How To Rewrap A Tennis Grip?

Learn how to rewrap a tennis grip with this quick and easy guide. You’ll be back on the court in no time!

How To Rewrap A Tennis Grip?


Good afternoon everyone and welcome back to another episode of “How To Rewrap A Tennis Grip?” I’m your host, Gregg Lehman and today we’re going to be talking about how to rewrap a tennis grip. We get a lot of questions about this so hopefully this will be helpful for those of you who are looking to do this yourself.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to us on our website or on social media and we’ll be happy to help.

OK, let’s get started.

What You’ll Need

-Replacement grip
-double-sided tape
-grip solvent (optional)
-Instructional video (optional)

To rewrap a tennis grip, you’ll need a replacement grip, scissors, double-sided tape, and grip solvent (optional). An instructional video is also helpful (optional).

Step-By-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to rewrap a tennis grip:

1. Remove the old grip. Use a sharp knife or razor blade to cut the old grip off the handle. Be careful not to cut yourself or damage the handle in the process.

2. Clean the handle. Once the old grip is removed, clean the handle with rubbing alcohol or a similar product. This will remove any dirt or debris that could prevent the new grip from adhere properly.

3. Apply double-sided tape to the handle. Wrap the double-sided tape around the handle, making sure that it is evenly applied and there are no gaps.

4. Cut the new grip to size. Measure the length of the old grip and use that as a guide to cut the new grip to size. Make sure that you leave a little extra so that you can tuck it under the tape when you wrap it around the handle.

5. Apply solvent to the new grip. This will help it slide onto the handle more easily and prevent it from sliding around once it’s in place.

6. Slide the new grip onto the handle and adjust as necessary until it’s in place. If there is excess, trim it off with a sharp knife or razor blade.

7. Start wrapping from the bottom and work your way up . When you get to the top, tuck any excess material under two layers of tape so that it doesn’t come undone later on . Make sure that you wrap tightly so that there are no gaps between layers . Lastly, use a lighter or matchstick to seal the end of the wrap by lightly running it along the edge . This will help prevent fraying and ensure that your wrap lasts longer .


That’s it! You now know how to rewrap a tennis grip. This simple process can extend the life of your racquet and help you maintain a comfortable grip on the court. Get in the habit of rewrapping your grip every few months or as needed, and your racquet will thank you for it!

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