How to Make a Grass Tennis Court

A well-made grass tennis court can be the perfect addition to your backyard. This guide will show you how to make a grass tennis court that will last for years.


If you want to have a beautiful, healthy lawn, you need to take some time to learn about the different types of grass and how to care for them. Different grasses have different watering, mowing, and fertilizing needs. Once you’ve selected the right type of grass for your lawn, you need to establish a regular maintenance schedule to keep it looking its best.

What You’ll Need

-Mowing equipment
-Watering system

Making the Court

A grass tennis court can be made in a few simple steps. First, the area where the court will be located must be cleared of any debris or vegetation. Next, a layer of topsoil should be spread over the cleared area and compacted. Once the topsoil is in place, a layer of sand should be spread over it and compacted as well. After the sand is in place, the grass seed can be sown. The grass should be mowed regularly to keep it at the proper height.

Maintaining the Court

To have a good playing surface, you need to maintain your court. Here are some general tips:
-Aerate the court in the spring and fall.
-Topdress the court with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of sand every year.
-Fertilize the court three times a year with a good quality lawn fertilizer.
-Mow the court once a week during the growing season.

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