How to Put a New Grip on a Tennis Racket

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to put a new grip on your tennis racket. This is a quick and easy process that anyone can do.

How to Put a New Grip on a Tennis Racket


If you’ve ever wondered how to put a new grip on a tennis racket, you’re not alone. It’s a common question, and luckily, it’s not a difficult task. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of doing just that. We’ll also provide some tips on choosing the right grip and maintaining your racket’s grip so that it lasts longer.

Before we get started, you’ll need a few things:
-A new grip
-Grip adhesive

With those supplies in hand, you’re ready to get started!

What You’ll Need

You’ll need the following items to put a new grip on your tennis racket:
-Tennis racket
-Double-sided tape
-Ruler or measuring tape
-Pencil or pen

1. Remove the old grip from your tennis racket. Start at the bottom of the handle and work your way up, peeling the grip slowly and carefully. If the grip is tight, you can use a sharp object, like a penknife, to help loosen it. Be careful not to damage the handle of your racket.
2. Clean the handle of your racket with a damp cloth to remove any dirt, sweat, or residue. Let it dry completely before proceeding.
3. Measure the length of your racket’s handle and find a grip that’s slightly shorter than that measurement. Most grips are about 10 inches long, so if your racket’s handle is 9 inches long, you’ll need a grip that’s 8 inches long.
4. Cut the tip of the grip off at an angle using scissors. This will help create a pointed end that’s easier to insert into the handle of your racket later on.
5..Attach one end of the double-sided tape to the inside of the grip. Wrap the tape around until it meets itself and press down firmly so it sticks well..
6..Starting at the bottom of the handle, begin inserting the grippy end ofthe tape intothe handleofyourracket..Wrapitarounduntilyoureachthetopand have completed one full rotation.. Tomakenextstepssimpleandtoavoidanybunching, gently pull onthegripas youwrapittightlyaroundthehandle..Make suretoleaveaboutaninchoftapeatboththebottomandtopsoyoucansecureittogetherlateron..
7..Whenyougettothetopofyourracket’shandle(ortheendofthegrip), addanotherpiecetapedouble sidedtaperightnexttothefirstone..Wrapthetape arounduntilitmeetsitselfandpressfirmlysothatitissecure..Youmaywantto usethepenorpenciltohelpholditinplaceasthewrappingcontinue

Step One: Prepare the Racket

To put a new grip on your tennis racket, you’ll need a few supplies. Make sure you have the following items:
-A can of compressed air
-A roll of grip tape (any type will do, but I prefer the perforated kind)
-A sharp knife
-A towel or rag

compressed air to remove any dirt or dust from the handle of your racket. If the handle is very dirty, you can use a towel or rag to wipe it down before using the compressed air. Next, unroll a length of grip tape and wrap it around the handle, making sure to overlap the edges by about an inch. Use your knife to trim off any excess tape.

Step Two: Remove the Old Grip

Use a sharp knife to cut the old grip off the racket, being careful not to damage the racket itself. If the old grip is particularly tight, you may need to use a little force to get it started. Once you have cut through the old grip, peel it away from the racket. If there is any adhesive residue left on the racket, use a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol to remove it.

Step Three: Install the New Grip

Now it’s time to install the new grip. Start by peeling off the backing of the grip, being careful not to touch the adhesive side. Then, start at the bottom of the grip and begin wrapping it around the handle of the racket, making sure to smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles as you go. Once you reach the top, cut off any excess grip material and secure it in place with a piece of tape. Finally, give the grip a good once-over to make sure it’s secure and then you’re ready to hit the court!

Step Four: Finish Up

Now that the new grip is in place, use your scissors to trim off any excess material. Be careful not to cut too close to the grip, as you don’t want to risk cutting into it. Once you’re satisfied with the fit, you can use a piece of tape to secure the end of the grip in place. And that’s it! You’ve successfully put a new grip on your tennis racket.


Now that you know how to select and install a new grip on your tennis racket, you can experiment with different thicknesses and textures to find what works best for you. Be sure to practice your grip regularly to keep it in good condition, and don’t hesitate to replace it if it starts to wear out. With a little care, your tennis racket will provide you with years of enjoyment.

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