How to Keep Tennis Shoes from Smelling Bad

Here are some tips on how to keep your tennis shoes from smelling bad. These include using a shoe insert, letting them air out, and more.


Bad-smelling shoes are not only a nuisance to you and those around you, but they can also be a sign that your shoes are harboring harmful bacteria. If you don’t take steps to keep your shoes clean and dry, you could be at risk for developing Athlete’s foot or other fungal infections.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your tennis shoes from smelling bad:

1. Rotate Your Shoes

If you wear the same pair of tennis shoes every day, they’re going to start to smell. Give your shoes a break by alternating between two or three pairs. This will give them time to air out between uses and will prevent the build-up of sweat and bacteria.

2. Wear Socks

Wearing socks will help absorb sweat and prevent your feet from coming into direct contact with the fabric of your shoes. This will reduce the amount of bacteria that can grow in your shoes and cause them to smell bad.

3. Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry

The best way to prevent your shoes from smelling bad is to keep your feet clean and dry. Wash them daily with soap and water, and make sure to dry them thoroughly before putting on socks and shoes. You may also want to consider using an antiperspirant or foot powder to help keep your feet dry throughout the day.

4. Let Your Shoes Air Out

After wearing them, make sure to let your tennis shoes air out before putting them away. You can do this by removing the insoles and setting the shoes in a well-ventilated area, such as in front of a fan or near an open window. You should also store them in a shoe bag or box to keep them from coming into contact with other items in your closet or wardrobe that could hold on to moisture and cause them to develop mold or mildew.

The Problem with Smelly Tennis Shoes

Whether you’re a tennis pro or just a casual player, chances are you’ve experienced the issue of stinky tennis shoes. The cause of the problem is usually sweat and bacteria, which can create a nasty odor. If you’re looking for ways to keep your shoes smelling fresh, there are a few things you can do.

First, it’s important to understand that sweat itself is not smelly. The bacteria on your skin that breaks down sweat is what causes the problem. That’s why it’s important to keep your feet clean and dry. Here are a few tips:

-Wash your feet every day with soap and water.
-Dry your feet thoroughly, including between your toes.
-Wear clean socks made from materials that wick away moisture, such as wool or synthetic fibers.
-Change your socks often, especially if you’re sweating heavily.
-If you have foot fungus or athlete’s foot, treat it promptly with an antifungal cream or powder.

In addition to keeping your feet clean and dry, there are a few other things you can do to prevent smelly shoes:

-Allow your shoes to air out after wearing them. Remove the insoles and place them in a sunny spot to dry.
-If possible, rotate between two or more pairs of shoes so that each pair has time to air out between uses.
-Stuff smelly shoes with newspaper to absorb odors overnight.

The Solution: Proper Shoe Care

The summer heat can be brutal, and when combined with physical activity, it can result in some pretty rank-smelling shoes. The good news is that there are some easy steps you can take to keep your shoes smelling fresh all summer long. Let’s take a look at how to keep your tennis shoes from smelling bad.

Washing Your Tennis Shoes

One of the best ways to keep your tennis shoes from smelling bad is to wash them regularly. You can machine-wash them with the rest of your laundry, or you can hand-wash them using a mild soap and lukewarm water. Be sure to remove the laces and insoles before washing, and let the shoes air-dry completely before wearing them again.

Drying Your Tennis Shoes

Drying your tennis shoes after each wear is one of the most important things you can do to keep them from smelling bad. The best way to dry them is to stuff them with newspaper and let them sit overnight. This will help absorb any moisture that’s left in the shoes and help keep them from developing a stale smell.

You can also try putting your shoes in the freezer for an hour or two. This won’t kill all the bacteria, but it will help reduce the number of bacteria that are able to multiply and cause a smell.

Using Deodorizers and Odor-Absorbing Materials

If your shoes are starting to smell bad, there are a few things you can do to freshen them up. One way is to use a deodorizer, like baking soda or baby powder. You can also try using an odor-absorbing material, like charcoal or coffee grounds. Just put some of the material in a sock and tie it off, then put it in your shoe overnight. In the morning, your shoe should smell much better!


While there are many things that can contribute to stinky shoes, sweat is often the main culprit. If you can keep your feet dry, you can go a long way in preventing bad odors.

There are a few different ways to do this. First, try to wear socks made of materials that wick away moisture, such as cotton or wool. You can also apply powders or antiperspirants to your feet before putting on socks and shoes.

If you live in a hot climate or tend to sweat a lot, you might also want to invest in shoes made of breathable materials, such as mesh or leather. And finally, be sure to take your shoes off and let them air out whenever possible. By following these tips, you can keep your tennis shoes smelling fresh all season long!

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