How To Pull Down Straps in WWE 2K20

Looking to add a little extra flair to your entrances in WWE 2K20? Here’s how to pull down your straps like a true champion!

How To Pull Down Straps in WWE 2K20


In WWE 2K20, you have the ability to pull down your opponent’s straps in order to weaken them. This can be done by pressing the appropriate button when you are next to your opponent and they are stunned. Once you have pulled down their straps, their damage output will be significantly reduced.


In WWE 2K20, you can now pull down the top rope to send your opponents crashing to the mat below. This can be a game-changer in matches where you’re looking to take control. Here’s how to do it.

How to play

In order to play WWE 2K20, you must first understand the basic gameplay mechanics. In this game, your objective is to defeat your opponents using a variety of different moves and strategies. There are three main ways to win in WWE 2K20: pinfall, submission, and knockout.

Pinfall is the most common way to win a match. To win by pinfall, you must simply knock your opponent down and maintain control for a three-count. Submission is another way to win, and it occurs when you force your opponent to tap out. To do this, you must first weaken your opponent using different attacks before applying a submission hold. Finally, you can also win by knockout. This happens when you knock your opponent unconscious.

Aside from these three main ways to win, there are also several other conditions that can lead to a victory. For example, if your opponent is disqualified or counted out, you will automatically win the match. Additionally, if your opponent is unable to continue due to injury, you will also be declared the winner.

Now that you understand the basics of WWE 2K20 gameplay, it’s time to learn about the different controls. The control scheme in this game is fairly simple and should be easy to pick up for most players. The left analog stick is used for movement, while the right analog stick is used for camera control. The face buttons are used for different attacks and grapple moves; specifically, XBob Ortonisused for weak attacks, CircleTimothy Thatcheris used for strong attacks, SquareRob Van Damis used for grapples, and Triangle perro aguayoisused compuesto contracciones . The shoulder buttons are also mapped to specific actions; L1/LB activates blocking , while R1/RB activates taunting . Finally , the D-pad can be used for quick item access ; up on the D-pad will bring up yo cinturon de seguridad , while down on the D-pad will allow you morder el tabaco .

That covers all of the basics of gameplay in WWE 2K20 . Be sure to experiment with different moves and strategies in order to find what works best for you . With enough practice , you’ll be taking down even the toughest opponents in no time !


In order to pull down an opponent’s strap, you need to be in a position where you can grapple them. Once you’re in a grapple, press the left bumper (or L1 on PlayStation) and then quickly press the Y button (or triangle on PlayStation).


While playing WWE 2K20, you’ll quickly notice that the controls are tight and precise. One of the coolest gameplay mechanics is the ability to pull down an opponent’s straps, which can be done by pressing L2/LT + R2/RT.

How to win

Contrary to popular opinion, winning in WWE 2K20 isn’t all about who can beat up whom the best. In fact, a lot of the matches are decided by playing the right cards at the right times — and that means knowing when to pull down an opponent’s straps.

Doing so will expose their back, making them vulnerable to submissions and other attacks. It’s a key part of any match, but it can be tough to do if you don’t know how. Here’s a quick guide on how to pull down an opponent’s straps in WWE 2K20.

To pull down an opponent’s straps, you first need to get behind them. This can be done by either Irish whipping them into the ropes or using a running attack while they’re dazed. Once you’re behind them, press and hold the grab button. If you’re too far away, you’ll just grab their waist; if you’re too close, you’ll go for a headlock. But if you’re in just the right spot, you’ll start tugging at their straps.

From there, it’s just a matter of keeping hold of the grab button until the animation finishes playing out. If your opponent tries to break free, mash the grab button as quickly as possible to increase your chances of success. And that’s all there is to it! Pulling down an opponent’s straps is a great way to set up for a submission or another big move, so make sure you use it whenever you get the chance.

How to lose

There is no sure-fire way to guarantee success in WWE 2K20, but there are some tips that may help you on your journey to becoming a WWE Superstar. Here are a few general tips to keep in mind as you venture into the world of WWE 2K20.

First and foremost, remember that in order to become a successful Superstar, you need to have the desire to win. You can have all the skill in the world, but if you don’t have the drive to win, you’ll never make it to the top. Secondly, don’t be afraid to experiment with your move-set and playing style. There are no wrong choices when it comes to creating your Superstar, so try out different moves and combos until you find something that feels right for you. Lastly, always be on the lookout for opportunities to capitalize on your opponent’s mistakes. The best way to win in WWE 2K20 is to take advantage of any opening your opponent gives you and finish them off with a signature move. If you can keep these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful WWE Superstar.


That’s all you need to know about how to pull down straps in WWE 2K20. For more on the game, be sure to check out our wiki guide. We have also listed some other helpful guides down below.

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