How to Roll a Tennis Ball for Plantar Fasciitis Relief

Get step-by-step instructions on how to roll a tennis ball for plantar fasciitis relief. This simple at-home treatment can help ease pain and discomfort.


There are a number of ways to treat plantar fasciitis, but one of the simplest and most effective is to roll a tennis ball under your foot. This technique can help to stretch the plantar fascia and provide relief from the pain and discomfort associated with this condition.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar Fasciitis is a condition that causes heel pain. When the plantar fascia, a band of tissue in the foot that connects the heel to the toes, becomes inflamed, plantar fasciitis can result. The condition is often caused by overuse of the feet, and is common in runners and other athletes. Plantar fasciitis can also be caused by shoes that do not provide adequate support or cushioning for the feet.

Treating plantar fasciitis often involves a combination of rest, ice, and stretching exercises. In some cases, physical therapy may also be recommended. Massaging the affected area with a tennis ball can also help to relieve pain and promote healing. To massage the foot with a tennis ball, start by sitting in a chair with the ball placed under the arch of the affected foot. Gently roll the ball back and forth under the foot for several minutes. Alternatively, you can stand on the ball and roll it back and forth across the floor.

The tennis ball roll

Plantar fasciitis is a condition that can cause heel pain, and rolling a tennis ball under your foot can help relieve the symptoms. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects your heel to your toes, and when it’s tight or inflamed, it can be very painful. Rolling a tennis ball over the plantar fascia can help release the tension and ease the pain.

To do this self-massage, you’ll need a tennis ball and a small towel. Start by placing the ball under your foot and gently rolling it back and forth. You can also use your body weight to apply pressure to the ball by leaning into it. Roll the ball from your heel to your toes and back again for two minutes. Then, use the towel to help you apply more pressure to areas that are particularly tender.

How to do the tennis ball roll

If you have plantar fasciitis, you know how much it can hurt to walk. The pain is often most severe in the morning, because the fascia—the thick band of tissue that runs from your heel to your toes—has been resting all night and is tight. Rolling a tennis ball under your foot can help ease the pain by stretching and massaging the fascia.

Here’s how to do it: Sit in a chair with your affected foot propped up on a tennis ball. Gently roll the ball back and forth under your foot for five minutes. You can also do this standing up, but be sure to keep your balance so you don’t fall over. If the tennis ball is too big or too small, try using a lacrosse or golf ball instead.

When to do the tennis ball roll

There is no set time for how often to roll the tennis ball for plantar fasciitis relief, but most people find that rolling the ball two to three times a day provides the best results. You can do the tennis ball roll any time you have a few minutes to spare, such as when you’re watching television or working at your desk.

Other ways to relieve Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a tough, painful condition to live with. The good news is that there are a number of different treatments that can help. One popular approach is tennis ball therapy.

Tennis ball therapy involves using a tennis ball to massage the bottom of your foot. This can help to loosen up the tight tissue and relieve pain.

To try tennis ball therapy, first find a tennis ball that’s not too hard or too soft. You should be able to press down on the ball with your hand, but it shouldn’t collapse under your weight.

Sit in a chair and place the ball on the floor under your foot. Slowly roll the ball back and forth, applying as much pressure as you can tolerate. Move the ball around the entire bottom of your foot, including your heel, arch, and toes.

Spend 5 to 10 minutes rolling the ball each day. You can do this while watching TV or reading a book. As your foot pain improves, you can increase the amount of time you spend rolling the ball each day.

If you don’t have a tennis ball handy, you can also use a golf ball or foam roller.


In conclusion, rolling a tennis ball for plantar fasciitis relief is an effective, cheap and easy way to help alleviate the pain associated with this condition. It is important to roll the ball slowly and apply pressure evenly, however, as too much pressure or rolling too quickly can actually aggravate the condition. If you are experiencing plantar fasciitis pain, give this simple remedy a try!

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