How to Make a Baseball Hat Smaller

Learn how to make a baseball hat smaller by following these Easy Steps You’ll be able to Rock that fitted look in no time!


If you have a baseball hat that’s too big, there are a few ways you can make it smaller so that it fits better. One way is to wet the hat and then shrink it in the dryer. Another way is to put the hat on and then use a hairdryer to shrink it. You can also put the hat in the freezer for a few hours and then put it on when it’s cold and shrink it with a hairdryer. Whichever method you choose, make sure to test the fit of the hat before you wear it out in public!

What You’ll Need

-Tape measure
-1/8th yard of fabric (optional)
-Needle and thread (optional)

Step One: Prep the Hat

To make your baseball hat smaller, you’ll need to prep it first. Start by trying the hat on to get an idea of where it needs to be altered. Then, mark the spot with a fabric pencil or chalk. Remove the hat and cut a small horizontal slit at the marked spot.

Step Two: Make the Hat Smaller

If your baseball hat is too large, you can make it smaller. To do this, you will need: a tape measure, a friend or family member to help you, and scissors.

First, use the tape measure to find the circumference of your head. Write down this number. Next, have your friend or family member help you put on the Baseball Hat Have them mark where the brim of the hat meets your head with chalk or a pen (this is where you will need to cut the hat later).

Now, take off the hat and use the scissors to cut along the chalk or pen line. Be sure not to cut too much off, as you can always cut more off later if needed. Try on the hat again and see if it fits better. If not, repeat steps two and three until the hat fits properly.

Step Three: Adjust the Band

The band of the baseball hat can be adjusted to make the hat smaller. To do this, simply loosen the band by pulling on the tab located in the back of the hat. Next, slide the band to make the hat tighter. Finally, re- tighten the band by pulling on the tab again.

Step Four: Trim the Bill

Now that you have shrunk the overall size of your baseball hat it is time to trim the bill. Doing this will help to further reduce the size of the hat and make it more proportional to your head.

First, use a sharp pair of scissors to trim off any excess fabric from the bill. Be sure to go slowly and carefully so that you do not accidentally cut off too much.

Next, use a seam ripper to remove the stitches that are holding the bill in place. Once the stitches are removed, you should be able to pull the bill out completely.

Finally, use a hot glue gun to attach the bill back in place. Be sure to keep it as close to the original position as possible. Allow the glue to dry completely re wearing your hat.


If you’re looking to make a baseball hat smaller, there are a few methods you can try. You can use a hat stretcher or spray-on fabric paint to help the process along. You can also try wetting the brim of the hat and then freezing it overnight. This should help the hat to contract and become smaller.


Q: How do I make a baseball hat smaller?
A: There are a few different ways to make a baseball hat smaller. You can use a hair dryer, put it in the freezer, or soak it in hot water

Q: What is the best way to make a baseball hat smaller?
A: The best way to make a baseball hat smaller is to soak it in hot water. This will help shrink the fabric and make the hat fit better.

Q: How do I make a baseball hat fit better?
A: If your baseball hat is too big, you can try using a hair dryer, putting it in the freezer, or soaking it in hot water.

Additional Tips

-If your hat is made of wool, you can shrink it by wetting it and then letting it dry on a small, child-sized head.
-If your hat is made of cotton or another synthetic fabric, you can shrink it by wetting it and then letting it dry in a clothes dryer on the low heat setting.


If your Baseball Hat is too large, there are a few different methods you can use to make it smaller. You can try washing the hat in hot water and then drying it in the dryer on a high heat setting. This will often shrink the fabric of the hat and make it smaller. You can also try using a hair dryer on a high heat setting to shrink the hat. If you have an adjustable baseball hat you can simply adjust the size of the hat to make it smaller. If none of these methods work or if you don’t have an adjustable baseball hat you can always try wearing the hat backwards or closer to the front of your head.

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