How To Play A Tiebreaker In Tennis?

Playing a tiebreaker in tennis can be a bit daunting, especially if you’re new to the game. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Read on to find out how to play a tiebreaker in tennis.


Welcome to our guide on how to play a tiebreaker in tennis. A tiebreaker is a way of deciding who wins a tennis match when the score is tied at 6 games all in any set. The tiebreaker is played to 7 points (with a 2 point advantage), however, if the score reaches 6-6, then the tiebreaker is played until one player wins by 2 clear points. This can often result in very long and exciting tiebreakers!

What is a Tiebreaker?

A tiebreaker is a scoring system in tennis that is used to decide the winner of a tennis match in which the players are tied at 6-6 in any set. The tiebreaker continues until one player wins seven points by a margin of two or more points.

The player who wins the first point in the tiebreaker is said to have the “mini-break” and has an advantage over his or her opponent. If the player who has the mini-break loses the next point, then the mini-break advantage is lost and both players are back on serve. If the player who has the mini-break wins the next point, then he or she has won the tiebreaker.

The Tiebreaker Rules

In tennis, a tiebreaker (sometimes called a tiebreak) is used to determine the winner of a set whose score is tied at six games each. A tiebreaker is played as the final game of the set, and it comprises seven points. The player who first wins four points in the tiebreaker wins the set. If the score in the tiebreaker reaches 6–6, then whoever scores two consecutive points after that wins the set.

Here are the tiebreaker rules in tennis:

1. The player who serves first in the tiebreaker begins by serving one point. The next player then serves two points, and so on, until each player has served two consecutive points. At this point, players alternate serving one point at a time until one player has scored four points and won the tiebreaker.

2. If the score reaches 6–6 in the tiebreaker, then players alternate serving two points at a time until one player has scored two consecutive points and won the tiebreaker.

How to Play a Tiebreaker

A tiebreaker is a method of deciding a tennis match that has reached 6 games all in any set, except the final set, when a player must win by 2 games. The player who wins the majority of points in a tiebreaker wins the set. If the score reaches 6 games all, the next game is played as a tiebreaker.

To start a tiebreaker, the server begins by serving one point. From then on, each player serves twice in turn until one of them fails to win a point, thereby losing the tiebreaker. In other words, if you are serving at 5-5 in a set, you will serve again at 6-6 (since you held your serve to reach 6-6), but your opponent will serve first in the tiebreaker. The first player to win 7 points with a margin of 2 or more points wins the tiebreaker and therefore the set.

If necessary, further sets are played as regular sets without any special rule for deciding them – for example, if one player wins the first two sets of a best-of-five match and then loses the third set, that player still needs to win just one more set to win overall.


To conclude, playing a tiebreaker in tennis can be a very exciting and close match. It is important to stay calm and focused throughout the entire tiebreaker. Whoever wins the most points in the tiebreaker, wins the match. Good luck!

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