How To Increase Baseball Arm Strength: The 4 Best Exercises

If you want to increase your baseball arm strength, there are four exercises that you should focus on. These exercises are designed to improve the muscles used in throwing, so that you can throw with more power.


As any baseball player knows, having strong arm muscles is essential to throwing the ball with speed and accuracy. The following exercises will help you build up the strength in your arms so that you can perform your best on the field.

The 4 Best Exercises to Increase Baseball Arm Strength

Exercise #1: Wrist Weights

Wrist weights are a great way to increase the strength in your arm. By adding weight to your wrist, you are forcing your muscles to work harder in order to move your hand. This will help to build up the muscles in your arm and increase your arm strength.

There are a few different ways that you can use wrist weights. One way is to simply wear them while you go about your daily activities. Another way is to do specific exercises with them, such as wrist curls or extensions. Whichever way you choose to use them, wrist weights are a great way to increase the strength in your arm.

Exercise #2: Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are another great way to increase the strength in your arm. They work by providing resistance as you move your arm, which forces your muscles to work harder. This helps to build up the muscles in your arm and increase your arm strength.

There are a few different ways that you can use resistance bands. One way is to simply wear them while you go about your daily activities. Another way is to do specific exercises with them, such as bicep curls or tricep extensions. Whichever way you choose to use them, resistance bands are a great way to increase the strength in your arm.

Exercise #3: Dumbbells

Dumbbells are another great tool that you can use to increase the strength in your arm. By holding a dumbbell in each hand, you are adding weight that your muscles have to move. This helps to build up the muscles in your arm and increase your arm strength.

There are a few different ways that you can use dumbbells to increase the strength in your arm. One way is to simply hold them while you go about your daily activities. Another way is do specific exercises with them, such as bicep curls or overhead presses. Whichever way you choose use dumbbells, they are a great tool help build up the strength in arms.


Exercise #2: Resistance Bands

This is a great exercise for developing arm strength and improving pitching accuracy. set up a target at around shoulder height, and stand about 10-15 feet away from it. Step forward with your dominant foot, keeping your non-dominant foot behind you. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees, and hold the band in front of you with your palm facing the target. Slowly pull the band back until your hand is in line with your ear, and then release it forward, snapping your wrist as you release to generate power. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions on each arm.

Exercise #3: Medicine Ball Throws

One of the best exercises to increase baseball arm strength is the medicine ball throw. This exercise works both your upper body and your lower body, making it a great all-around baseball arm strengthening drill.

To do the medicine ball throw, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a medicine ball in both hands in front of your chest, then explosively throw the ball as far as you can. As you release the ball, extend your hips and legs to generate additional power. Catch the ball and repeat for 10-15 reps.

Exercise #4: Plyometric Push-Ups

Plyometric push-ups are a great way to increase triceps and shoulder strength. To do this exercise, start in a push-up position with your hands close together. From there, explosively push yourself up so that your hands leave the ground. As you come back down, land softly and repeat.


Now that you know the 4 best exercises to increase baseball arm strength, it’s time to get to work. Remember, to see the best results you need to be consistent with your training and always use proper form. If you do these things, you’ll be well on your way to having a strong arm that can help you dominate on the diamond.

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