How To Perform A Submission In WWE 2K20?

If you are looking for a guide on how to perform a submission in WWE 2K20, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we will show you how to do it.


Performing a submission in WWE 2K20 can be a bit tricky if you don’t know how the controls work. In this quick guide, we’ll show you how to do it.

Submissions are now done by holding down the left bumper and pressing A, B, or X. You can also hold down the left bumper and press down on the right stick to put your opponent in a headlock. From there, you’ll need to wiggle the right stick until your opponent taps out.

What is a Submission in WWE 2K20?

A submission in WWE 2K20 is a move that can be performed when an opponent’s health is low enough. Submissions can only be performed when an opponent is downed, and can only be reversed if the opponent has the proper reversal equipped. To perform a submission, approach a downed opponent and press the Submission button. Depending on the position of the downed opponent, different animations will play out. If successful, the submission will force the opponent to either quit the match or pass out, resulting in a victory for the performer.

How to Perform a Submission in WWE 2K20?

In professional wrestling, a submission hold is a combat sports technique, used to force an opponent to surrender or to force an opponent to tap out and concede defeat in a match. Although some matches are held under traditional rules, in many matches competitors are allowed to use submission holds to achieve victory. In WWE 2K20, there are a variety of ways to make your opponents submit. Here is a guide on how to perform a submission in WWE 2K20.

To start, you need to be in a match where submissions are allowed. In WWE 2K20, there are two different types of matches that allow submissions; Submission Matches and Extreme Rules Matches. In a Submission Match, the only way to win is by making your opponent submit, while in an Extreme Rules Match, submissions can be used as one of several ways to win the match.

Once you’re in a match where submissions are allowed, you need to weaken your opponent enough that they will be susceptible to submitting. To do this, you can use any number of wrestling moves and attacks. Once your opponent is weakened, approach them and press the appropriate button prompt that appears on screen. This will initiate a mini-game where you must mash the appropriate button as fast as possible in order to make your opponent submit. If you succeed in making your opponent tap out, you will win the match!

Different Types of Submissions in WWE 2K20

There are a variety of submissions in WWE 2K20. Some of these moves can be performed on the ground while others can only be executed while your opponent is standing. In this article, we will take a look at all of the submission moves in WWE 2K20 and how to perform them.

Punches and Kicks
Punches and kicks are the most basic moves in WWE 2K20. They can be performed by pressing the A/X button on your controller. While punches and kicks do not do a lot of damage, they can be chained together to create combos that will wear down your opponent’s health.

Grapples are slightly more powerful than punches and kicks and can be performed by pressing the B/Y button on your controller. There are a variety of different grapple moves, each with its own animation and purpose. For example, some grapple moves will lift your opponent up into the air while others will slam them down onto the mat. Learn the various grapple moves and how to chain them together in order to create powerful combos.

Submissions are one of the most powerful attacks in WWE 2K20. They can only be performed while your opponent is lying on the ground, and they will slowly drain your opponent’s health if they are unable to break out of the hold. There are a variety of different submission holds, each with its own animation and method of execution. Experiment with different submissions in order to find ones that work well for your playstyle.


Now that you know how to perform a submission in WWE 2K20, you can put those virtual holds on your opponents and make them tap out. Just remember to stay safe while doing so in real life, and have fun trying out all the different submissions in the game.

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