How to Regrip a Tennis Racquet in 5 Steps

How to Regrip a Tennis Racquet in 5 Steps – A quick and easy guide on how to regrip your tennis racquet in just a few minutes.

How to Regrip a Tennis Racquet in 5 Steps

Materials Needed

You will need the following materials in order to regrip your tennis racquet:

Tennis racket

1. Start by removing the old grip. You can do this by slicing it with a knife or razorblade, or by peeling it off.
2. Once the old grip is off, use sandpaper to rough up the surface of your racket’s handle. This will help the new grip adhere better.
3. Wrap the new grip around the handle, being careful to not overlap the edges too much.
4. Use adhesive tape to secure the end of the grip in place.
5. Finally, use a sharp object like a pen or pencil to make small holes in the tape. This will help prevent the grip from slipping over time.

New grip

In addition to a new grip, you’ll need grip solvent and a roll of tape. Grip solvent helps the new grip “stick” to the old one, and the tape provides a nice, smooth base for the new grip. You can find both of these items at your local tennis or sporting goods store.

Grip tape

Be sure to clean the old grip tape and residue off the handle before you begin. You will need one or two strips of grip tape, depending on the size of your racket. Start by wrapping the bottom of the handle, then work your way up. Overlap the strips by about half an inch, then trim away the excess with a sharp knife.


In order to regrip your tennis racquet, you’ll need a few supplies. You’ll need:
-A roll of grip tape (available at any sporting goods store)
-A can of grip solvent (optional)
-A towel or cloth

With these materials in hand, you’re ready to start regripping your tennis racquet.


Regripping a tennis racquet is a process where you replace the old grip on the racquet with a new one. This is something that should be done every few months, or more often if you play a lot of tennis. It’s a relatively easy process that only takes a few minutes, and it will help you to maintain a good grip on your racquet. Let’s get started.

Remove old grip

To remove your old grip, you will need a sharp utility knife and some grip solvent. Start by cutting through the butt cap (or any other overgrip) at one end of the handle. Next, cut the tape that holds the grip in place. Be careful not to cut into the handle itself. Once the tape is cut, you should be able to peel off the old grip easily. If it is stubborn, use some grip solvent to loosen it up.

Wrap new grip

1.Clean off the old grip. If you’re using an overgrip, you can usually just peel it off. If you’re removing an integrated grip, use a sharp utility knife to cut it off, being careful not to damage the endcap or the shaft of the racquet.

2.Start at the bottom of the racquet handle and wind the new grip tightly around it, overlapping each layer by about half an inch. When you get to the top of the handle, make sure there’s enough grip left to overlap itself by a couple of inches, then tuck the end of the grip underneath.

3.Wet your fingers and run them along the length of the grip to secure it in place.

4.Use a small piece of adhesive tape to secure the end of the grip (this will keep it from unwinding).

5.Trim off any excess grip with a sharp utility knife, being careful not to damage the racquet handle.

Secure new grip

Use a sharp object to perforate the old grip. Wrap the new grip around the racquet handle and secure it in place with athletic tape, starting at the bottom of the handle. Continue wrapping until you reach the top of the grip, then cut off any excess tape.

Trim excess grip

1. Cut old grip with utility knife
2. Unwind old grip
3. Remove old adhesive
4. Clean racquet handle
5. Measure new grip

Test new grip

1. Before you do anything else, make sure that the new grip is the right size. You can do this by holding the grip in your hand and wrapping your fingers around it. The grip should sit in the palm of your hand and your fingers should be able to wrap around it comfortably.
2. Once you have the new grip in hand, start at the bottom of the racquet handle and begin to unwind the old grip. If there is any adhesive left on the handle, you can use a utility knife to scrape it off.
3. Once the old grip is off, take a look at the handle. It should be clean and smooth with no nicks or raised areas. If there are any, use sandpaper to smooth them out before continuing.
4. To apply the new grip, start at the bottom of the handle and begin winding it up tightly. Be sure to leave about 3-4 inches of grip hanging off the end of the handle so that you can finish it later.
5. When you reach the top of the handle, tuck the end of the grip inside and pull it through so that there is no excess hanging off. Then, use a sharp knife to trim off any excess material.

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