroke is usually employed on first serves to ensure that the serve remains consistent and not “floating” long or going into the net. When employing this type of serve, it is important that players make contact with the ball at an elevated point; if they make contact too low on the ball (toward the net), then their serve will go into the net. When using this grip, servers should aim for a point on opposites side of court, preferably at thigh-to-waist height. A good topspin serve can be difficult to return because of its high rate of spin and subsequent “float”, making it advantageous as an “ace” or service winner.

The slice serve is also sometimes used as an “out” serve when a player faces a particularly adept returner, who will be able to take advantage of any float time on a served ball. When using this type of serve, it is important for players to keep their heads up so as not to lose sight of where their opponents are positioned on court; if they take their eyes off their opponents even for a moment, they may be unable to regain vision in time to react to a return shot.


In conclusion, hitting winners in tennis is not an easy task. There are many factors that go into hitting a winner, such as shots selection, court positioning, and weight transfer. However, if you can master these elements, hitting winners will become much easier.

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