How to Run an Online Esports Tournament?

Have you ever wanted to run an online esports tournament but didn’t know where to start? Well, you’ve come to the right place! This blog post will guide you through everything you need to know in order to run a successful online esports tournament.


Running an online esports tournament can be a daunting task, but with careful planning and execution it can be a successful and rewarding experience for everyone involved. Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning your tournament:

-Choose the right game. Not all games are created equal when it comes to esports. Games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, and League of Legends have large and well-established competitive scenes, while other games may not have the same level of support or interest. Be sure to pick a game that will have enough players interested in competing to make your tournament worthwhile.

-Create a detailed schedule. One of the most important aspects of running a successful tournament is creating and sticking to a detailed schedule. Players and spectators alike will appreciate knowing when matches are happening and being able to plan accordingly. Make sure to account for potential delays in your schedule as well, such as sudden forfeits or technical issues.

-Create clear rules and guidelines. Another critical element of a successful tournament is having clearly defined rules and guidelines that all participants must agree to before taking part. This will avoid any confusion or disputes during the event itself. Be sure to spell out things like eligibility requirements, format, prize distribution, and so on in your rules so there is no ambiguity.

-Find reliable staff and volunteers. Running an online tournament is not a one-person job! You’ll need reliable staff and volunteers to help with things like coordinating matches, streaming games, enforcing rules, etc. Be sure to screen applicants carefully and give clear instructions on what you expect from them before bringing them on board.

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to running a successful online esports tournament!

What You Need to Know Before You Start

Competitive esports can be grueling, not just for the players, but for the organizers as well. There is a lot of organization and pre-planning that goes into hosting a successful online esports tournament. In this article, we will give you a rundown of what you need to do in order to run a successful online esports tournament.


If you’re planning to host an online esports tournament, you should be aware of the potential licensing requirements. Depending on the game you’re playing, you may need to obtain a license from the game publisher in order to use their game in your tournament. For example, if you want to play “League of Legends” in your tournament, you would need to obtain a license from Riot Games.

In addition to any licenses required by the game publisher, you may also need to obtain a license from the U.S. Copyright Office if your tournament is going to be streamed live on Twitch or another streaming platform. The Copyright Office grants licenses for “audiovisual works” which includes live broadcasts of video games.

Finally, if your tournament is open to players from all over the world, you may also need to obtain a gambling license in order to comply with regulations governing online gambling. For example, if your tournament is going to be held in the United Kingdom, you would need to obtain a gambling license from the UK Gambling Commission.


There are many platforms that can be used to create and host an online esports tournament. Some of the most popular platforms,, and Each platform has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose one that will best fit the needs of your tournament. is a popular platform for bracket-style tournaments. It is free to use and easy to set up, making it a good choice for smaller tournaments. However, it lacks some of the features of other platforms, such as the ability to customize the look and feel of your tournament page. is a more robust platform that offers both free and paid plans. It has more features than, such as the ability to customize the look and feel of your tournament page, but it can be more expensive and difficult to use for larger tournaments. is a platform that specializes in esports tournaments. It offers both free and paid plans, with the paid plans offering more features such as team management tools and live streaming integration.


There are certain games that are more commonly played in the esports world than others. While it’s possible to run a tournament for any game, some games are just more popular within the esports community. Some of the most popular games right now include:
-League of Legends
-Counter Strike: Global Offensive
-Dota 2

Tournament Format

The tournament format you choose for your online esports tournament will largely depend on the game you are playing, the number of participants, and the amount of time and money you have to invest. Some of the most popular formats include single elimination, double elimination, round robin, and Swiss system.

Single Elimination: This is the simplest and most common tournament format. In a single elimation tournament, all participants compete in the first round of matches. The losers of each match are then eliminated from the tournament while the winners move on to the next round. This continues until there is only one participant remaining, who is declared the winner.

Double Elimination: A double elimination tournament is similar to a single elimation tournament, but with one key difference. In a double elimation tournament, participants who lose a match are not immediately eliminated from the tournament. Instead, they are sent to a losers bracket where they must win matches in order to stay in the tournament. The final match of a double elimation tournament is between the two participants who have each won a match in both the Winners bracket and Losers bracket.

Round Robin: In a round robin tournament, all participants compete against each other in a set number of matches. The participant with the most wins at the end of all the matches is declared the winner. Round robin tournaments are often used for large tournaments with many participants because they guarantee that every participant will have an equal opportunity to compete against every other participant.

Swiss System: The Swiss system is a bit more complex than other formats but can be used for large tournaments with many participants. In a Swiss system tournament, participants are divided into groups based on their skill level. They then play matches against other participants within their skill group. After each match, winners earn points and are moved up to compete against higher skilled opponents while losers earn no points and stay in their current skill group. This continue until there is only one participant remaining with the most points, who is declared the winner

Tournament Schedule

To run an online tournament, you must first create a schedule. This schedule will allow you to keep track of when each match is played, who is playing, and what the prize pool is. The schedule should also include a link to the tournament’s sign-up page so that interested players can register for the event.

The tournament schedule should be released at least one week before the event is set to begin. This will give players enough time to sign up and ensure that they are available on the day of the event. Tournament organizers should also promote the event on social media and gaming forums to ensure that as many people as possible are aware of the event.

How to Run an Online Esports Tournament

So you want to run an online esports tournament? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This guide will show you everything you need to know in order to run a successful online esports tournament. We’ll cover everything from finding the right game to setting up the tournament website.

Step 1: Choose Your Tournament Format

The most popular esports tournaments are usually single or double elimination. This is where players are randomly put into a bracket and compete until there is one player (or team) left. The advantages of a single or double elimination tournament is that they are simple to understand and easy to organize. The downside is that one bad match can mean elimination, which can be disheartening for players.

Another popular format is the Swiss system tournament. In a Swiss system tournament, players are assigned a score based on their performance in each round. After a certain number of rounds, the top x percent of players advance to the next stage of the tournament. The advantage of the Swiss system is that it allows all players to compete in several matches, even if they lose early on.

Step 2: Choose Your Platform

Now that you’ve decided on the type of game you want to feature in your tournament, it’s time to choose a platform. This is where things can get a little tricky, because there are so many different options available. If you’re not familiar with the world of online gaming, it can be tough to know where to start.

Here are some of the most popular platforms for online gaming tournaments:

-Twitch: Twitch is a live streaming platform that is primarily used for video gaming. It is also the most popular platform for esports tournaments. If you want to reach the widest audience possible, Twitch is a good option.
– MLG: MLG is a professional esports organization that hosts tournaments for a variety of games. Games featured on MLG include Call of Duty, Halo, Gears of War, and more.
– Battlefy: Battlefy is a tournament platform that can be used for any type of game. It is popular among smaller tournament organizers because it is easy to use and has a variety of features.

Step 3: Choose Your Game

Now that you have your format and prize pool in mind, it’s time to pick the game or games that you want to feature in your tournament. If you’re unsure of what games to choose, consult with an expert or check out popular tournaments to see what’s popular.

While you may be tempted to choose a less popular game in order to attract more attention to your tournament, keep in mind that less popular games may have smaller player bases, which can make it difficult to fill up your brackets. It’s also important to consider whether the game is conducive to online play. Some games are simply better suited for in-person tournaments.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your game:

-Your tournament should feature a game that is widely played and has a large player base. This will give you the best chance of attracting attention and filling up your brackets.
-The game should be easy to learn but difficult to master. Players of all skill levels should be able to pick up the basics quickly, but there should still be enough depth and complexity to allow for skilled players to shine.
-The game should be conducive to online play. This means that there shouldn’t be too much lag and that players should be able to communicate easily with one another.
-The game should be fair and balanced. All players should start on an even playing field without any major advantages or disadvantages.

Step 4: Choose Your Tournament Schedule

The next step is to schedule your tournament. You’ll have to decide on a format, length, and days of the week that work for you and your participants.

There are a few things to keep in mind when you’re choosing a tournament schedule:
-The format you choose will affect the length of your tournament.
-You’ll need to decide if you want your tournament to be played over a few days or weeks, or if you want it to be completed in one day.
-You should also take into consideration the time commitment required for each format.
-If you’re running an online tournament, you’ll need to account for different time zones so that all participants can have fair access to play.
– Keep in mind that some formats are more popular than others—you may want to consider what will appeal most to potential participants when choosing your format

Step 5: Register Your Tournament

The next step is to register your tournament with an online platform. There are many different gaming platforms that you can use to host your tournament. Some popular ones include Toornament, Challonge, and

When you register your tournament, you will need to provide some basic information about your event, such as the game that will be played, the format of the tournament, the start and end date, and the prize pool. You will also need to create a player profile for each participant.

Once you have registered your tournament, you will be able to set up the brackets and schedule for your event.

Step 6: Set Up Your Tournament

Now that you know how to pick your game, format, and prize structure, it’s time to set up your tournament. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set up an online esports tournament.

1) Choose Your Platform
The first step is to choose the platform you’re going to use to run your tournament. will you be using a gaming website like Battlefy or Toornament? Or will you be running everything yourself through a Discord server?

2) Create Your Tournament
Once you’ve chosen your platform, it’s time to create your tournament. This is where you’ll input all of the information we went over in Step 5, like the game you’re playing, the format, and the prize structure.

3) Invite Your Players
Now that your tournament is created, it’s time to start inviting players! You can do this by sharing the link to your tournament on social media or through other gaming communities.

4) Set Up Your Stream
If you want people to be able to watch your tournament, you’ll need to set up a stream. You can do this by linking your Twitch or YouTube account to your tournament platform.
If you don’t want to stream your own tournament, you can always reach out to members of the community who may be interested in streaming it for you. Just make sure they have all the information they need (like the links to where people can watch and play).

5) Start Playing!
Once all of your players have checked in and are ready to go, it’s time to start playing! Remember to keep an eye on things and make sure everything is running smoothly. If there are any issues, be sure to address them quickly so that everyone can continue enjoying the tournament.
6) Award Your Winners!

After all of the games have been played and the dust has settled, it’s time for the moment everyone has been waiting for… awarding the prizes! Be sure to announce the winners on social media and across all of your channels so that everyone knows who took home first place.

Step 7: Promote Your Tournament

To make sure your event is a success, you need to attract participants. That’s where promotion comes in. You’ll need to let people know about your tournament in order to get them to sign up.

There are a few ways to promote your tournament:

-Post about it on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.
-Make a post on relevant forums (like those for the game you’re playing).
-Email people or gaming groups who might be interested.
-Create a stylish flyer and post it around town or on college campuses.

Be sure to include all the important information about your tournament in your promotional materials, such as the date, time, game, entry fee (if any), and prize pool. The more information you can give potential participants, the better!

Step 8: Run Your Tournament

Now that you’ve taken care of all the logistics, it’s time to actually run your tournament! This is where all your hard work comes together.

Before the tournament starts, make sure all your participants have checked in and are ready to go. Once everyone is set, start the tournament on time and make sure to keep things moving along smoothly.

If you encounter any problems during the tournament, don’t hesitate to reach out to your support team for help. By working together, you can ensure that everyone has a great time and that the tournament runs smoothly.

Step 9: Post-Tournament Activities

Now that your tournament is complete, it’s time to do some post-tournament activities. These activities can help you improve your future tournaments and can also help build your brand.

Here are some post-tournament activities that you can do:

-Write a post-tournament report. This report should include things like how many people participated, what the results were, what went well, and what didn’t go well. This report can be shared with your team to help improve future tournaments.
-Share tournament highlights on social media. This is a great way to get more people interested in your tournaments.
-Collect feedback from participants. You can do this through surveys or by simply asking people for their thoughts on the tournament. This feedback can be used to improve future tournaments.
-Analyze the results of the tournament. This includes looking at things like who won and lost, what strategies were used, and what the overall experience was like for participants. This analysis can help you improve future tournaments.


Esports tournaments are a great way to promote your game and build a community around it. If you’re thinking of running one, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to decide what format you want your tournament to be. There are single-elimination, double-elimination, and round-robin formats. You also need to decide how many teams you want to have in your tournament. The more teams you have, the longer the tournament will take to complete.

Once you’ve decided on the format and number of teams, you need to set up a bracket. You can do this manually or use a tournament software like Toornament. Once the bracket is set up, it’s time to start promoting your tournament. You’ll need to make a website for your tournament and create social media accounts. Make sure to include all the important information like the date, time, format, rules, and prize pool on your website.

Now that everything is set up, it’s time to start your tournament! Make sure to stream your games so viewers can watch them online. At the end of the tournament, don’t forget to announce the winners and give out the prizes. Congratulations on successfully running an esports tournament!

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