How to Quickly Break In A Baseball Glove?

Looking to break in your new baseball glove quickly? Here are a few tips to help you do just that!

How to Quickly Break In A Baseball Glove?


A well-oiled glove will help the ballplayer to catch more fly balls and ground balls. A good way to oil a glove is to put a golf ball in the palm of the glove and then roll the golf ball around in the palm. This will help to soften the leather and make the glove more flexible. After a few minutes, the player can then take the golf ball out of the glove and proceed to play catch with a friend or coach.

The Quick Way

The quickest way to break-in a baseball glove is actually to purchase a pre-oiled glove conditioner. You can find these products at most sporting goods stores. Many of them come in a cream form that you rub into the leather. Others come in a liquid form that you spray on the glove. Either way, follow the manufacturer’s directions for application, and then work the conditioner into the leather with your hand. Once the entire glove is covered, put it on and flex your fingers and wrist repeatedly. The goal here is to loosen up the leather so it forms to your hand more easily. You can repeat this process as many times as you like until you’re happy with how the glove feels.

The Right Way

You’ve just bought a new baseball glove and are anxious to get started playing ball with it. But first, you need to break in the glove so it will fit comfortably on your hand and be easy to use. Here is a quick guide on how to break in a baseball glove the right way.

The first step is to loosen up the leather by working the glove repeatedly. Start by holding the glove in your hand and working the fingers open and closed. Then, work the glove back and forth across your palm, stretching it out as you go. Repeat this process several times until the leather feels more pliable.

Next, it’s time to start shaping the pocket of the glove. The easiest way to do this is to dip your hand in a bucket of water, then insert your hand into the glove and form it into a fist. Once you have a good grip on the ball, remove your hand from the water and shape the pocket of the glove around the ball. Allow the glove to dry overnight with the ball inside of it so that it retains its shape.

After the pocket has been formed, you need to soften up the rest of the leather so that it is more flexible. The best way to do this is to apply a small amount of lubricant (such as saddle soap) to a clean cloth and rub it all over the surface of the glove. Once you have evenly coated the entire level, workthe lubricant intothe leather by foldingthe glovesin halfand rubbing them vigorously together.

Finally, oncethe entireglove has beensoftenedand conditioned,it’s time toputittouse! Startbyplaying catchwitha friendor family memberto help stretchoutthe leatherand giveyou anopportunityto get usedto usingyour newglove. Inno time at all,you’llhavea well-brokeninglovethat’sreadyfor game day!


Congratulations, you now know how to quickly break in a baseball glove! Just remember to give yourself enough time to work on it, use the proper products and leather conditioner, and follow our step-by-step guide.

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