How to Invest in Esports: A Reddit Guide

A comprehensive guide on how to invest in esports, including a beginner’s guide on what esports are and how to get started.

How to Invest in Esports: A Reddit Guide


If you’re reading this, then you’re probably interested in investing in esports. This guide will teach you everything you need to know about how to invest in esports, from the basics of what esports are to more advanced concepts like the different types of investments you can make.

Esports are a type of competition that is facilitated by electronic systems, such as video games; the word “esports” is a truncation of “electronic sports”. Esports often take the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players. These competitions usually take place in front of a live audience, and can also be streamed online. The most common genres of games played in esports are real-time strategy games, first-person shooters, and multiplayer online battle arenas.

While investing in esports is a relatively new concept, it’s one that is gaining popularity among both individual and institutional investors. If you’re considering investing in esports, there are a few things you should know before taking the plunge.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

– What are esports?
– The history of esports
– How big is the esports industry?
– How to invest in esports

What is Esports?

Esports is a form of competition using video games. The first esports tournaments were held in the early 1970s, but it wasn’t until the late 1990s that esports began to be taken more seriously as a form of competitive gaming. Today, esports is a global phenomenon with tournaments being held all over the world.

The Different Types of Esports

Just like traditional sports, there are different types of esports. The most common type is the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), which pits two teams of players against each other in an online strategic combat game. The two most popular MOBAs are “League of Legends” and “Dota 2.” Other popular types of esports include first-person shooter (FPS) games like “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” and “Overwatch,” and battle royale games like “Fortnite” and “PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.”

The Different Tournaments

In general, there are three types of tournaments: those organized by game developers, those organized by professional esports organizations, and those organized by third-party event organizers. Game developer-organized tournaments are sometimes called “official” tournaments, while professional esports organization- and third-party-organized tournaments can simply be called “competitive” tournaments. Professional esports organizations also host exhibition matches, which tend to be non-competitive and feature well-known players.

How to Invest in Esports

If you’re reading this, you’re probably interested in investing in esports. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just getting started, this guide will show you how to get started. Esports is a rapidly growing industry with a lot of potential. With the right investment, you can make a lot of money.

How to Pick an Esports Team

It’s important to do your research when picking an esports team. Just like with any sport, there are a lot of teams out there, and not all of them are created equal. You want to make sure you pick a team that has a good chance of winning, and that you’re comfortable rooting for.

Here are some things to consider when picking an esports team:
1) The game they play: First and foremost, you want to make sure the team you pick plays a game that you’re interested in. If you don’t like the game, you’re not going to enjoy watching them play.

2) Their track record: Take a look at the team’s past performance. Do they have a history of winning? Have they been to playoffs? The better the team’s track record, the more likely they are to win in the future.

3) Their roster: Another important factor to consider is the team’s roster. Do they have experienced players? Are they well-rounded, or do they specialize in one particular area? A strong roster gives a team a better chance of winning.

4) Their fans: It can also be helpful to take a look at the team’s fans. If they have passionate and dedicated fans, that’s a good sign that they’re a quality team. Passionate fans can also help create an enjoyable experience for viewers.

How to Pick an Esports Player

With the popularity of esports booming, more and more people are looking to get in on the action by investing in professional gamers. If you’re thinking about becoming an esports investor, there are a few things you should know before getting started.

Just like any other investment, you need to do your research before putting any money down. When it comes to investing in esports, that means becoming familiar with the different games and players. You should also have a good understanding of the industry as a whole and how it works.

Once you’ve done your research and you’re ready to start investing, the next step is to pick an esports player. This can be a tough decision, as there are hundreds of talented gamers out there. However, there are a few things you can look at when narrowing down your choices.

First, consider the player’s track record. How well have they performed in past tournaments? Do they have a history of winning? Players with a proven track record are more likely to continue performing well in the future.

Another thing to look at is the player’s following. Do they have a large and loyal fan base? This can be an indication of how popular they are and how much interest there is in them. Players with large followings tend to be more marketable and can often command higher salaries.

Finally, take into account the player’s age. Younger players may have more potential and may be more affordable than established stars. However, they also come with more risk since they haven’t had as much time to prove themselves. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which factors are most important when choosing an esports player to invest in.


Esports are a growing industry with immense potential. As a new investor, it is important to do your research and approach investments carefully. This guide provides some basic tips on how to get started investing in esports.

1. Start by familiarizing yourself with the industry and its key players.

2. Identify which games and genres are most popular and have the greatest potential for growth.

3. Research individual teams, leagues, and tournaments to identify investment opportunities.

4. Consider both the short-term and long-term prospects of the esports industry before making any decisions.

5. approached cautiously and with due diligence, investing in esports can be a profitable endeavor.

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