How to Make Long Baseball Pants Into Knickers?

Have you ever wondered how to make long baseball pants into knickers? Well, today’s your lucky day! Follow these simple steps and you’ll have a brand new pair of knickers in no time.


Supplies You Will Need

You will need the following supplies to make your own baseball knickers: 1 yard of fabric, scissors, a sewing machine, thread, a safety pin, and a measuring tape. Once you have gathered your supplies, you are ready to begin!


Assuming you would like to know what supplies are needed in order to make long baseball pants into knickers, here is a list of items:
-a pair of long baseball pants
-a chalkboard or black marker
-a measuring tape
-a needle and thread or sewing machine (optional)

First, you will need to gather all of the supplies. Second, you will need to measure how much fabric you will need to cut off the bottom of the pants. Third, you will need to cut the fabric off the bottom of the pants. Fourth, you will need to hem the bottom of the pants so that they do not fray. Finally, you will need to put on the pants and enjoy your new knickers!

Needle and thread or sewing machine

If you are hand-sewing your long baseball pants into knickers, you will need a needle and thread. If you have access to a sewing machine, that will make the process go much faster. In either case, you will also need a scissors.

Elastic (optional)

You will need the following supplies:
-Pants that are too long
-Measuring tape or ruler
-Sewing machine and thread or needle and thread
-Pins (optional)
-Elastic (optional)

Measuring and Cutting the Pants

The first thing you will need to do is gather your supplies. You will need a pair of long baseball pants, a pair of scissors, and a measuring tape. Once you have your supplies, you will need to measure the inseam of the pants. The inseam is the distance from the crotch of the pants to the bottom of the leg. Once you have the inseam measurement, you will need to cut the pants leg off at that point.

Measure from the inseam to where you want the new shorts to end.

Cutting long baseball pants into knickers is a process of measuring, cutting and sewing. You will need to determine how long you want the knickers to be and make a cut along the inseam. Next, finish the raw edge with a zig-zag stitch or serger and hem the new shorts to the desired length.

Cut along the new line.

Use sharp fabric scissors to cut along the new line. If you want to preserve the extra fabric, cut just outside the chalk line so you have a seam allowance to work with. If not, cut directly on the chalk line.

Hemming the New Shorts

You will need:

Fold and press the fabric 1/4 inch.

To begin, fold and press the fabric 1/4 inch along the inseam and side seams. This will create a clean, finished edge and make it easier to sew. Next, cut the fabric 2-3 inches above the knee. The exact measurement will depend on your child’s height and how long you want the knickers to be.

Once you have cut the fabric, hem the bottom of the shorts using a sewing machine or needle and thread. To do this, simply fold the fabric under 1/4 inch and stitch it in place. Finally, add suspenders or belt loops to the waistband so your child can wear them as intended!

Fold and press again 1 inch.

Then, fold and press again 1 inch. When you do this, the fabric will be double-layered at the bottom. This will give your knickers some extra weight so they hang nicely.

Sew along the inner folded edge.

Start by folding the fabric in half, with the wrong sides of the fabric together. Measure and mark a line 4 inches in from the fold. This will be your cutting line. Using sharp scissors, cut along the marked line.

Next, open up the shorts and lay them flat, with the wrong side of the fabric facing up. Fold each leg in half, so that the outer edge of the fabric is lined up with the inner folded edge. Sew along this edge, using a sewing machine set to a straight stitch.

Once you have sewn both legs, try on the shorts to check the fit. If they are too loose, you can sew another line of stitches closer to the edge of the fabric. If they are too tight, you can cut them open and try again.

Adding Elastic (optional)

You’ll need a few things before you get started: a pair of scissors, thread, a sewing needle, and elastic. If you don’t have any elastic, you can skip this step. Start by cutting the legs of the pants off at the knee.

Cut a piece of elastic the width of your waist.

Cut a piece of elastic the width of your waist. If you’re using 3/4 inch-wide elastic, cut it so it’s 21 inches long. If you’re using 1-inch-wide elastic, cut it to 22 inches.

Sew the elastic to the shorts waistband.

Cut a length of 1/4-inch wide elastic that is as long as your child’s waist measurement. Center the elastic on the wrong side of the shorts waistband. Pin in place, stretching the elastic to fit the width of the waistband. Sew the elastic to the waistband with a zigzag stitch or a stretch stitch, using a sewing machine needle designed for stretch fabrics.

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