How To Make a Red Robin Baseball Flag

This blog will show you how to make a red robin baseball flag. You will need a red robin, a piece of red cloth, and a sewing machine.

How To Make a Red Robin Baseball Flag


This is a step by step guide on how to make a Red Robin baseball flag. The supplies you will need are: red felt, scissors, batting, white thread, a sewing machine, and a hot glue gun.

1. Cut two pieces of red felt in the shape of a rectangle. The dimensions of your rectangle will depend on the size of your flag pole.

2. Cut a strip of batting that is slightly longer than the width of your rectangles.

3. Sew the batting to one side of one rectangle using a zigzag stitch.

4. Sew the two rectangles together along the edges with right sides together, leaving an opening at one end.

5. Trim the corners and turn the flag right side out through the opening.

6. Press the flag flat and topstitch around all four sides, closing the opening in the process.

7. Fold over each end of the flagpole sleeve and glue in place with hot glue. Allow to dry completely before hanging your flag!

What You Need

1 Rectangular piece of red construction paper
2 toothpicks
1 white colored pencil or pen
Double-sided tape or a glue stick

1. Begin by drawing a horizontal line about 1 inch from the top of the red construction paper. This will be the top of the “flag” portion of your project.
2. Cut along this line, making sure to leave a 1-inch border on all sides.
3. Next, use the scissors to make two small cuts in the top left and right corners of the rectangle. These should be about ¼ inch long.
4. Feed one toothpick through each of these cuts, and then secure in place with a small piece of double-sided tape or glue. These will be the “flag poles” for your project.
5. To make the baseball “seams,” use the white colored pencil or pen to draw three lines evenly spaced across the surface of the “ball” portion of the construction paper. Make sure to leave some space at the top and bottom for the “flag” to wave!


1. Draw a horizontal line across a piece of white fabric, leaving about 2 inches at the top and bottom. This will be the top of the flag.

2. Measure down from the top line and make a mark at 6 inches, 12 inches, and 18 inches. These will be the guide lines for the red stripes.

3. Using a red fabric pen or pencil, draw 3 vertical stripes on the fabric, following the guide lines you just created. Make sure the stripes are about 2 inches wide.

4. Cut out the flag shape with scissors, making sure to cut along the horizontal line at the top of the flag.

5. Using a hot glue gun, attach a wooden dowel or stick to the back of the flag, near the top edge. This will be used to hold the flag up.

6. Hang your flag up and enjoy!


In conclusion, making a Red Robin baseball flag is a simple process that can be completed in just a few minutes. All you need is a piece of red fabric, some white fabric, and a sewing machine. Once you have these materials, simply follow the steps outlined in this article to create your own flag.

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