How to Make Your Own Esports Logo

A quick guide on how to make your own esports logo.

How to Make Your Own Esports Logo


Your esports logo is the face of your organization, and it needs to make a strong first impression. A great esports logo will be recognizable, memorable, and stylish. It should also be just as at home on a t-shirt as it is on a Twitch stream.

Creating an esports logo doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make your own esports logo using a free online logo maker. We’ll also provide some tips on what makes a great esports logo.

With a little effort, you can create an esports logo that looks professional and represents your organization in the best possible light. Let’s get started!

What You Will Need

To make your own esports logo, you will need:
-A vector editing program like Adobe Illustrator
-An idea of what you want your logo to look like
-Some basic design skills

With those three things in hand, you’re ready to start creating your own esports logo! Here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help you get started.

1. Open up your vector editing program and create a new document.
2. Begin sketching out your ideas for the logo. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just get an idea of what you want it to look like down on paper (or screen).
3. Once you have a general idea, begin translating that into the vector program. Start with the basic shapes and then add in the details.
4. Keep tweaking and refining until you are happy with the results.
5. Save your file and you’re done!

Step One: Brainstorming

The first step in creating your own esports logo is to brainstorm what you want it to look like. If you’re part of a team, discuss with your teammates what kind of image you want to project. If you’re a solo player, think about what makes you unique and how you want to be remembered by your fans.

Once you have an idea of the overall look you’re going for, it’s time to start sketching out some rough ideas. Don’t worry about making them perfect – at this stage, you just want to get all of your ideas down on paper. Once you have a few sketches that you like, you can start refining them and turning them into digital designs.

##Heading: Step Two: Find an Esports Logo Template
If you’re not confident in your ability to design a logo from scratch, or if you’re short on time, another option is to use an esports logo template. There are plenty of websites that offer free templates that you can customize to create your own unique logo. Simply choose a template that you like, then add your team name, colors, and other details to make it your own.

If you decide to go this route, just be sure to choose a reputable website that offers high-quality templates. You don’t want your logo to look cheap or amateurish, so it’s worth spending a few extra minutes find a template that meets your standards.

##Heading: Step Three: Hiring a Professional Designer
If you have the budget for it, another option is to hire a professional designer to create an esports logo for you. This is often the best option if you want complete control over the final design and ifyou need something truly unique that reflects your brand identity.

When hiring a designer, be sure to give them as much information as possible about what you’re looking for. The more direction they have, the easier it will be for them to create a logo that meets all of your expectations.

Step Two: Sketching

Now that you have a list of what you want your logo to represent, it’s time to start sketching out some ideas! Don’t worry if you’re not an artist, these don’t have to be perfect – in fact, more “childish” and simple logos often work the best. The important thing is to get your ideas down on paper (or in a digital sketchpad).

If you need some inspiration, take a look at other esports logos or general sports logos. See what elements you like and try to incorporate them into your own designs. Once you have a few sketches that you like, it’s time to move on to the next step: vectorization.

Step Three: Designing

Now that you have a basic idea of what you want your esports logo to look like, it’s time to start designing it! If you’re not confident in your ability to design a logo yourself, there are plenty of online logo makers that can help you put something together.

If you want to design your logo yourself, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that your logo is readable and recognizable at small sizes. This is especially important for esports logos, as they will often be used on things like stream overlays and social media avatars.

Second, you need to make sure that your logo looks good in both color and black and white. This can be tricky, but it’s important to consider because many esports organizations use black and white versions of their logos on things like jerseys and website headers.

Finally, you need to make sure that your logo is versatile. You never know when or where it might be used, so it needs to be able to work in a variety of contexts. For example, it should work well on dark backgrounds as well as light backgrounds.

Once you have all of that sorted out, it’s time to start designing! If you need some inspiration, take a look at some of the other esports logos out there. See what elements they use and how they arrange them. Then, use that as a starting point for your own design.

Step Four: Finishing Touches

Now that you have your basic design, it’s time to add some finishing touches. You can do this by adding text, images, or both.

If you’re adding text, be sure to choose a font that represents your brand. For example, if you’re an edgy or alternative brand, you might want to use a bold or sans-serif font. If you’re a more traditional brand, you might want to use a serif font.

If you’re adding images, be sure to choose ones that represent your brand. For example, if you’re an edgy or alternative brand, you might want to use images that are dark or gritty. If you’re a more traditional brand, you might want to use images that are clean and classic.

Once you’ve added your finishing touches, be sure to save your logo in a high-resolution format so it’s ready for print or digital use.


In conclusion, there are many things to consider when creating your own esports logo. From choosing the right colors and fonts to considering the overall design, it’s important to take your time and create something that truly represents your team. With a little creativity and some basic graphic design knowledge, you can easily create a logo that will make your team stand out from the rest.

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