How To Make 3 Pointers In Nba 2K21?

Want to know how to make three pointers in NBA 2K21? Our tips will have you racking up points in no time!


Learning how to make three pointers in NBA 2K21 can be difficult, especially if you’re not used to playing the game. In this guide, we’ll give you some tips and tricks on how to make three pointers in NBA 2K21.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that your shooting form is correct. To do this, press and hold the right trigger (RT) on your controller. This will bring up a shooting form guide, which will display the correct way to shoot the ball. Make sure that you follow the guide, and release the right trigger when the circle is in the green zone.

Next, you need to know where to shoot from. The best place to shoot from is behind the three point line, as this will give you the most points. To find the three point line, look for the yellow line on the court. If you’re not sure where it is, paused the game and check the mini map in the corner of the screen.

When you’re ready to shoot, aim for the backboard or rim. You’ll get more points if you hit either of these targets. To aim, hold down LT on your controller and use the left stick to move your cursor around. When you’re ready to shoot, release LT and your player will take a shot.

That’s all there is to know about how to make three pointers in NBA 2K21! If you follow these tips, you should have no trouble racking up some points.

The Three Pointers You Must Make

In order to make three pointers in NBA 2K21, you must first have the ball. To get the ball, you can either steal it from the other team or buy a ball from the shop. Once you have the ball, you will need to position yourself behind the three-point line. You can either shoot the ball from the top of the key or from the corners.

The First Pointer

The first pointer is to make sure your player is in good shooting form. A lot of times when people miss, it’s because their player is not in the right form. You can check your player’s form by looking at the blue shooting bar below their feet. If it’s all the way to the left or right, they’re not in good form. You want it to be in the middle.

The second pointer is to make sure you’re using the right shot pocket. There are three different kinds of shot pockets: normal, contested, and open. If you’re wide open, you want to use the open shot pocket. If somebody is close to you but not guarding you tightly, you want to use the contested shot pocket. And if somebody is right up on you, you want to use the normal shot pocket.

The third and final pointer is to release the ball at the peak of your jump. If you release it too early or too late, your shot will be off. So make sure to pay attention to the white circle that appears around your player’s head when they jump. When it’s at its biggest, that’s when you want to release the ball.

The Second Pointer

In order to make a three pointer in NBA 2K21, you first need to have the ball in your hands. You can do this by dribbling up the court, or by passing the ball to a teammate and then receiving it back. Once you have the ball, you’ll need to press and hold the “shoot” button.

This will bring up a white arrow that starts at your player’s feet and extends out toward the basket. The further away from the basket you are, the longer the arrow will be. You’ll want to release the “shoot” button when the arrow turns green. If you release it too early, you’ll miss short; if you release it too late, you’ll miss long.

You can also increase your chances of making a three pointer by Using la Bron James or Steph Curry as your player ,using one of the best shooters in nba 2k21, or increasing your shooting ability in MyCareer mode .

The Third Pointer

If you’re like most NBA 2K players, you’re always looking for ways to improve your shooting. One of the best ways to do that is by perfecting your three-point shot.

In order to make a three-pointer, you need to be at least 23 feet away from the hoop and have a clear line of sight to the basket. If you’re closer than 23 feet, you’ll need to take a step back before shooting.

The most important thing to remember when shooting a three-pointer is to keep your elbow in and use your off hand to help guide the ball into the basket. You also want to make sure you follow through with your shot and release the ball at the peak of your jump.

If you can master these three pointers, you’ll be well on your way to becoming an elite NBA 2K shooter!


To sum up, there are three key tips to making three pointers in NBA 2K21:
1. Use the shooting stick to line up your shots
2. Time your shots release perfectly
3. Use the correct shot button (X/Square on PlayStation, A/X on Xbox) for each type of shot

Follow these tips and you’ll be draining threes like Steph Curry in no time!

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