How To Join A Pro Esports Team?

A lot of aspiring esports athletes ask us how they can join a professional esports team. Here’s a quick guide on how to join a pro esports team.

How To Join A Pro Esports Team?


recent years, esports has seen a meteoric rise in popularity. Once a niche interest, professional gaming is now a multi-million dollar industry with tournaments watched by millions of people around the world.

If you’re an aspiring professional gamer, you might be wondering how you can join a pro esports team. Here’s everything you need to know.

1. Find Your Game

The first step is to find your game. There are dozens of popular esports titles including first-person shooters (FPS) like Counter-Strike and Overwatch, real-time strategy (RTS) games like StarCraft and Warcraft, and even mobile games like Vainglory and Clash Royale.

Think about which games you’re good at and enjoy playing the most. Do your research to find out which games are played professionally and which have the biggest prize pools. Once you’ve found your game, it’s time to start thinking about how you can join a pro team.

2. Join an Amateur Team

Joining an amateur team is a great way to get started in the world of professional gaming. It can help you make connections, improve your skills, and potentially get noticed by pro scouts looking for new talent.

There are amateur teams for almost every popular esport so finding one shouldn’t be too difficult. You can look for teams online or even join a local community group or college club if you want to play offline games like Street Fighter or Super Smash Bros.

3. Participate in Tournaments

Participating in tournaments is another great way to get noticed by pro teams. Tournaments provide an opportunity for players of all skill levels to compete against each other and show off their talents on a big stage.

To find tournaments near you, do a quick search online or check out websites like Major League Gaming (MLG) and Electronic Sports League (ESL). You can also check out non-competitive leagues like the National Esports Association (NEA) which host organized events for players of all skill levels across the United States

4. Stream Your Games

If you want to increase your chances of being scouted by a pro team, consider streaming your gameplay on platforms like Twitch or YouTube Gaming. Streaming is a great way to build up a following and show off your skills to potential team sponsors or recruiters

The Different Types of Pro Esports Teams

There are four different types of pro esports teams: the traditional sports team model, the gaming house model, the organization-owned model, and the player-owned model. The traditional sports team model is where the team is owned by a single organization, similar to how traditional sports teams are owned. The gaming house model is where the team lives and practices together in a gaming house. The organization-owned model is where the team is owned by the esports organization, but the players are not under contract. The player-owned model is where the team is owned and operated by the players themselves.

Professional Esports Organizations

Many different types of professional esports organizations exist. Below is a list of some of the most common structures and what they entail.

1. Single-Game Organizations: As the name suggests, these esports organizations only field teams in a single game or genre of games. For example, an all-female Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team would be considered a single-game organization. In many cases, these teams are sponsored by the developers or publishers of the game they compete in as a means of promoting their product.

2. Multi-Game Organizations: Similarly to single-game organizations, multi-game organizations only field teams in a specific genre of games. However, unlike single-game orgs, multi-game orgs have multiple teams that compete in different games within that genre. For example, Evil Geniuses is a popular North American esports organization that has numerous teams across several different games, including Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, andCall of Duty.

3. Wildcard Organizations: These are professional esports organizations that field teams in multiple games or genres with no real specialization. For example, Team Liquid is an esports organization with pro teams in Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Halo 5: Guardians, StarCraft II, and more. Because they have no real focus, wildcard organizations are often some of the largest and most well-funded in the industry since they can appeal to a much wider range of fans and sponsors.

Casual Esports Organizations

While some pro gamers take their careers very seriously, joining established organizations and signing binding contracts, others are much more casual about the whole process. Smaller groups of friends will often get together to play in tournaments without ever signing anything. This is the most common way to play in the amateur ranks. If you’re just starting out, chances are you’ll be doing this as well.

Organizations at this level are mostly just looking for players that fit their idea of a team and can work together well. There’s usually not a lot (if any) money involved, and players are free to leave whenever they want – although most teams will ask that you give them some notice before leaving. The best way to find a team at this level is simply to look for open PUGs (pick up games) on sites like FaceIT or ESEA, or join an amateur league like CEVO or ESEA-Invite.

Game-Specific Esports Organizations

Just as traditional sports are divided into specific leagues (MLB, NBA, NHL) for different games (baseball, basketball, hockey), so too are esports. These are the organizations that field teams for specific games and competitions. For example, Evil Geniuses is a gaming organization that has teams for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, Halo 5: Guardians, League of Legends, and more.

Some of the most popular game-specific esports organizations include:

– Cloud9: One of the most successful North American esports organizations across multiple games. They have teams in Apex Legends, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Fortnite Battle Royale, Hearthstone, League of Legends, Madden NFL 19, Rainbow Six Siege, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros., Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege (VALORANT), and World of Warcraft
– Evil Geniuses: One of the oldest and most successful North American esports organizations with teams in Apex Legends (PS4 only), Dota 2,, Halo 5: Guardians,, StarCraft II,, Street Fighter V,, and World of Warcraft
– G2 Esports: A Spanish esports organization with teams in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,, Hearthstone,, League of Legends,, PUBG Mobile,, Rocket League,, Valorant,, and Rainbow Six Siege
– 100 Thieves: A North American organization with teams in Apex Legends,,,, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4,,,,Fortnite Battle Royale,,,, Clash Royale,,,,League of Legends,,,,and VALORANT
– FaZe Clan::An international professional esports and entertainment organization with teams in Apex Legends,,,,Call of Duty,,,,Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,,,, Halo 5: Guardians,,,,Fortnite Battle Royale,,,, Gears of War 4,,,,PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds,,,,Overwatch,,,,Rainbow Six Siege,,,, Rocket League,,,, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon WildlandsAnd Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

How to Join a Professional Esports Team

So you want to join a professional esports team? Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just starting out, this guide will help you learn what it takes to join a professional esports organization. We’ll go over the different types of pro teams, what the tryout process looks like, and what to expect once you’re a part of the team.

Finding the Right Team for You

Not all pro esports teams are created equal. Just like in traditional sports, some teams are better than others, and you want to make sure you find the right team for you. The best way to do that is by doing your research and talking to other professional gamers.

Here are some things to keep in mind when you’re looking for a professional esports team:

-What games does the team play? You want to make sure the team you join is playing the same games as you are.

-What is the team’s rankings in those games? You want to join a team that is competitive and has a good chance of winning tournaments.

-How well do the team members get along? You’ll be spending a lot of time with these people, so it’s important that you get along with them.

-What is the team’s practice schedule like? You’ll need to be able to commit to the team’s practice schedule if you want to be a successful member.

-What is the financial situation of the team? Make sure you understand how the team is funded and what, if any, compensation you will receive for being a member.

Making a Good Impression

The first step is always going to be making a good impression. When it comes to joining a professional esports team, that starts with your online presence. From the way you present yourself on social media to the types of content you post and share, everything matters.

Your social media accounts are essentially your personal resume and portfolio all in one, and potential team owners and managers will absolutely be looking at them before they consider bringing you on board. Make sure that everything—from the way you communicate with other players to the overall tone and personality you project—is positive and professional.

Of course, posting consistently great content is only half the battle. You also need to make sure you’re tagging and sharing that content in all the right places. Research popular hashtag communities related to your game and specific esport, and start engaging with those communities on a regular basis. The more active you are online, the more likely it is that someone will take notice of your skills—and eventually offer you a spot on their team.

How to Join a Casual Esports Team

Joining a casual esports team is a great way to get into the competitive gaming scene without having to commit to a professional team. There are many benefits to being on a casual team, such as having fun, meeting new people, and improving your gaming skills. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before joining a casual esports team. In this article, we will go over everything you need to know about joining a casual esports team.

Finding the Right Team for You

Finding the right esports team can be difficult. There are a few things you need to consider when looking for a team, such as:
-What game do you want to play?
-What is your skill level?
-Do you want to play competitively or just for fun?

Assuming you have answered these questions, the next step is to find a team that is right for you. Here are a few tips:

-Check out websites that list esports teams, such as ESL and ESEA.
-Look for local LAN events and meetups. These are usually posted on gaming forums or social media.
-Attend open qualifiers for tournaments. This is a great way to meet people with similar interests and skill levels.
-Try out for established teams. This is the most difficult way to join a team, but it can be the most rewarding if you are good enough.

Making a Good Impression

When you attend tryouts or tournaments, it’s important to remember that first impressions matter. The way you dress and carry yourself will say a lot about how seriously you take competition. While you don’t need to break the bank on brand-new gear, try to avoid wearing old or ratty clothes. You should also be well-groomed and presentable. If you have long hair, make sure it’s pulled back so that it’s not in your face.

It’s also important to be on time and prepared fortryouts. Showing up late or without the proper equipment sends a signal that you’re not organized or serious about the team. Make sure you know the format of the tryouts ahead of time so that you can be ready for whatever is asked of you. And don’t be afraid to ask questions if there’s something you’re unsure about.

Finally, remember to be respectful of both the other players and the staff running the tryouts. There’s no need to trash talk or be friendly with your fellow competitors—just focus on doing your best and let the performance speak for itself.

How to Join a Game-Specific Esports Team

It can be difficult to find the right esports team when you’re just getting started. There are thousands of teams out there and, like with any sport, not all of them are created equal. The first step is to decide which game you want to compete in. Once you’ve done that, you can start narrowing down your options by looking for teams that suit your skill level and play style. Here’s a guide on how to find and join the right pro esports team for you.

Finding the Right Team for You

Now that you know what to look for and what the tryout process entails, it’s time to start looking for that perfect team. The best way to find a team is actually to let the teams find you. Making a name for yourself in the community, especially in your game of choice, is the best way to get noticed by pro scouts. A good way to do this is by creating content, whether that be through streaming or making videos/tutorials on YouTube. If you’re already a content creator, make sure to include your contact information somewhere on your page so that teams can reach out to you if they’re interested. If you don’t yet have a following, don’t worry, there are other ways to get noticed.

Another great way to get recruited is by participating in tournaments and ladders. Many teams will scout players from these events so it’s a great way to showcase your skills. Even if you don’t win the event, placing well can still get you noticed. Social media is also a great tool for connecting with teams and players. Twitter is probably the best platform for this as many pros and teams are active on there. You can also use Twitter to follow tournaments and learn about upcoming events. Joining an existing team is probably the most direct path to going pro but it’s not always the easiest path as there is usually more competition for spots on established teams.

If you don’t mind starting from scratch, you could always create your own team. This option obviously requires more work but it can be very rewarding both professionally and personally. Assembling a group of like-minded individuals who share your goal of going pro can be difficult but if you’re patient and put in the work, it can pay off in the end. Once you have a solid team together, you can start competing in online tournaments and ladders just like any other team. If you manage to find success, it won’t be long before other players and teams start taking notice of you

Making a Good Impression

No matter what game you want to play professionally, there are a few key things you need to do in order to make a good impression on potential teams.

The first is to have a strong individual performance. This means that you need to be able to consistently outperform other players in your role, and have a deep understanding of the game mechanics and strategy. Teams are always looking for players who can give them an edge in competition, so if you can show that you have what it takes, you’ll be one step closer to landing a spot on a team.

In addition to having strong individual skills, you also need to be able to work well with others. Esports is a team sport, and teams are looking for players who can gel with the rest of the squad and work together towards common goals. If you’re able to show that you’re a team player and can communicate effectively, you’ll increase your chances of being picked up by a professional team.

Finally, it’s important to be professional in your interactions with teams and other players. This means treating people with respect, being punctual and organized, and generally putting your best foot forward. If you can show teams that you’re easy to work with and take the competition seriously, you’ll be one step closer to making your dream of being a professional gamer a reality.

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