How To Play Nba 2K12?

Everything you need to know about how to play NBA 2K12 like a pro.

How To Play Nba 2K12?


Welcome to the wonderful world of NBA 2K12. This game is truly a sight to behold, with amazing graphics and an even more amazing gameplay experience. If you’re new to the game, or just need a refresher on the basics, read on for our complete guide on how to play NBA 2K12.

##Basic Gameplay
The basic gameplay of NBA 2K12 is very similar to that of other basketball video games. You’ll use the analog sticks on your controller to move your players around the court, and press buttons to pass, shoot, steal, etc. There are some nuances that are specific to this game, however, so be sure to read on for more details.

One of the most important aspects of any basketball game is shooting, and NBA 2K12 is no different. To shoot the ball, simply press and hold the “shoot” button on your controller. The longer you hold the button down, the harder your shot will be. You can also release the button early for a softer shot.

As you’re holding down the “shoot” button, you’ll see a power meter appear on screen. This meter will fill up as you hold down the button, and when it’s full, you’ll know you’ve got a perfect shot. If you release the button while the power meter is still filling up, you’ll have an imperfect shot that’s more likely to miss.

There are also some other factors that can affect your shooting in NBA 2K12. First, your player’s stamina will play a role in how accurate their shots are. If your player is tired (represented by a green or yellow stamina bar), their shots will be less accurate than normal. Additionally, if your player is being heavily contested by a defender (represented by a red circle around their player), their shots will also be less accurate.

In addition to shooting, passing is another important aspect of gameplay in NBA 2K12. To pass the ball around the court, simply press and hold the “pass” button on your controller. A arrow will appear on screen indicating where your pass will go; you can move this arrow around with the left analog stick before releasing the “pass” button to make your pass go where you want it to go. Be aware that passes can be intercepted by defenders if they’re not well-timed or placed properly!

You can also do special types of passes in NBA 2K12 by pressing certain button combinations while holding down the “pass” button. For example, pressing up on the left analog stick while passing will do an overhead pass; pressing down on the stick will do a bounce pass; and pressing left or right will do a lateral pass across court (useful for quickly movingthe ball from one side ofthe courtto another). Experiment with different passes to find what works best in different situations!


To play NBA 2K12, you’ll need to choose your game settings and difficulty level. You can also create a player or use an existing player.

Once you have your game settings and player(s) ready, you’ll need to choose a team to play as. You can either pick an existing NBA team or create your own custom team.

After you’ve chosen your team, you’ll be able to select your starting lineup and make any necessary adjustments to your players (e.g., if you want certain players to specialize in shooting, etc.).

Once you’re ready, you’ll tip off against the opposing team and start playing! As the game progresses, be sure to keep an eye on the scoreboard and make whatever adjustments are necessary to ensure that your team comes out on top!


Gameplay in NBA 2K12 has been improved over the previous games in the series. The controls are more responsive, and players have more control over their movements. The game has also been slowed down slightly, making it more strategic and less reliant on quick reflexes.

Players can now choose to play in either the traditional 5-on-5 mode, or the new 3-on-3 mode. In 3-on-3 mode, each team consists of three players (instead of five), and the game is played on a smaller court. This mode is faster paced and more suitable for players who want to score points quickly.

One of the most significant changes in NBA 2K12 is the inclusion of the “dynamic goal system”. This system dynamically adjusts the hoop position on the court depending on where players are positioned. This makes it more difficult to score from certain areas of the court, and encourages players to move around more.

Another new feature is the “shot stick”, which allows players to control their shots using the right analog stick. By moving the stick in different directions, players can perform different types of shots, such as layups, fades, or jumpers.

Overall, NBA 2K12 is a significant improvement over previous games in the series. The gameplay is more polished and refined, and there are many new features that add to the gaming experience.


We hope you enjoyed our guide on how to play NBA 2K12! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave us a comment below.

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