How To Join Esports Team In India?

Learn how to join an esports team in India by following these simple steps. You will need to be a part of a gaming community and have the passion for gaming.


There are many pathways into the world of competitive gaming, but joining an esports team is often the first step. Joining an esports team gives you a group of like-minded individuals to train and compete with, as well as helping to improve your skills and knowledge of the game.

India is home to a growing number of esports teams, with organizations such as Entity Gaming, SoStronk, and Aeon Academy competing in a variety of games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), Dota 2, and PUBG Mobile.

If you’re based in India and are looking to join an esports team, here are some tips on how to go about it.

Do your research
The first step is to do your research and find an esports team that suits your needs. There are a number of factors to consider when choosing an esports team, such as the games they compete in, their level of competition, their training schedule, and their success in previous tournaments.

Once you’ve narrow down your options, take some time to research each team’s players, staff, and organization. This will give you a better understanding of their values and how they operate. You can also check out each team’s social media accounts to get a feel for their community and see how they interact with their fans.

Reach out to the team
The next step is to reach out to the team you’re interested in joining. The best way to do this is by sending them a message through their social media accounts or by emailing their staff directly.

When reaching out, be sure to introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in joining the team. It’s also a good idea to include any relevant information about your gaming experience or accomplishments. This will show that you’re serious about joining the team and that you have the potential to be a valuable member.

Audition for the team
After reaching out to the team, you may be asked to audition for a spot on the roster. The audition process will vary from team to team, but it typically involves playing against other members of the team or taking part in a tryout tournament.

During your audition, it’s important that you focus on showing off your skills and proving that you’re a good fit for the team. If you’re able to do this successfully, then there’s a good chance you’ll be offered a spot on the roster.

What is an Esports team?

An Esports team is a professional or semi-professional video gaming team who compete in online and offline tournaments. In order to be considered an Esports team, most teams must have at least five members who play the same game together.

Some well-known Esports teams in India include Indian has a rich history when it comes to playing video Response Unit (RRU)and Team Indus (TI). These teams have not only participated in but also won many international tournaments.

Joining an Esports team can be a great way to take your gaming career to the next level. Not only will you get to compete against the best players in the world, but you’ll also have access to better equipment and coaching. If you’re looking for a way to improve your gaming skills, joining an Esports team is a great option.

Why join an Esports team?

Joining an Esports team is a great way to improve your skills and compete at a higher level. It also gives you the opportunity to meet other gamers and make new friends. In India, there are many Esports teams to choose from, so you should research each one before making a decision. Here are some things to consider when choosing an Esports team:

-The team’s skill level: You will want to join a team that is at a similar skill level to you. This way, you can compete against other teams that are at your same skill level and improve together.

-The team’s goals: Some teams are focused on winning tournaments and prizes, while others are just in it for the fun of the game. Figure out what your goal is for joining an Esports team and find one that aligns with your goals.

-The team’s size: Some teams are large with many members, while others are smaller with only a few members. Consider how much time you want to dedicate to the team and choose one that is the right size for you.

Once you have considered all of these factors, you should be able to narrow down your choices and find the perfect Esports team for you!

How to join an Esports team in India?

In India, Esports is a relatively new concept with a lot of opportunity for development and growth. If you’re looking to join an Esports team in India, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

Before you start reaching out to teams, it’s important to do your research and figure out which game you want to compete in. Once you have that figured out, look up teams that play your game of choice and see if they’re based in India. You can also check online resources such as Liquipedia to see if there are any Indian teams competing in international tournaments.

Reach out:
Once you’ve found a few teams that you’re interested in, the next step is to reach out to them and inquire about tryouts or open spots on the team. Many teams will have contact information listed on their website or social media accounts, so reaching out should be relatively easy. If there’s no contact information listed, you can try reaching out to the team captain or manager directly.

If the team you’re interested in is holding tryouts, make sure you’re prepared before heading in. This means practicing your game of choice religiously and making sure you’re aware of all the relevant mechanics and strategies. It also doesn’t hurt to research the other people who will be trying out for the team so you know what kind of competition you’ll be up against.

Signing a contract:
If you do end up joining an Indian Esports team, one of the first things that will happen is that you’ll be asked to sign a contract. This contract will outline your responsibilities as a member of the team as well as any rules or regulations that you need to follow. Make sure you read through the contract carefully before signing it so that there are no surprises down the road.


In conclusion, joining an esports team in India is not as difficult as one might think. There are a few key things to keep in mind, such as finding the right team and organization, having the correct skillset, and being dedicated to the team. With these factors in mind, any player should be able to join an esports team in India with relative ease.

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