How To Lob In Gta Tennis?

How To Lob In Gta Tennis? That is the question many newcomers to the game ask. Here are some tips on how to lob in tennis.


Lobbing in tennis is an important skill to have if you want to be a successful player. A lob is a high-arcing shot that is hit over the head of your opponent. It is used to put your opponent on the defensive and to win points.

There are two main types of lobs: the standard lob and the drop shot lob. The standard lob is hit with topspin and goes over your opponent’s head and into their backcourt. The drop shot lob is hit with backspin and lands just over the net, bouncing once or twice before your opponent can reach it.

Lobbing in tennis can be difficult, but it is a great way to win points. If you can master the technique, you will be able to take control of the game and beat your opponents.

What is a Lob in Tennis?

In tennis, a lob is a shot where the ball is hit high and deep into your opponent’s court. It’s usually used as a defensive shot, to get your opponent out of position or to make them run for the ball.

Lobbing in tennis is not easy. The ball has to be hit high enough so that it has time to come down into your opponent’s court, but not so high that it goes over the fence or out of bounds.

There are two main ways to hit a lob in tennis:

The first way is to hold the racket like you would for a backhand shot, and then swing up and over the ball. This will give the ball topspin and make it drop quickly into your opponent’s court.

The second way is to hold the racket like you would for a forehand shot, and then swing up and over the ball. This will give the ball underspin and make it float through the air before dropping into your opponent’s court.

Which way you hit your lob will depend on where your opponent is positioned on the court, and how much time you have to hit the shot. If you have time, you can take a few practice swings before hitting the ball. If you don’t have much time, you can still hit a decent lob by just swinging at the ball without taking any practice swings.

Once you’ve hit your shot, run to the other side of the court so that you’re in position to hit the next shot.

How to Lob in GTA Tennis?

To Lob in GTA Tennis, you will need to hold down the left mouse button and draw the racket back. As you are drawing the racket back, you will need to aim up. The closer the cursor is to the net, the higher the lob will be. When you are ready to hit the ball, release the left mouse button.


In conclusion, there are a few key things to keep in mind when trying to lob in GTA Tennis. First, make sure you have plenty of space behind you. You also want to make sure that your opponent is not too close to the net. Finally, hit the ball with topspin by using a downward stroke.

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