How To Increase Your Exit Velocity In Baseball?

The answer to how to increase your exit velocity in baseball is quite simple. It all comes down to two factors: how hard you hit the ball and how fast you swing the bat.

How To Increase Your Exit Velocity In Baseball?


If you have ever played or watched baseball, you have probably heard the term “exit velocity”. Exit velocity is the speed of the ball leaving the bat after being hit. It is a measure of how hard a hitter hits the ball. The higher the exit velocity, the further the ball will travel.

Exit velocity can be measured using a radar gun. The average major league hitter has an exit velocity of around 89 mph. The best hitters in the league can hit the ball over 100 mph.

So, how can you increase your exit velocity?

Here are some tips:

– Use a heavier bat. A heavier bat will help you generate more power.
– Swing through the ball. When you swing, make sure to swing through the ball and not at it. This will help you generate more bat speed and power.
– Hit balls off a tee. Hitting balls off a tee will help you improve your timing and make contact with the ball in the sweet spot of the bat more often.
– Use explosive exercises to train your muscles. Exercises such as jump squats and medicine ball throws will help train your muscles to generate more power.
– Practice visualization exercises. Visualizing yourself hitting the ball hard will help your mind and body coordinate better when you are actually hitting a baseball.

The Science Of Exit Velocity

In order to achieve the highest possible exit velocity, hitters need to understand the science behind it. Public perception would have us believe that all a hitter needs to do is “swing harder” in order to generate more bat speed and, therefore, more exit velocity. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, swinging harder will actually decrease bat speed and make it harder for hitters to make contact with the ball.

So, if swinging harder isn’t the answer, what is? The answer lies in understanding the relationship between bat speed and exit velocity. Bat speed is determined by two things: how fast the bat is moving through the hitting zone and how much mass the bat has. Exit velocity, on the other hand, is determined by three things: bat speed, launch angle and spin rate.

When a hitter swings at a pitch, they are trying to create as much bat speed as possible while still making contact with the ball. The problem is that as bat speed increases, so does the risk of missing the ball entirely. This is where launch angle and spin rate come into play. By creating a higher launch angle and increasing spin rate, hitters can increase their exit velocity without sacrificing their ability to make contact with the ball.

In order to increase launch angle and spin rate, hitters need to focus on two things: swinging down on the ball and hitting it out in front of them. Swinging down on the ball will create a steeper trajectory and hitting it out in front of them will allow them to loft it over infielders for extra base hits.

by swing Smarter

The Two Main Causes Of Low Exit Velocity

There are two main causes of low exit velocity: a lack of bat speed and poor contact point. A lack of bat speed is typically due to one of two things: either the batter is not strong enough or they are not swinging the bat fast enough. Poor contact point is usually the result of incorrect hitting mechanics; if the batter is swinging too early or too late, they are likely to make poor contact with the ball.

There are a few ways to increase your exit velocity. Firstly, you can work on your strength and bat speed through weightlifting and other exercises. Secondly, you can work on your hitting mechanics with the help of a coach or trainer. Finally, you can use technology to your advantage; there are now a number of apps and devices that can help you track and improve your swing.

If you want to hit the ball harder, start by working on your strength and bat speed. Then, focus on improving your hitting mechanics. And finally, take advantage of technology to get better data on your swing and make necessary adjustments.

How To Increase Your Exit Velocity

There are a lot of ways to increase your exit velocity, but not all of them are created equal. In this article, we’ll break down some of the best ways to add a few extra miles per hour to your hits.

Exit velocity is the speed at which a baseball is hit off the bat. The higher the exit velocity, the further the ball will travel. The average major league player has an exit velocity of around 87 mph, but the best hitters in the game can reach speeds upwards of 120 mph.

If you’re looking to hit like an All-Star, you’re going to need to find a way to increase your exit velocity. Here are a few of the best ways to do it:

1) Use a heavier bat: This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to increase your exit velocity. A heavier bat will allow you to generate more power with each swing, resulting in higher exit velocities. Just be sure not to sacrifice your batting average in the process—a heavier bat will slow down your swing speed, making it harder to make contact with the ball.

2) Take more time: When you’re up at bat, take a few extra seconds before you swing. This will allow you to get into a better hitting position and generate more power with your swing. Just don’t take too much time—if the pitcher sees you stalling, they may throw a fastball down the middle of the plate, making it easier for you to hit.

3) Use batting gloves: Batting gloves can help increase your grip on the bat, resulting in more power behind each swing. They also absorb some of the shock from contact with the ball, protecting your hands from injury. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on batting gloves—even cheap ones from Walmart will do the trick.

4) Train with weights: Stronger muscles lead to harder swings and higher exit velocities. Incorporating weight training into your workout routine will help you develop more power behind each swing. Focus on exercises that target your core and lower body—these are the muscles that generate most of the power in your swing.

The Exit Velocity Training Program

Utilizing state of the art technology, the Exit Velocity Training Program is designed to increase a player’s exit velocity and to make them more explosive.

The program is built on the science of baseball swing mechanics and how they influence bat speed and ball flight. Players will learn proper hitting mechanics through drills, repetitions, and video analysis. They will also receive training in the areas of functional movement, physical conditioning, and mental preparation.

The Exit Velocity Training Program is for players of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a Little League player just getting started, or a Major League All-Star looking to take your game to the next level, we can help you increase your exit velocity and improve your game.

The Exit Velocity Diet

If you’re serious about increasing your exit velocity, you need to be just as serious about your diet. Nutrition plays a critical role in optimizing athletic performance, and that includes hitting a baseball as hard as you possibly can.

Here are some specific recommendations for foods that will help you increase your exit velocity:

-Protein: Chicken, fish, beef, eggs, whey protein powder
-Complex carbohydrates: Oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, brown rice
-Fruits and vegetables: Spinach, kale, berries, oranges
-Healthy fats: Avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds

In addition to eating the right foods, it’s also important to make sure you’re staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help your body function at its best and enable you to hit the ball with maximum force.

The Exit Velocity Supplement Plan

The supplements you take can greatly affect your exit velocity. If you want to increase your exit velocity, you need to take the right supplements. There are three main supplements that will help you increase your exit velocity: protein, Creatine, and Beta-Alanine.

Protein is the most important macronutrient for increasing muscle mass and strength. When you lift weights, you damage your muscles. Your body then uses protein to repair the damage and make the muscle stronger. The more protein you consume, the more muscle you can build. This will lead to an increase in exit velocity.

Creatine is a molecule that helps supply energy to your muscles. It does this by increasing the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in your muscles. ATP is the energy currency of your cells. The more ATP you have, the more energy you have for explosive activities like hitting a baseball. creatine has been shown to increase Exit Velocity by up to 5%.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that increases Carnosine levels in your muscles. Carnosine is a molecule that helps buffer lactic acid in your muscles. Lactic acid is a byproduct of exercise that causes fatigue. By increasing Carnosine levels, Beta-Alanine can help you exercise for longer periods of time without getting tired. This will lead to an increase in Exit Velocity as well as batting average and home runs.

The Exit Velocity Equipment Guide

Are you looking to increase your exit velocity? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’re going to show you the exit velocity equipment that can help you reach your goals.

Exit Velocity is the speed at which a batted baseball leaves the bat. The higher the better, as it means the ball will travel further. There are a number of factors that affect exit velocity, including:

-The type of bat you use
-Your swing mechanics
-The weight of the ball
-Your launch angle

While some of these factors are out of your control, others can be improved with the help of the rightexit velocity equipment. Let’s take a look at some of the best options on the market.

The Exit Velocity Mental Training Program

The Exit Velocity Mental Training Program is a 6-week online course that will show you how to increase your exit velocity by up to 5 miles per hour.

This program is based on the latest research on the mental side of hitting and has been used by professional and collegiate hitters to addmph to their swings.

Here’s what you’ll get with the program:

-A step-by-step guide to increasing your exit velocity
-Weekly video lessons from top mental training experts
-Interactive exercises and drills to help you put the concepts into action
-A private online community for support and accountability
-Access to exclusive resources and bonus content


There are a lot of factors that go into increasing your exit velocity. The most important thing is to have a plan and to work on it consistently. Remember to focus on your mechanics, your mindset, and your physical strength. With a little bit of hard work, you can see a big difference in your performance on the field.

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