How to Remove Paint from Tennis Shoes

You don’t have to be a professional to know how to remove paint from tennis shoes! Check out our blog post for the best tips and tricks.


Whether you’re trying to get paint off of your shoes after accidentally getting them dirty while painting or are trying to remove old paint to give your shoes a new look, there are a few different ways that you can go about it. With the right supplies and some elbow grease, you can remove paint from your tennis shoes relatively easily.

How to Remove Paint from Suede

To remove paint from shoes made of beautiful, velvety suede, you’ll need a few supplies. You’ll want to have a toothbrush, water, dish soap, white vinegar, and cornstarch on hand. First, mix together one part water and one part vinegar. Next, soak your toothbrush in the mixture and then begin scrubbing at the paint spot. Focus on being gentle so that you don’t damage the delicate suede surface.

If the paint is still not coming off after a few minutes of scrubbing, it’s time to make a paste. In a bowl, mix together equal parts cornstarch and dish soap. Once it’s mixed well, apply the paste to the stained area with a brush or your fingers. Wait 15-20 minutes for the paste to dry before gently brushing it off with your toothbrush. The paint should come off easily at this point!

How to Remove Paint from Canvas

Removing paint from canvas shoes is a simple process that can be done with items you already have in your home. To remove paint from canvas shoes, you will need:

-A bucket
-A mild detergent or dish soap
-A soft brush
-A towel

1. Fill the bucket with water and add a small amount of mild detergent or dish soap. Stir to mix the two together.
2. Dip the soft brush into the soapy water and begin scrubbing the paint off of the canvas shoes. Work in small sections until all of the paint has been removed.
3. Rinse the shoes thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue.
4. Use the towel to dry the shoes completely before wearing them again.

How to Remove Paint from Leather

If you’re looking to remove paint from leather, here are a few tips to help you get the job done.

Paint can be a tough substance to remove, especially if it’s been on the leather for a while. However, with a little patience and some elbow grease, it is possible to remove paint from leather.

Here are a few tips on how to remove paint from leather:

– First, identify the type of leather you’re dealing with. This will determine what kind of cleaners or solvents you’ll need to use.
– If the paint is fresh, you may be able to simply wipe it off with a damp cloth.
– If the paint is dried and stubborn, you may need to use a solvent such as nail polish remover or acetone. Be sure to test the solvent on an inconspicuous area of the leather first to make sure it won’t damage the surface.
– You can also try using a soft toothbrush or scrubbing pad dipped in solvent to scrub away the paint.
– Once you’ve removed as much of the paint as possible, wipe down the area with a damp cloth to remove any residue and then dry the leather with a soft towel.

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