How To Make A Weighted Baseball For Physical Fitness

A weighted baseball is a great way to add some extra resistance to your baseball training. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make your own weighted baseball.


A weighted baseball is a training tool that can be used to improve your batting or pitching skills. It can also be used to increase the intensity of your workouts. You can make a weighted baseball by filling a small bag with sand, rice, or another type of filler material. Then, you will need to put the bag inside of a sock and tie the sock closed. Finally, you will need to tape the sock closed.

What You Will Need

-One pound of lead shot
-A funnel
-A piece of cotton fabric
-A baseball
-A sewing needle

1. Pour the lead shot into the funnel.
2. Cut a small square out of the cotton fabric. This will be used to block the lead shot from coming out of the baseball while you are sewing it shut.
3. Stuff the cotton square into the baseball so that the funnel can fit snuggly over the opening.
4. Pour the lead shot into the baseball through the funnel.
5. Remove the funnel and cotton block.
6. Sew the opening of the baseball closed with a needle and thread

1 baseball

You will need: 1 baseball, 1 can of modeling clay, some sort of weight (sand, rice, etc.), a funnel, and tape.

First, make a small hole in the top of the baseball using the funnel. Then, put the modeling clay into the hole until the ball is full. Next, add your desired weight to the ball through the same hole. Finally, seal up the hole with tape.

Your weighted baseball is now complete! This can be a great tool for physical fitness, as it allows you to add resistance to your workout routine. Be sure to start slowly and increase the weight gradually over time to avoid injury.

1 can of leaded BBs

You will need:
-1 can of leaded BBs
-A funnel
-Gloves (optional)
-A ball of any kind (preferably a softball)
-Some sort of string or yarn
-A Scale
First, if you are using a new can of leaded BBs, you will need to open it. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the BBs. Next, put on your gloves (if desired) and using the funnel, pour the desired amount of BBs into the ball. It is recommended that you start with around 10 ounces (284 grams) for a softball and scale up or down depending on the size of the ball. Once you have added the desired amount of BBs, carefully tie the string or yarn around the opening of the ball to secure the BBs inside. Weigh your newly weighted baseball on the scale to double check that you have added enough weight. If not, simply add or remove BBs until it reaches the desired weight.

1 roll of duct tape

1 roll of duct tape
1-2 tennis balls
A small amount of sand, rice, or BBs
1. Cut the tennis balls in half with a sharp knife. If you’re using two balls, you can make one large and one small ball.
2. Wrap the duct tape around one half of the ball to create a “skin.” Make sure the wrap is tight and there are no air bubbles.
3. Pour a small amount of sand, rice, or BBs into the now-empty half of the ball. You can experiment with the amount you use to find what weight works best for you.
4. Wrap the duct tape around the other half of the ball, covering the filling completely. Again, make sure the wrap is tight and there are no air bubbles

Making The Baseball

To make a weighted baseball, you will need to gather a few materials. First, you will need a medium to large sized baseball. Second, you will need something to weigh the baseball down with. This can be sand, rice, or even small pellets. Finally, you will need a strong adhesive to keep the weight inside the baseball.

Once you have gathered your materials, the first step is to make a small incision in the baseball. This will be big enough for you to pour your chosen weight into the ball. Next, carefully fill the baseball with your chosen weight. Make sure that it is not too full, as this could make the ball burst open. Finally, seal up the incision with your adhesive and allow it to dry completely.

Your weighted baseball is now ready to use! You can use it for a variety of different exercises and activities. First, try using it for batting practice. If you are working on your hitting accuracy, this ball will help you add some extra resistance to your swings. You can also use it for fielding drills. The added weight will help increase the difficulty of the drills and force you to use more muscles.

Finally, don’t forget that you can also use your weighted baseball for physical fitness activities outside of batting and fielding practice. Try using it for arm curls or tricep extensions. You can even use it for core exercises like Russian twists or sit-ups. The added resistance will help tone your muscles and improve your overall physical fitness level.

Remove the BBs from the can

You will need:

-A baseball
-A can of BBs
-A funnel
-A container to hold the BBs while you work (optional)


1.Using a pair of pliers, remove the bottom of the can. Be careful, as the edge will be sharp. If you are using a container to hold the BBs, pour them into the container now.
2.Insert the funnel into the opening of the baseball.3.Pour the BBs into the funnel. You may need to use a chopstick or other tool to coax them through if they get stuck.4. Once all of the BBs are in the baseball, twist the top of the baseball closed.5. Trim off any excess tape with a pair of scissors.6. Your weighted baseball is now ready to use!

Wrap the baseball in duct tape until it is the desired weight

Wrap the baseball in duct tape until it is the desired weight. You can make a weighted baseball by wrapping the ball in duct tape. This will add weight to the ball and make it heavier than a regular baseball. This can be helpful for physical fitness or for training purposes.


In conclusion, making a weighted baseball is a great way to increase the intensity of your workout routine. By adding weight to the baseball, you are able to increase the resistance and therefore the difficulty of your workout. This will help you to see results more quickly and effectively. In addition, by using a weight that is comfortable for you to hold, you will be less likely to injure yourself while working out.

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