How to Pick Your Favorite NFL Team

How to Pick Your Favorite NFL Team: A Guide for the Uninitiated


Picking a favorite NFL team is a process that requires research, soul-searching, and a leap of faith. With 32 teams in the league, there are plenty of options to choose from. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you make the perfect choice for you.

As you might expect, the first step is to figure out which conference you want to root for. Do you want to be an AFC fan or an NFC fan? Once you’ve made that decision, it’s time to start looking at individual teams.

Think about what kinds of things you’re looking for in a team. Do you want a team with a rich history? A team on the rise? A team with a superstar quarterback? Once you’ve identified some criteria, it’s time to start doing some research.

Read up on the teams that interest you. Learn about their history, their current roster, and their prospects for the future. Pay attention to how they’re doing in the current season. And most importantly, pay attention to how they make you feel.

At the end of the day, picking a favorite NFL team is about finding a team that you can connect with on some level. It’s about finding a team that brings out your best fan self. So go out there and find your perfect match.

Consider your geography

If you want to pick a favorite NFL team, you should first consider your geography. What teams are in your area? What teams do you have a connection to? Once you narrow down your options, you can start looking at things like the team’s history, their current roster, and their chances of winning.

If you live in the same state as an NFL team, consider rooting for that team

Geography is an important factor to consider when choosing an NFL team to root for. If you live in the same state as an NFL team, consider rooting for that team. You will already have a connection to the team and you will be able to attend games and root for them in person. Another factor to consider is whether or not you have family or friends who are fans of a specific team. It can be more fun to watch games with people who are rooting for the same team as you are.

If you live in a state with multiple NFL teams, consider rooting for the team that is closest to you

If you live in a state with multiple NFL teams, consider rooting for the team that is closest to you. Chances are, you’ll be able to see them play in person more often and you’ll have a better chance of getting tickets to their games. Additionally, if you live in a city with an NFL team, consider rooting for that team. You’ll be able to see them play at home and away games and you may even be able to get tickets to their games through work or other connections.

If you live in a state without an NFL team, consider rooting for a team that your family or friends support

No matter where you live, you can find an NFL team to root for. If you live in a state without an NFL team, consider rooting for a team that your family or friends support. There are 32 teams in the NFL, and each one has its own history and traditions. Do some research to find the team that is the best fit for you.

Consider your favorite players

Your favorite NFL team is the one that you feel gives you the best chance to win the Super Bowl. There are a lot of factors that go into this decision. Do you want to be a fan of a team that has a lot of history? A team that is up and coming and on the rise?

If you have a favorite player, consider rooting for the team that he plays for

If you have a favorite player, consider rooting for the team that he plays for. You can also root for the team that is local to you, or the team that you went to school for if you are a college football fan. There are many reasons why people choose to root for certain teams, and there is no right or wrong answer. Some people simply like the name of the team, while others choose based on the team’s colors or mascot. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which team you want to support.

If you have multiple favorite players, consider rooting for the team that has the most of your favorite players

If you have more than one favorite player, you may want to consider rooting for the team that has the most of your favorite players. This way, you’ll be able to follow all of your favorites and cheer them on every week. Here are a few other things to keep in mind when choosing your favorite team:

-Your favorite team doesn’t have to be the team from your city or state. In fact, it can be any team in the NFL.
-It’s okay to change your favorite team if you find that you’re no longer rooting for them.
-Don’t feel like you have to pick a favorite team right away. You can always take your time and see how things play out during the season before making a decision.

Consider your favorite colors

Your favorite colors can help you determine what NFL team you should root for. If you have never been a fan of any football team, then this is a great starting point. From there, you can consider other factors such as your favorite player, the team’s city, or the team’s history.

If you have a favorite color, consider rooting for the team whose colors are closest to your favorite color

Your favorite NFL team’s colors can say a lot about you. If you have a favorite color, consider rooting for the team whose colors are closest to your favorite color.

Red: You’re passionate, outgoing, and like to be in the thick of things. You’re also a sucker for a underdog story. Try the Bengals, Jets, or Panthers.

Blue: You’re level-headed, reliable, and trustworthy. Your team doesn’t have to win every game, but you’re always there for them when they need you. Try the Chargers, Cowboys, or Packers.

Green: You’re down-to-earth, easygoing, and nature-loving. You’re also not afraid to take risks – after all, it’s not called “gamble green” for nothing! Try the Eagles, Seahawks, or Titans.

Yellow/Orange: You’re warm, optimistic, and full of energy. You don’t take yourself too seriously and you love to have a good time – win or lose! Try the Buccaneers, Dolphins, or Jaguars

If you have multiple favorite colors, consider rooting for the team that has the most of your favorite colors

Do you have multiple favorite colors? If so, you may want to consider rooting for the team that has the most of your favorite colors. For example, if your two favorite colors are blue and green, you may want to root for the Seattle Seahawks, who have both blue and green in their team colors.

Of course, there are other factors to consider when choosing your favorite NFL team. But if you can’t decide between two teams, considering their colors is one way to help you make a decision.


In the end, choosing your favorite NFL team is a very personal decision. There are a lot of factors to consider, and it’s important to find a team that you can really connect with. We hope that this guide has been helpful in narrowing down your options and helps you make a decision that you can be happy with for years to come!

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