How to Make WWE 2K19 Universe Mode Fun

A lot of people are struggling with the WWE 2K19 Universe Mode. Here are some tips on how to make it more fun.

WWE 2K19 Universe Mode

WWE 2K19 Universe Mode can be a lot of fun if you know how to set it up and play it correctly. In this mode, you are in control of everything that happens in the WWE Universe. You can create your own shows, storylines, and matches. You can also decided who wins and loses the matches.

Create interesting storylines

One of the best ways to make WWE 2K19 Universe Mode more fun is to create interesting storylines. This can be done by booking matches that make sense and advance the story, as well as adding cutscenes and promos to add more flavor to the overall experience. If you really want to go all out, you can even create custom graphics and videos to play during your Universe Mode shows. The sky’s the limit when it comes to making WWE 2K19 Universe Mode your own!

Have unique characters

Part of what can make WWE 2K19 Universe mode fun is having a unique roster full of characters that you created yourself. These characters can be based on your friends, family members, co-workers or anyone else that you want to use in your Universe. You can even create celebrities or historical figures to use in your Universe. If you want to have a roster full of unique characters, then you will need to spend some time creating them in the game’s create-a-wrestler mode.

Utilize the new features

In order to make WWE 2K19 Universe Mode fun, you need to utilize the new features. These include the brand new Promo Engine, as well as the updated WWE Shows feature. You can also use the create-a-wrestler mode to create your own custom superstar.

Making WWE 2K19 Universe Mode Fun

WWE 2K19 Universe mode can be a lot of fun if you know how to set it up and play it correctly. In this mode, you can create your own WWE shows, storylines, and matches. You can also determine the amount of time that each show will air, as well as the number of matches on each show. If you want to learn how to make WWE 2K19 Universe mode fun, read on.

Create interesting storylines

While WWE 2K19’s Universe mode is a step up from last year’s entry, it’s still not perfect. One of the main complaints is that the mode can be quite repetitive and grindy. If you want to make your Universe mode more enjoyable, you’ll need to put in the extra effort to create interesting storylines.

Here are a few tips on how to make WWE 2K19 Universe mode more fun:

-Create unique and interesting storylines for your shows. This will help to keep things fresh and prevent them from becoming too repetitive.
-Pay attention to the promos and cutscenes that play before matches. These can be used to further flesh out storylines and make them more engaging.
-Make use of the customisation options available. Create unique characters and entrance scenes to add more individuality to your shows.
– experiment with different match types and stipulations to keep things interesting.Don’t be afraid to try something new!
-Take advantage of the online features available. Connect with other players online and share your creations with the community.

Have unique characters

Have unique characters – When you first start Universe Mode, you are given the choice to have some variation of WWE’s current roster or create your own. If you want to make Universe Mode more fun, it is highly recommended that you create your own wrestlers. This will give you a lot more creative freedom in terms of booking and storylines. You can also import created wrestlers from other universe modes, which is a great way to get started if you’re not sure how to create your own.

When creating your own wrestlers, be sure to give them distinct personalities, movesets, and entrance videos. You want there to be a reason for people to want to see them wrestle. If all of your wrestlers are just generic meatheads with the same movesets, people are going to get bored quickly.

In addition to created wrestlers, you can also import real-life wrestlers from other promotions using the Trunker system. This is a great way to add some variety to your universe and make things more interesting.

Utilize the new features

WWE 2K19 Universe mode has a ton of new features that make it more fun than ever. One of the best things you can do to make sure you’re taking full advantage of everything is to utilize those new features. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

-Create rivalries: This is one of the best ways to add drama and excitement to your Universe. Create rivalries between top superstars, have them compete in match types they don’t normally compete in, and book stipulation matches to really mix things up.

-Book PPVs: Another great way to add some excitement to your Universe is by booking PPVs. You can now choose from over 50 different PPVs, each with their own unique card and custom logo. This is a great way to add some big events to your Universe and make things feel more important.

-Utilize NXT: One of the newest additions to WWE 2K19 Universe mode is the inclusion of NXT. Be sure to take full advantage of this by booking NXT superstars on your main shows and having them compete for titles. This is a great way to add some fresh talent to your Universe and mix things up a bit.

-Create custom logos and themes: One of the coolest new features in WWE 2K19 Universe mode is the ability to create custom logos and themes for your shows. This is a great way to add some personality and originality to your Universe. Be sure to take advantage of this feature and really make your Universe your own.

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