How To Make Money From Esports?

Looking to make money from esports? Here’s a guide on how to get started.

The Business of Esports

The growth of esports has been nothing short of phenomenal in recent years. With more people watching esports than ever before and prize pools for tournaments reaching into the millions, it’s no wonder that so many people are interested in getting involved in the industry. But how exactly does one make money from esports? Let’s take a look.

The global esports economy will reach $1.1 billion in 2019

The esports industry is growing rapidly, with the global esports economy expected to reach $1.1 billion in 2019. This figure includes investments in tournaments, sponsorships, advertising, and media rights.

There are a number of ways to make money from esports. Tournament prize pools have grown significantly in recent years, reaching $34 million in 2018. Sponsorships from companies like Red Bull, Intel, and Razer help to fund these prize pools and support professional teams.

Advertising is another revenue stream for esports organizations. Brands can advertise during tournaments or purchase advertising space on team websites and social media channels. Media rights are another significant source of revenue for the industry, with Twitch and YouTube generating millions of dollars through streaming deals.

The esports audience will reach 443 million people in 2019

A recent report by Newzoo shows that the global esports audience will reach 443 million people in 2019. This is a significant increase from the 2018 figure of 380 million. The report also predicts that the global esports economy will be worth $1.1 billion this year.

The main way that esports companies make money is through sponsorship and advertising. This includes both traditional companies who are sponsoring teams and events, and also companies who are specifically targeting the esports market. Another way that esports companies make money is through game publisher fees. For example, Riot Games charges a fee to each team that competes in its League of Legends Championship Series.

Finally, many esports companies are now starting to focus on selling tickets to live events. This is becoming a more significant revenue stream as the popularity of esports continues to grow.

How To Make Money From Esports

With the rise of online and offline tournaments, more and more people are interested in getting into the professional world of eSports. But how do you make money from playing video games? In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways you can make money from playing your favorite games.


Esports offers a unique opportunity for brands to connect with young, tech-savvy audiences in a way that traditional sports simply cannot match.

With millions of people regularly tuning in to watch esports competitions online, there is a huge potential market for sponsorships and advertising.

However, the esports industry is still in its early stages, and so it can be difficult to know how to break into this market.

One way for brands to get involved in esports is through sponsoring teams and players. This can be done by providing financial support or supplying equipment such as gaming laptops and controllers.

Another way for brands to get involved is by sponsoring tournaments and events. This can be a great way to reach a large audience of potential customers at once.

Finally, brands can also create their own esports teams and compete in tournaments themselves. This gives them a chance to directly connect with their target audience and create some buzz around their products or services.

Media Rights

Media rights are one of the most valuable and sought-after types of sponsorship in esports. In fact, they’re often the reason why an esports organization will sign a particular player or team.

Essentially, these deals give the organization the right to stream their matches and events on their own platforms, as well as any other type of content relating to the team or players. This is obviously extremely valuable to organizations, as it allows them to reach a much larger audience and generate significantly more revenue.

For sponsors,media rights deals are also extremely valuable. Not only do they get their brand in front of a large audience, but they also get to associate themselves with a particular team or player. This can be an extremely powerful marketing tool, as it can help create a positive association between the sponsor and the esports organization in the minds of viewers


Advertising is one of the most common ways that companies make money from esports. Companies will sponsor teams or events in order to get their brands in front of potential customers who are interested in gaming and esports. This can take the form of traditional advertising, such as banner ads or product placement, or more modern forms of marketing such as social media influencers.

Game Publisher Fees

In order to be a part of an esports event, game publishers charge a fee. The amount ranges from several hundred dollars to over $100,000. This fee allows the publisher to hold events and give out prize money. It also helps with the cost of running the event, such as facility rental and staff wages. The fees charged by game publishers differ based on the game, how popular it is, and how much prize money is up for grabs. For example, “League of Legends” events have cost publishers between $200,000 and $5 million dollars in fees.

Tournament Prizes

While many people play video games recreationally, some take their gaming seriously enough to pursue it as a career. If you’re skilled at playing video games and want to make money from your passion, you may be wondering how to make money from esports.

Esports is a term used to describe competitive video gaming. Much like traditional sports, esports involves players or teams competing against each other in order to win prizes. These prizes can come in the form of cash, scholarships, or sponsored trips.

There are a few different ways to make money from esports. The most common way is through tournament winnings. Players can compete in online or offline tournaments and compete for prize money. This prize money can come from a variety of sources, such as the game developer, sponsors, or fans of the game.

Another way players can make money from esports is through streaming platforms like Twitch or YouTube Gaming. Players can live stream their gameplay and accumulate donations or ad revenue from viewers. This method is most common among professional players who are already well-known in the gaming community.

Yet another way to make money through esports is by becoming a coach or analyst. Players with extensive knowledge of certain games can work with teams as a coach, helping them to strategize and improve their gameplay. Alternatively, analysts provide commentary on live matches, often giving insight that casual viewers may not pick up on. This job is typically filled by former professional players who have retired from competition.

Whether you’re looking to make a career out of gaming or just want to earn some extra cash, there are plenty of options for making money through esports. Tournament winnings, streaming platforms, and coaching/analysing are all viable methods for those with the skill and passion for competitive gaming


Whether you’re a competitive player looking to make some extra cash, or you’re interested in becoming a professional esports player, there are many ways to make money from esports. From prize money and sponsorships to salaries and streaming, there are a variety of ways to earn an income from playing video games competitively. If you’re looking to get involved in the esports industry, research the different ways you can make money and find the option that best suits your skills and interests.

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