How To Make A Baseball Balance Beam?

A baseball balance beam is a training tool used by baseball players to improve their balance and coordination. It is a simple piece of equipment that can be made at home with a few supplies. In this blog post, we will show you how to make a baseball balance beam.

How To Make A Baseball Balance Beam?


A balance beam is one of the most important pieces of training equipment for any baseball player. It helps develop balance, coordination and proper body mechanics. It can also be used to improve pitching accuracy and hitting power.

There are many different ways to make a balance beam, but the most important thing is to make sure it is sturdy and stable. Here are a few tips on how to make a baseball balance beam that will last for years.

1. Start with a piece of 4×4 treated lumber that is at least 8 feet long. Cut it in half so you have two pieces that are 4 feet long each.

2. Place one of the 4x4s on top of two sawhorses or other stable surface. Make sure the 4×4 is level before proceeding.

3. Cut two more pieces of 4×4 lumber that are 2 feet long each. These will be used as support beams for the balance beam.

4. Place one of the 2 foot long beams on each side of the 4×4, flush with the edges. Nail or screw them into place using 3 inch deck screws or 16d nails . Repeat this step for the other side so you have a 4 foot long beam with two supports on each side.

5. Cut a piece of plywood that is 4 feet wide by 8 feet long . This will be used as the platform for the balance beam . Place it on top of the supports and nail or screw it into place . Make sure the plywood is level before proceeding .
6 . Cover the plywood with a carpet or similar material . This will provide traction and help prevent slips and falls . Use staples or heavy duty adhesive to secure the carpeting in place . Trim any excess material around the edges .
7 Now you can add optional features such as handrails, padding or chalk lines to help with grip and alignment . Add these as desired and secure them in place using screws , nails or adhesive . Your balance beam is now ready to use!

What You Will Need

In order to make a baseball balance beam, you will need the following items:
-One 2×4 piece of lumber, eight feet long
-One 2×2 piece of lumber, four feet long
-One 2×2 piece of lumber, two feet long
-One pound of 3-inch nails
-One pound of 1.5-inch nails

1.Cut the 2×4 into two equal pieces using the saw. These will be the supports for your balance beam.
2.Cut the 2×2 piece of lumber into two equal pieces using the saw. These will be used as connecting braces between the supports.
3.Nail the braces to the inside of the supports so that they are flush with the top and bottom edges. Make sure that the nails are evenly spaced and driven in far enough so that they do not protrude through the other side.
4.Cut your remaining 2×2 piece of lumber into eight equal pieces using the saw. These will be used as cross beams to strengthen your balance beam and keep it level.
5.Nail these cross beams evenly spaced across your supports so that they are flush with the top and bottom edges (as you did with the braces in step 3).
6.Your baseball balance beam is now complete!


Step 1: Choose a long, level stretch of ground on which to build your balance beam. An ideal length for a beginner beam is 10 feet.

Step 2: Lay two 2 x 4 boards side by side on the ground, flush with the ends of the boards meeting. The distance between the boards should be 12 inches.

Step 3: Place a third 2 x 4 board across the first two, perpendicular to them and in the middle. Nail or screw the board into place so it is secure. This is the start of your beam’s base.

Step 4: To make each successive layer of your beam’s base, lay another 2 x 4 board perpendicular to the previous one and 12 inches away from it. Continue this process until you have four boards in total forming a rectangle. Nail or screw each board into place.

Step 5: Place a fifth 2 x 4 board on top of the rectangle you have just made, in the middle and perpendicular to the other boards. Nail or screw this board into place.

Step 6: Continue making layers for your beam’s base by adding one more 2 x 4 perpendicular to the previous one and 12 inches away from it. You should now have six boards in total forming your rectangle.

Step 7: To finish the beam’s base, add a seventh and final 2 x 4 board on top of the other six, again in the middle and perpendicular to them. Your beam’s base is now complete!

Step 8: Measure 18 inches from each end of your beam’s base and mark this point with a pencil. This is where you will start attaching your balance beams supports.

Step 9: Cut eight lengths of 2 x 4 measuring 18 inches each using a saw (you may need someone else to help you with this). These are your support beams.

Step 10: Take two support beams and attach them at each end of your balance beam base using nails or screws, making sure that they are level with the top of the base (the seventh board). Do this for both ends of your balance beam base so that all eight support beams are in place.


Now that you know how to make a baseball balance beam, you can use it to improve your batting or fielding skills. You can also use it to have fun and bond with your teammates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your coach or a baseball parent for help.

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