How to Measure for the Perfect Tennis Racket Grip

How to Measure for the Perfect Tennis Racket Grip- If you are looking to improve your game, one of the first things you may want to consider is changing your grip.

How to Measure for the Perfect Tennis Racket Grip


If you are new to tennis, or just need a reminder, this article will tell you how to measure for the perfect tennis racket grip. Tennis racket grips come in a variety of sizes, which are usually determined by the player’s grip size. The most important thing to remember when measuring for a tennis racket grip is that the size of the grip should allow for a comfortable grip on the racket while still allowing for a good amount of control.

There are two main ways to measure for a tennis racket grip: with a tape measure or with your hand. If you are using a tape measure, you will need to wrap the tape around your dominant hand just below your knuckles (not including your thumb). Make sure the tape is snug but not too tight, and then make a note of the measurement. If you are using your hand, simply hold the racket in your dominant hand and trace your fingers around the edge of the grip. Make sure your fingers are not overlapping, and then use a marker to make an outline of your hand on the grip. Once you have either measured or outlined your hand on the grip, you can then use a ruler or tape measure to determine the size of the grip.

The most common tennis racket grip sizes are 4 1/8″, 4 1/4″, 4 3/8″, and 4 1/2″. If you are unsure of which size to select, it is best to err on the side of larger rather than smaller. A larger grip size will allow you to have more control over your shots, while a smaller grip size will provide more power. Ultimately, it is up to each individual player to decide which size works best for them.

Whether you are just starting out or have been playing for years, it is always important to have a comfortable and proper-fitting tennis racket grip. By taking the time to measure for the perfect fit, you can be sure that your game will improve and that you will enjoy playing tennis even more!

Measuring Your Hand

To measure your hand, you will need a flexible tape measure. Start by holding the end of the tape measure in your dominant hand. Wrap the tape measure around your hand, making sure to go through the center of your palm. The number where the tape measure meets back at the beginning is your hand size. Round up to the nearest half-inch to find your tennis racket grip size.

For example, if your measurement is 4.25 inches, you would round up to 4.5 inches and need a grip size of 4.5 inches for your tennis racket.

How to Choose the Right Grip Size

Choosing the right grip size for your tennis racket is important for two reasons. First, if the grip is too small, you will have difficulty controlling your shots. Second, if the grip is too large, you will have difficulty maneuvering the racket.

There are two ways to measure grip size. The first is to hold the racket in your non-dominant hand and extend your index finger along the top of the handle. If your finger extends beyond the edge of the handle, then the grip is too small. If it does not reach the edge of the handle, then the grip is too large.

The second way to measure grip size is to hold the racket in your dominant hand and wrap your fingers around the handle. Your index finger should be able to touch your pinky finger. If it cannot, then the grip is too small. If there is space between your index finger and pinky finger, then the grip is too large.

Once you have determined the appropriate grip size, you can proceed with adding grips to your tennis racket.

Tennis Racket Grip Tapes

To get the perfect grip on your tennis racket, you will need to know how to measure for the right size. The grip of your racket is one of the most important aspects of your game, and it is important to get it right in order to perform at your best. There are a few different ways to measure for the perfect grip, and the method you use will depend on what type of racket you have.

If you have an overgrip on your racket, you will need to measure from the bottom of the grip to the top of the overgrip. If you do not have an overgrip, you will need to measure from the bottom of the grip to where your hand naturally falls when holding the racket. Once you have determined the correct measurement, you can then choose the right size Grip Tape for your racket.

There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing Grip Tape for your racket. First, you need to make sure that the tape is comfortable and does not slip when you are playing. Second, you need to make sure that the tape does not absorb too much moisture from your hands, as this can cause the grip to become slippery. Finally, you need to make sure that the tape does not make it difficult for you to hold onto your racket.

Now that you know how to measure for the perfect tennis racket grip, be sure to choose a Grip Tape that meets all of your requirements. With a little bit of trial and error, you will be able to find a Grip Tape that gives you the perfect grip on your tennis racket.

Overgripping Your Tennis Racket

Overgripping your tennis racket is one of the quickest ways to improve your game. It gives you more power and control over your shots, and can help prevent injuries to your wrist and arm.

But how do you know if you’re overgripping your racket? And what is the best way to measure for the perfect grip size?

Here’s a quick guide on how to measure for the perfect tennis racket grip:

1. Start by measuring the width of your hand at its widest point, excluding the thumb.

2. Compare this measurement to a Grip Size Chart (see below).

3. If your measurement falls in between two sizes, it’s generally best to go with the smaller size. This will give you more control over your shots.

4. Once you’ve selected a grip size, try it out on your racket before committing to it. Make sure it feels comfortable and gives you the level of control you’re looking for.

Grip Size Chart:
Hand Width (in inches) Grip Size (in inches)
2 4 1/8 – 4 3/16 2 1/2 – 2 5/8 4 1/4 – 4 5/16 2 11/16 – 2 3/4 4 3/8 – 4 7/16 2 13/16 – 2 7/8 4 1/2 – 4 9/16 2 15/16 – 3 4 5/8 – 4 11/16 3 1 / 16-3 1 / 8 4 3 / 4-4 13 / 16 3 9 / 16-3 5 / 8 5-5 1 / 16 3 11 / 16-3 13 / 16 5 1 / 8-5 3 / 16 3 15 / 16-4 5 1 …


There you have it! You now know how to measure for the perfect tennis racket grip. Just remember to take your time, be precise, and use a ruler or a measuring tape. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be sure to find the perfect grip size for your game.

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