How to Join the CS:GO Esports Scene

A comprehensive guide on how to join the CS:GO esports scene. Includes tips on finding a team, improving your skills, and more.

Introduction to CS:GO Esports

To many, the world of esports is a daunting and inaccessible one. rife with games with impenetrable mechanics and jargon that leaves newcomers feeling lost and excluded. Where do you even start if you want to get involved in the lifesaving that is professional gaming? Well, you’re in luck. We’re here to give you a crash course in all things CS:GO esports.

What is CS:GO?

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation. It is the fourth game in the Counter Strike series and was released for Windows, OS X, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 in August 2012, while the Linux version was released in 2014. The game pits two teams against each other: the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. Both sides are tasked with eliminating the other while also completing separate objectives. The Terrorists, depending on the game mode, must either plant or defend bombs or take hostages, while the Counter-Terrorists must either prevent the bomb from being planted, defuse it, or rescue the hostages. There are nine game modes, all of which have distinct characteristics specific to that mode.

The competitive mode is the most popular mode in CS:GO. In this mode, players are matched with others who have similar skill levels. Once a player has reached a certain skill level, they will be placed in a higher skill bracket where they will play against more skilled players. This system ensures that all players are constantly challenged and prevents players from becoming bored or frustrated with the game. Additionally, players can join competitive leagues which pit teams of players against each other in matches. The top teams in these leagues will often compete in offline tournaments with huge cash prizes.

What is Esports?

Esports, also known as electronic sports, is a form of competitive video gaming. The industry of esports has seen a massive boom in recent years, with tournaments and leagues pulling in large audiences and offering huge prize pools.

The game that started it all was Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). Released in 2012, CS:GO quickly became one of the most popular games in the world, with millions of players competing in online matches. The game’s popularity led to the formation of professional esports teams, who began competing in online and offline tournaments for prizes.

Today, CS:GO is still one of the most popular esports games in the world, with hundreds of thousands of players competing in online matches every day. If you’re interested in joining the CS:GO esports scene, here’s what you need to know.

The CS:GO Scene

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is one of the most popular games in the world with a huge competitive scene. But how do you get started in the CS:GO esports scene? In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know to get started in the world of CS:GO esports.


The CS:GO competitive scene is thriving, with numerous tournaments being held throughout the year. The most prestigious event is the annual Major tournament, which features a large prize pool and is hosted by Valve, the game’s developer. Other notable tournaments include the ELEAGUE Major, ESL Pro League, and Dreamhack Masters.

If you’re interested in joining the competitive scene, you’ll need to find a team to play on. You can do this by joining an online community or attending LAN events. Once you’ve found a team, you’ll need to practice and hone your skills if you want to compete at the highest level.

Tournaments are a great way to see how you stack up against other players in the community and can be a lot of fun. If you’re serious about becoming a professional player, though, remember that it takes dedication and hard work to succeed.


In order to join the CS:GO esports scene, you will need to join a team. There are many teams out there of varying sizes, levels of experience, and focus. You can look for teams online, through word-of-mouth, or at offline tournaments. Once you find a team that you think is a good fit, the next step is to try out for the team.

The tryout process will be different for each team, but in general, you will need to show that you are skilled at the game and that you are a good fit for the team. You may need to play some matchmaking games with the team, or you may need to play in some online tournaments with the team. The tryout process varies from team to team, so be sure to ask about it before you start trying out.

If you are successful in your tryouts and you are chosen to join the team, congratulations! You are now on your way to becoming a professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player. Remember to practice hard and listen to your teammates; together, you can achieve great things in the world of CS:GO esports.


The first step to joining the CS:GO esports scene is to find a league that suits your needs and goals. There are many different leagues out there, each with their own rules and regulations. Some leagues are more serious than others, and some are geared towards players of all skill levels. Do some research and find the league that’s right for you.

Once you’ve joined a league, start practicing with your team. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. If you want to be the best, you have to put in the work. Make sure to warm up before matches and cool down afterwards. This will help prevent injuries and keep you in peak condition.

As you start playing in matches, pay attention to your own performance as well as that of your teammates. If you see areas that need improvement, work on them in future practices. Communicate with your team and listen to their feedback; they may have helpful suggestions on how you can improve your game.

Keep playing and practicing, and eventually you’ll make it to the top of the competitive scene. Good luck!

Getting Involved in CS:GO Esports

Whether you want to get involved as a professional player, a coach, or just a fan, there are many ways to get involved in CS:GO esports. As a professional player, you can join a team and compete in tournaments around the world. If you’re interested in coaching, you can join a team or start your own. And as a fan, you can support your favorite players and teams by watching matches and tournaments, and following the scene on social media.

Playing the Game

The first step to joining the CS:GO esports scene is, of course, to download and play the game. If you’re familiar with first-person shooters and have played other games in the genre before, you’ll be able to pick up CS:GO relatively quickly. However, even if you’re new to the genre there are plenty of resources available that can help you learn the ropes.

Once you feel comfortable playing the game, your next step should be to find a team or organization to join. There are many different ways to get involved in CS:GO esports, whether it’s through online leagues and tournaments or offline events. There are also a number of organizations that support and promote aspiring professional players.

Another way to get involved in CS:GO esports is to take on a role behind the scenes. There are plenty of opportunities for people with a variety of skillsets, whether it’s organizing tournaments, casting matches or creating content. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in esports, getting involved in CS:GO is a great place to start.

Finding a Team

If you want to join the CS:GO esports scene, one of the best ways to do so is by finding a team. You can either try out for an existing team or create your own. If you choose to try out for a team, keep in mind that the competition will be fierce. There are many talented players out there, so you’ll need to make sure you’re among the best of the best.

To find a team, you can start by checking out online resources such as and These websites list teams and their standings in various tournaments. You can also contact teams directly and inquire about tryouts. Another option is to attend local LAN events and introduce yourself to players and teams there.

Once you’ve found a team, it’s important to practice regularly with them. This will not only help you improve your skills but also allow you to bond with your teammates and develop teamwork skills that are essential in CS:GO esports.

Tournaments and Leagues

The esports scene for CS:GO is both vast and ever-changing, but there are a few mainstay tournaments and leagues that form the core of competitive play. To start with the most obvious, the game developer Valveruns two huge events each year—namely, the Majors and Minors. These are by far the biggest CS:GO tournaments in terms of both prize pools and audience numbers, so if you want to watch the best teams in the world compete, these are the events to tune into.

In addition to Valve’s own tournaments, there are a number of other independent organizers that host their own LAN events throughout the year. These usually have solid prize pools and attract top teams, although they’re not quite on the same level as Valve’s events. Some of the more notable independent tournaments include ELEAGUE, ECS ( FACEIT), StarLadder and DreamHack.

Finally, there are a number of online leagues which function in a similar way to traditional sports leagues—that is, teams compete in regular matches against each other over the course of a season, with playoffs at the end to determine the overall winner. The two biggest online leagues are ESL Pro League ( run by ESL) and ESEA League ( run by ESEA).


We hope this guide has been helpful in giving you an idea of what’s involved in joining the CS:GO esports scene. While it may seem like a lot of work, remember that everyone starts from the bottom and that the hard work will pay off in the end.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask in our forums or contact a staff member directly. Good luck and have fun!

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