How to Pick a NFL Team

How to Pick a NFL Team is a guide that helps NFL fans with the decision of which team to support.

How to Pick a NFL Team


The National Football League (NFL) is a professional American football league consisting of 32 teams, divided equally between the National Football Conference (NFC) and the American Football Conference (AFC). The NFL is one of the four major North American professional sports leagues, the highest professional level of American football in the world, the richest sports league by revenue, and the sports league with the most valuable teams.

How to Pick a Team
If you’re a fan of NFL football but don’t have a team to call your own, it’s time to start following one. The first step is finding out which team you should support. You can do this by taking into account several different factors, including your favorite players, your geographic location, and your personal preferences.

Consider your favorite players

Your favorite players will undoubtedly play a big role in which NFL team you support. If you have a player that you’ve followed since he was drafted, or even before he was drafted, chances are you’re going to want to see him succeed. Similarly, if your favorite player is traded to a team you don’t like, you may find yourself rooting for that team simply because of your investment in the player.

Consider your favorite coaches

Your favorite coaches can play a big role in determining which NFL team you should root for. If you have a favorite coach, try to find a team that he is currently coaching or has coached in the past. This can give you a good starting point when it comes to finding a team to support.

Consider your favorite teams

Your favorite NFL team is a good place to start when choosing which team to support. If you have a favorite player on a particular team, that can also be a factor in your decision. If you grew up in a certain city or region, you may have loyalty to the local team. Whatever your reasons, it’s important to choose a team you can wholeheartedly support.

Consider your favorite cities

As you narrow down your list of potential teams, start by considering your favorite cities. If you have a preferred city, you’ll want to research whether that city has an NFL team. Once you know which cities have teams, look into the individual teams to see which one is the best fit for you.


Picking a team is a big decision, but don’t worry, we’re here to help. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be sure to find the perfect squad for you.

1) Identify your favorite players. Do you have a favorite quarterback? Running back? Wide receiver? Make a list of your top 3-5 favorite NFL players.

2) Consider your location. What teams are in your area? If you live in the Northeast, it might make sense to root for the Patriots or Jets. If you’re in the Midwest, maybe the Bears or Packers are more your speed. And if you’re on the West Coast, the Seahawks or Raiders could be perfect for you.

3) Research each team’s history. This step is key – you don’t want to pick a team that’s always finishing at the bottom of the standings. Check out each squad’s win/loss record over the past few years and see which ones look most promising.

4) Look at each team’s schedule. See which teams they’ll be playing against this season and how those match-ups might affect their chances of winning (or losing).

5) Donate to your chosen team’s charity foundation. Most NFL teams have their own charitable foundation that helps support various causes across the country. By donating, you’ll be showing your support for both the team AND a good cause!

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